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re: Sweeney @ Hot Topic
 Sep 6 2006, 07:32:52 PM
This happens all the time really. Every time an "underground" band gets famous, all the old fans have to deal with annoying 14 year olds. It happened with Rent, in a way. And it is annoying. Then you get all the people up on their high horse going "Well, atleast such and such is reaching a wider audience. Don't you want it to be successful?? blah blah blah" It's all very trite, really.

But look at it this way... at least when you see all the kids wearing those shirts, you can casually s

re: High School Musical Will Have Its Equity Premiere in Atlanta in Early 2
 Sep 5 2006, 06:12:19 PM
Don't talk crap! According to the guy in the article, this is a "marvelous new musical sensation!" we're talkin' about here!

but honestly, the movie was fun to mock because it was so bad. If they put it on the stage though... then it's just bad. :[

Farewell, Sweeney!
 Sep 4 2006, 09:27:35 PM
...ahahahaha. Oh man, I should have known it would exist already.
Farewell, Sweeney!
 Sep 4 2006, 07:31:55 PM
If you guys think people are annoyingly "obsessive" over it now... Wait until the Burton/Depp movie and the 14 year old fans with their Sweeney Todd Hot Topic shirts. Ooh, maybe there will be FANFICTION.
Farewell, Sweeney!
 Sep 4 2006, 03:47:57 PM
What a great show. I hope the cast knows how loved and appreciated their show is, even though it wasn't as "commercially popular" as some.
re: Farewell to The Lieutenant of Inishmore :-(
 Sep 3 2006, 11:25:51 PM
Ah, I think I would have liked this. My acting coach said it was good. He has good taste, he recommended The Pillowman to me which I think was just brilliant.

This, Sweeney, and apparently Dirty Rotten Scoundrels (right?) are all closing tonight. Wouldn't that be bad for business, having three shows closing in one night?

 Sep 3 2006, 08:52:29 PM
the "jump to a show" drop-down menue seems incredibly empty without Sweeney Todd. :[
 Sep 3 2006, 09:13:38 AM
^ Ah, I didn't cry, but I know what you mean. It made me feel overwhelmingly sad, and to that I am greatful, because there aren't many shows that make me feel like that.
 Sep 3 2006, 09:05:53 AM
I went to see this show in July.

From the moment it started out, with the nearly bare stage and Manoel sitting in a straight jacket before he gets handed his violin to begin "The Ballad"... I was engrossed in this beautiful and dark world of "Sweeney Todd."

The way the cast worked so well together, how they were their own orchestra, the lack of elaborate sets, the dark humor, the acting, the singing, it was all wonderful. Such talented people! Every one of them!


re: Sweeney Todd movie release date and songs
 Sep 2 2006, 10:00:52 AM
Ooh, maybe it'll have City on Fire. That would be amazing 'cause it's a great song and not on the Cast Recording.
re: Best confrontation songs
 Aug 30 2006, 07:42:51 AM
"Confrontation" - Jeckyll and Hyde. So cool.
re: The Young Americans (II)
 Aug 5 2006, 10:22:17 PM
I did the Young Americans weekend thing in High School.

...They scared me. SO MUCH HAPPINESS. ...and they kept touching me and telling me how great I was doing. (I wasn't. I can't dance.) and they all thought I had low self-esteem because I was quiet and didn't constantly smile. Damn those medddling extroverts and their kind-hearts...They pissed me off. (I know their intentions were good, but they still pissed me off.)

In short, I did their show, I thanked the Young Americans,

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