Kiss of the Spider Woman - Still no distributor... Feb 5
2025, 08:46:00 PM
PS That metacritic score is based on, what, 5 reviews - and even less from big critics?
Chess 2025 Feb 3
2025, 09:35:32 PM
Penna2 said: "GirlFromOz68 said: "Tariffs on hold for 30 days. Trudeau decided to talk."
Tariffs on hold cuz Canada and Mexico are doing exactly they already planned to do. It was always a dangerous stunt, not based on anything measurable.
Real Q is maybe Lea's announcement is something else, which puts CHESS on ice as it searches for another name.
Jennifer Lopez to Star in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN Film Jan 31
2025, 08:27:01 PM
SonofRobbieJ said: "I've never liked "Anything for Him". It removes any ambiguity about the sexual encounter between Molina and Valentin and it makes the manipulation of Molina so blatant that it removes any agency he has to make the choices he does."
Same! It's always bothered me for the exact same reason.
And I'm really glad I clicked on the spoiler from marytylermoore cuz that sounds like it does exactly what "Anything for Him" is trying to do, especially when the Spider Woman joins in.
Jennifer Lopez to Star in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN Film Jan 31
2025, 12:55:02 PM
EricMontreal22 said: "Speaking of that 1990 production, there's an interesting A&E Arts segment about it with some clips. I love how Prince wants to point out how it will still have pretty showgirls, etc, and for all they talk about the project they seem to avoid using the word "gay""
Wow. Such a great reminder of what a different time that was.
Tony Awards Race Jan 29
2025, 08:24:35 PM
This feels like a race that'll be a photo finish.
When GYPSY opened, most folks in the industry I know admired her but thought she was miscast. But it's hard to argue with those grosses, and they have a way of settling the matter.
Jamie Lloyd-helmed EVITA revival to play the London Palladium in 2025 Jan 29
2025, 08:23:20 PM
Folks here are desperate to take every opportunity to trash her.
Negotiations fall apart all the time. If anything, it's only unusual she said something in advance of them closing. Can't imagine talks were enough to discuss but they weren't actually interested and didn't "respond well to the prospect."
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 1/26/25 Jan 28
2025, 08:21:38 PM
binau said: "There does appear to be an insidious thing happening where people seem to be enjoying putting down Sunset and Nicole while glorifying Audra and Gypsy. A real change in attitude. I have my speculations of why this is happening."
Go on...
Emilia Pérez vs. Wicked Jan 27
2025, 05:59:45 PM
Most people I know did not like Emilia. I happened to really enjoy it, though I see the reasons why people think it's a step back in representation.
I think the performances are stellar and the film instead pretty bold. My biggest critique is I would've like the score to be more melodic.
Jennifer Lopez to Star in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN Film Jan 27
2025, 05:56:43 PM
Rentaholic2 said: "Why are critics even allowed to review it right now? Do they not have to wait until the movie it released? I thought showing at the festival was just to build buzz and get a distributor, not to open it up to critical review.
Because they're reviewing the premiere at Sundance. Festivals are open to critics. And it looks like it'll help it find one, after these good reviews.
Jennifer Lopez to Star in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN Film Jan 27
2025, 11:49:01 AM
I'm as excited and nervous as others, as I love the show. But these reviews are a pretty great start.
A solid positive from variety, and THR being mixed to positive, with plenty of pull-quote praise for the performances.
Jennifer Lopez to Star in KISS OF THE SPIDER WOMAN Film Jan 14
2025, 06:10:04 PM
If I had to place bets, I bet they kept all the numbers for her, or inside film sequences, while cutting the songs in the cell.
While sad, because the score is so glorious, it would make sense for film.
The $30 Million Musical Trend Jan 6
2025, 09:57:04 AM
Great article, and interesting how it ends: if Outsiders, Great Gatsby, and Hells Kitchen recoup, it'll be the usual 1 out of 5. In fact, even if only 2 recoup, it'll be just under 20%.
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Dec 31
2024, 01:29:53 PM
rattleNwoolypenguin said: "Wicked officially overtakes Mamma Mia to become broadways biggest movie adaptation success."
I can't help but be a little annoyed the split just fully fully benefitted them financially in the end. They have guaranteed butts in seats returns for Part Two now.
Ugh. I never want a musical to split in half for two movies again after this."
And like other films that shoot multiple movies at once, it's
Chess 2025 Dec 24
2024, 04:38:08 PM
Lea is indeed why is got bumped back from winter '24. I heard 2025 was then the plan, though.
Shubert will renovate & expand the Imperial Theatre Dec 20
2024, 06:33:36 PM
ErmengardeStopSniveling said: "I recall at one point they were discussing a new theatre being built there, and then a hotel."
Such a shame they couldn't get the new theatre in there. Am I making it up it was going to be a flexible space?
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 20
2024, 05:38:03 PM
Yeah folks having high expectations about a GYPSY is why this board exists...!
AUDRA GYPSY Reviews Dec 20
2024, 01:10:24 PM
It's also true WOM has been far more mixed. All I've heard are mixed thoughts - on the production, on her performance.
It's too early to know, but I bet Nicole still takes it. Here's where it's relevant Audra has 6 already... And when the award season kicks off, suddenly the elbows get sharper.
SUFFS Being Filmed For Great Performances/PBS? Dec 19
2024, 09:16:20 PM
Well, this is wonderful news.
EUREKA DAY Previews Dec 12
2024, 02:54:56 PM
Owen22 said: "chrishuyen said: "This is not a new play, the woke-speak was probably less low hanging when the show premiered off (or was it off off?) Broadway pre-Covid. But that is really only in the first scene and is a very recognizable shorthand to quickly understand character perspective."
Exactly. I've been so curious how this would be received since, when it premiered, it was more prescient than topical.
SUNSET BLVD. Reviews Dec 12
2024, 02:53:41 PM
I'm pleased she was open to it and also so openly praised Nicole. Says a lot about the production, but also the overly simplistic narrative that gets attached to her.