
Would these shows be impacted by pending strike?

Would these shows be impacted by pending strike?

#1Would these shows be impacted by pending strike?
Posted: 11/9/07 at 7:32am

Crazy me...I had tickets for Spamalot for Saturday, November 23, but just this week purchased tickets for something every night we are in NYC over Thanksgiving. We are to see:

Grinch Who Stole Christmas
Rockettes Christmas Spectacular

My dad works in the film industry and is a Teamster. He has two weeks of work left before scripts run out as a result of the writers strike. Who knew strikes were gonna impact my holiday plans so personally this year?

I pray for a speedy and satisfactory agreement for all parties involved!

winston89 Profile Photo
#2re: Would these shows be impacted by pending strike?
Posted: 11/9/07 at 8:26am

Spamalot and the Grinch will be affected by a strike. Radio City and Stop won't.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Born2bamneris Profile Photo
#2re: Would these shows be impacted by pending strike?
Posted: 11/9/07 at 8:30am

Well they won't be affected by the writers strike...They may be affected by the impending IATSE strike, but they have said that if a deal isn't reach they will strike in the beginning of december so you should be fine

"I want to thank everyone who said 'you can?t' and I want to thank everyone who said 'you wont' cause guess what? I can, I will, and watch me! "-Shoshana Bean Why am I trying so hard to fit in...When I was born to stand out!
