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Member Name: ksbergslien
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Favorite 'Getting Married Today'?
 Sep 5 2012, 10:38:39 PM
I love Alice's best, too. After her, Katie Finneran's.
Thrilling theatre moments/twists
 Jun 30 2012, 02:32:38 PM
So many times in N2N got me.
Especially at the end of There's A World when the Doctor reveals that Diana was found with razor blade wounds to her wrists and forearms. Most of the audience clearly had not seen the show before, including myself, and you could hear the shock.

I only saw the revival, but the Opening in A Chorus Line always gets me.

In Once, when they are standing upstage on the platform looking down at the city and Girl says "I love you" in Czech and Guy has

Cher Is Writing A Musical About Her Life
 Jun 25 2012, 02:10:11 PM got it a little mixed up I think though.
I don't think Cher is actually planning on playing herself. At least not yet.
I am a huge fan of hers and have been dying for her to come back to Broadway, but I don't know how I would feel about her playing herself.

Alice Ripley
 Jun 22 2012, 02:34:21 PM
i've got a recording of one of her concerts from the Metropolitan Room and heard many others from other events since N2N. her voice is back in action. many people just don't like her sound and will probably say she sounds terrible no matter what. what are ya gonna do. i think she sounds great and i'm glad her voice is better.
Broadway Salaries
 Jun 21 2012, 03:18:06 PM
no, it's not bad at all. but you do have to consider the cost of living in the city.
i'd think it's probably cheaper, even with the commute, from where I live in central Jersey.

Why do we love theatre so much?
 May 22 2012, 04:50:39 PM
Ellen Burstyn was at my school this semester doing a master class and she said
"Theatre is an oil painting. Film is water color. And TV is what happens between advertisements."
I'm not sure if she came up with that herself or not, but I thought it was great.

Theatre touches people on such a deep level. I have been completely changed by seeing a single performance and that doesn't happen anywhere else for me.
It reminds you what it means to be alive I think. It feeds your s

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