The Heiress Stage Door Feb 4
2013, 02:54:21 PM
That's an awesome encounter! I hope mine is just as good. 2 friends and I are planning on stage dooring on Wed. after the matinee. We are all huge fans and hope we can get a few minutes to speak with her and get a picture.
The Heiress Stage Door Jan 24
2013, 04:41:59 PM
I agree that Chastain was excellent in the part and the other cast members were just as strong. Were you in this crowd? This video was posted on her site and she is just sooo nice to the fans here it's unbelieveable. Can't believe that anyone showed up it was so cold!
The Heiress Stage Door Jan 23
2013, 06:14:03 AM
Wow. . .only 25 people? The cold must have scared people off!
The Heiress Stage Door Jan 22
2013, 04:02:04 PM
I have not ever heard of anyone seeing Strathairn exit via the stage door. Judith Ivy does sneak out there, though!
The Heiress Stage Door Jan 22
2013, 03:56:06 PM
When I went it took about 20 minutes or so for her to come out. I guess there have been a LOT of people stage dooring these days so be prepared to wait for your turn. Both she and Dan do get to everyone though.
Jessica Chastain in Miss Julie? Jan 17
2013, 01:51:26 PM
I think it will be a film version and not a stage piece. I think I read it somewhere.
The Heiress Stage Door Jan 15
2013, 09:55:38 AM
Cool! They both seem really nice and very accomodating. I keep seeing all these videos with massive amounts of paparazzi and it's making me nervous that it will be mobbed.
The Heiress Stage Door Jan 14
2013, 10:49:49 AM
Thanks AC126748. Will be curious to see what happens now that she won a Globe last night. I can imagine there will be more and more people as time goes on.
The Heiress Stage Door Jan 14
2013, 10:02:12 AM
Has anyone stage doored the Heiress over the last few weeks? Planning to go in a few weeks and wanted to know if it has been crazy seeing as how Jessica Chastain is nominated for everything this awards season.
Jessica Chastain Interview Dec 21
2012, 08:55:57 AM
I love hearing her speak about her roles. She is so smart and passionate about her work. Saw her in The Heiress and loved it. I hope she decides to do more stagework in the future.
The Heiress Questions Dec 18
2012, 10:55:01 AM
As far as I know she signs and takes pics after EVERY show, matinee and evening. I met her in October and she couldn't have been nicer. I know she will be missing the Sunday shows that are on awards nights, so def. check with the Box Office.
Ellen Burstyn/Jessica Chastain Stage Door Dec 13
2012, 10:05:40 AM
I met Jessica after the show in October. She couldn't have been nicer and signed autographs and took pics with everyone who wanted to. Though now that her profile has been raised significantly over the past month with all the awards and nominations, I would imagine the stage door might be quite a bit busier. Though I'm sure she still comes out, just maybe not as much time to chat etc. When I went there was maybe 2 dozen people at most.
THE HEIRESS Reviews Nov 4
2012, 07:45:43 AM
In spite of negative reviews the show got an 8.2 rating on this site. Strange that some of the negative reviewers gave it an 8 or a 9. Seems to me if they TRULY didn't like most of what they saw the ratings would be much lower. I heard nothing but good things when the show first opened and now that it's opened it seems like everyone is picking it apart. I think it's unfair to compare this production to previous ones. It's a different take on the story. I would think playing Catherine as "one-not
THE HEIRESS Reviews Nov 2
2012, 08:45:16 AM
I'm a little surprised that the reviews are so mixed. Everything I have seen and heard from theater goer's has been positive. I saw it and while I thought it differed from the original - it was an excellent production and a bit more lively and modern than the original. I have never seen Cherry Jones in this role but I thought Chastain was amazing and really brought the character of Catherine full circle. Kudos to the rest of the cast as well. Dan Stevens as Morris was amazing. I left still unsu
The Heiress Oct 30
2012, 09:08:31 AM
My guess is that Jessica would sign anything. She's a lovely person and I can't see her saying "NO" to a fan.
The Heiress Oct 29
2012, 08:03:28 AM
I saw this Friday night and was blown away. Hands down best show I have ever seen. The performances were riveting and the set was beautiful. It was a different take than the original movie but I felt it was a lot more lively and emotional. The entire cast was perfect and Jessica Chastain as Catherine Sloper was Tony worthy. The audience sat in silence as her father tore her down. So good I want to see it again!
Oct 8
2012, 11:03:40 AM
Thanks for the info. Whizzer! I am a crazy Chastain fan,too and I have tix for the end of the month. What's the seating like? I have 3rd row center and I hope I'm not TOO CLOSE to the stage. I like seeing the actors expressions so good sightlines is important to me. I am so excited that the production sounds like a good one. I hope this is the start of something big for Jessica Chastain on Broadway.
New Poll: Which upcoming Broadway musical are you most looking forward to? Aug 27
2012, 11:31:52 AM
The Heiress. . . .going to see that one just because Jessica Chastain is such a brilliant actress.
Walter Kerr Theater Seating Aug 1
2012, 04:27:18 PM
Thanks for the input, dreaming!
Walter Kerr Theater Seating Jul 31
2012, 11:26:44 AM
I am getting tickets for this theater next week and would like to know if the first few rows in the center are TOO CLOSE to see what's happening onstage. I don't want a view of the front of the stage, I want to be able to see the actors. Anyone have any input, please? Tickets are for The Heiress.