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Member Name: Born2bamneris
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re: Dream Cast for film Version of Aida
 Dec 31 2007, 01:40:09 PM
Aida holds a special place in my heart, since it is my favorite show of all time. If I had to pick a dream cast, I would probably go with...

Aida- I think I would go with Tracie Thoms here, because I feel like she is very underestimated but she has an extremely powerful voice.

Radames- I love the idea of Cheyenne Jackson, cause I saw him on Broadway as Radames and he was phenomenal, and he is really a wonderful actor(watch united 93) I think James Marsden is a great actor an

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Dec 19 2007, 06:17:30 PM
That was awesome!! Annie is phenomenal!
'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Dec 18 2007, 10:59:35 AM
Thanks Jeffery1dog!

And I have to agree with Wonderrobbie, I think we all have our opinions, and everyone needs to respect the other opinions, because Wicked you might think it is awful, but this thread is full of people who absolutely love Xanadu no matter what it sounds like, but you are allowed to state your opinion. Also have you not heard the Pirate Queen recording? I love the show, but I would have to say that recording is way worse then Xanadu

Thats my two cents

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Dec 17 2007, 09:50:02 PM
Can someone please explain this T-Shirt design? I must have missed the post about it...Thank you :)
'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Dec 17 2007, 02:54:41 PM
Lois-You definately get out in time, most of the time you get out faster then those in the audience.

I went to the Du on the 11th, and I brought my roomie for her birthday and she hated But I can not wait to go back :)

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Dec 12 2007, 12:12:55 AM
Today was my third time seeing it, so I have seen it from all angles, but I really wanted to see her face. I agree with the percussion issue, but now that I have been listening I am getting more used to it. I can not wait to go back. I really think I want to drop out of school and get a job working at the theatre so I can be there everyday lol
'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Dec 11 2007, 10:42:21 PM
I went to the show today, and thank God that robbie was there because there was no one in the audience. It was really sad, but I brought a friend for her birthday and I was having a blast and she wasn't I felt bad. I had Mary playing with my hair today, and whatever she did, the audience found hysterical, however I didn't see it.

I also got my cd!! :) Some of the songs are not as strong as in live performance, but it is good.

re: XANADU OBCR - Release Party Thread!
 Dec 11 2007, 10:39:35 PM
I went to the show today, and I got my cd. I was so excited, and it sounds great, but I think certain songs just are not as strong as they are in person, but that is how it always is. But it is awesome, and the show was great too.
re: What did Cheyenne Jackson's tattoos say at the Macy's Parade?
 Nov 24 2007, 06:29:48 PM
I didn't see it at the parade, but I saw xanadu on friday, and I sat on stage, and I am almost positive that one on his left arm said Amber, but I am not 100% sure
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 20 2007, 10:28:04 AM
There is definately something going on where it is not completely fair, and I agree some people are finding a way to cheat. I have 139, and I know they are legit cause i sent messages to all of my freiends and facebook and my mom to everyone she knows...Why do some people still have more then one video up, and why are there still international There is one who is over 1000 so should those people be taken down?
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 19 2007, 08:11:12 PM
Hey Everyone! There is so much talent in this competition it is overwhelming lol

Here is my link...let me know and VOTE FOR ME!!!!

'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Nov 18 2007, 07:57:41 PM
Only 5 days until I see xanadu for a second time!!!!!!!! :) I am sooooooooooooo excited...I wish I had seen it more but I don't have the money lol Does anyone know if Kerry will be back on Friday at 2?
re: Enter BWW's 'Give Us Your Voice' - THE LITTLE MERMAID Contest
 Nov 18 2007, 03:13:35 PM
Everyone is so talented :) I uploaded my video, so check it out, and let me know what you think! Felicia T. Singing Part of Your World (What a shock)
re: Would these shows be impacted by pending strike?
 Nov 9 2007, 08:30:55 AM
Well they won't be affected by the writers strike...They may be affected by the impending IATSE strike, but they have said that if a deal isn't reach they will strike in the beginning of december so you should be fine
'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Nov 9 2007, 08:23:29 AM
I have actually seen it once before, and have wanted to go back over and over again, but as a college student working her way through college I don't realy ahve alot of extra
'Do the 'Du!' with The 'Du Crew
 Nov 8 2007, 08:40:41 PM
I can not wait I am going the day after thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!1 I am just praying that IATSE doesnt go on strike cause that would be absolutely horrible!!!!!!!!! Anyone agree with me?
The 'Du Crew... a new place where nobody dared to go...
 Oct 21 2007, 09:28:11 AM
So everyone how did the picture go?? I haven't seen Xanadu in a long time, I can't wait I am going the day after Thanksgiving for onstage seating hehe
Hairspray RUSH!!!
 Aug 6 2007, 01:29:43 PM
I know this question has been asked many times, but I was wondering if you could tell me when the names are actually drawn for like a tuesday night. I know they start entering names at 4 but what time do they draw the names
re: Was there ever a show you saw that bored you?
 Apr 16 2007, 03:38:35 PM
Chicago...It seemed like all of the old folks were laughing at all the jokes, and I almost fell asleep
Bare: A Pop Opera
 Jun 7 2006, 02:38:58 PM
Hey guys,

I know this isnt technically a Broadway show, but I have been trying to find the Sheet music to All Grown UP and I cant find it anywhere. DOes anyone have any idea where I can find it.

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