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Member Name: BewareTheUndertoad
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Do I Hear a Waltz? Colour Footage of the original production
 Feb 28 2014, 02:16:46 PM
This was delightful! How beautiful was Elizabeth Allen!? And Sergio Franchi, such a hunk! The scenery is beautiful as well, I always envisioned it looking like a watercolor painting and it looks like that's how they approached it as well!

I adore Waltz. I'd love to see it performed someday.

Into the Woods Movie Cast
 Feb 26 2014, 01:49:33 PM
^^^I think my favorite part of that article is the clip of a random high school production in which "Cinderella sings 'You Are Not Alone'".

Cabaret at Northwestern U
 Feb 26 2014, 12:10:17 PM
The licensed libretto for both revival versions just indicate that the Emcee introduces the girls, there are no written lines.

There are no issues here from a legal standpoint.

Paper Mill Playhouse Reveals 2014-15 Season Clues! Can You Guess the Lineup?
 Feb 19 2014, 06:36:55 PM
^^Best bet I've heard so far!
Devil Wears Prada Musical casting ideas
 Feb 19 2014, 03:20:34 PM
I love the idea of Jan Maxwell but what about Bernadette? She's got glamour in her bones and it would be fun to see her play against type as an ice queen!

Paper Mill Playhouse Reveals 2014-15 Season Clues! Can You Guess the Lineup?
 Feb 19 2014, 03:15:29 PM
The first thing that sprung to mind for the hat is Falsettos, followed by Big Fish.

The first image definitely looks like Light in the Piazza to me.

The Mona Lisa/feet-----The Most Happy Fella? (That's a reach, "Oh, My Feet" mixed with the Italian element)

I feel like Can Can is pretty likely, especially since there's that new revisal they've been working on.

I hope the last one's not Memphis. No one should ever be subjected to that schlock again.

The Light in the Piazza at South Coast Rep
 Feb 14 2014, 12:04:18 PM
You know how you can put a piece of chocolate in your mouth and not chew at all and just let it melt and your mouth absorbs it slowly and you enjoy the subtleties of the taste so much more deeply than if you just chewed it and wolfed it down? Yeah, that's what this production was like.

I only had two complaints. One is quite small and one is quite large.

The small one? While the costumes were absolutely gorgeous, I thought the design choice of having Clara and Margaret matching

 Feb 13 2014, 12:06:53 PM
Thank you for such an informative post.
The Light in the Piazza at South Coast Rep
 Feb 12 2014, 12:12:23 PM
I'm seeing it tomorrow night and CANNOT WAIT! This will be my first time seeing it live (or all the way through . . . I missed parts of the TV broadcast).

I'll report back, of course.

Harvey Evans Love Thread
 Jan 9 2014, 11:25:45 AM
"Good choreography tells a story, bad choreography is a series of back handsprings."

This may be one of my favorite quotes about choreography.

Joe Carroll joins the cast of Cinderella
 Jan 7 2014, 06:23:45 PM
I thought this was Jon Carroll for a second and my loins got extremely excited!
Entertainment Weekly's first look at the cast of BULLETS OVER BROADWAY
 Jan 3 2014, 04:43:10 PM
Hmph. I've never found him remotely attractive before. Must be the angle/hat/lighting.
Entertainment Weekly's first look at the cast of BULLETS OVER BROADWAY
 Jan 3 2014, 03:06:13 PM
Who's the sexy beast in the hat over Marin's right shoulder?
Susan Egan as Miss Honey?
 Dec 19 2013, 01:01:08 PM
Only if they want the show to close.
What musical should Meron and Zadan do next?
 Dec 13 2013, 12:38:49 PM
They should do one of the casting shows where the winner isn't revealed until the live performance. They can be down to four candidates and all of the candidates can play smaller roles in the show with the winner stepping in to the lead.

Just a thought.

What musical should Meron and Zadan do next?
 Dec 6 2013, 07:27:15 PM
If they MUST do Mame, why not with Kristen Wiig or Amy Poehler or Tina Fey? They've all sung on SNL and could surely get enough training to pull it off. Although I think Amy Poehler would be a great Vera. Or Rachel Dratch. Throw in Beiber or a One Directioner as Patrick and it'll be a smash!

Favorite Kander and Ebb song
 Sep 11 2013, 11:15:38 AM
I'm also a big fan of "Yes" (although I prefer the Liza arrangement) and "Sing Happy" from Flora.

Also, "Where You Are" from Kiss of the Spiderwoman.

Nicole Parker Starring in Funny Girl at 3-D Theatricals
 Sep 10 2013, 03:32:24 PM
I saw it this past weekend. Parker is GREAT! The old ladies are also great. Nicky Arnstein is gorgeous and charming. The ensemble isn't the strongest, the staging isn't the strongest and the majority of the costumes look CHEAP. The set is beautiful and the orchestra is great. Even if the sound design makes it all sound like a CD.

I've seen lots of shows at the Plummer and it's not the sound system that's the problem. It's the sound design that 3Dt uses. It makes everything sound prereco

Standing ovations during a show
 Sep 4 2013, 12:55:57 PM
I saw the most recent Follies in LA 4 times and each time, "Who's That Woman?" received a standing ovation. "Too Many Mornings" got one twice and "Lucy and Jessie" got one once. The prologue/overture got standing o's all 4 times as well.

Those are my only experiences of mid-show standing O's.

Rebecca Luker to Replace Victoria Clark in CINDERELLA September 6 thru January 19
 Aug 23 2013, 11:39:41 AM
"I'm on plan period right now at work and this is great news to read. I think Luker is terrific replacement for Clark, who gave a flawless performance when I saw the show in May."

beautywickedlover, I totally read that as "I'm on my period right now at work" and I was like wellll thanks for that extra bit of information but what does that have to do with Rebecca Luker and Cinderella?

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