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re: Marty Thomas is Fantastic!
 Jul 3 2007, 11:26:22 AM
There is a time and place for everything. Vocal acrobatics were around long before Holiday or Houston (both who were brought up in the type of churches where such singing is greatly appreciated and respected and in many ways is described as giving God "everything that you've got") In various genres, jazz, gospel, r&b, soul, even opera vocal decorations are quite popular - so I wouldn't blame Holiday or Houston for something that is much bigger than either of them.

And frankly, I'd hardly call what those two ladies are known for "Idol" style singing. While Ms Holiday certain has become almost a caricature of herself today, when she was on top (a la Dreamgirls) - I think it was impossible to not feel every ounce of her emotion whenever she sang. THAT is why audiences responded to her. She was giving the material everything she had - blood, sweat, and tears - night after night. Even though she wasn't the best actress, you felt every minute of her performance - and for that she was rightfully applauded.

The "Idol" kids today don't compare. I do agree that many concern themselves with showing off and forget the connection to the text. Sad to say, there are many voice teachers who encourage this - "add a riff there" mentality. But there is a time and place for everything...

In a show like DREAMGIRLS, the audience is applauding for yes Vocal Acrobatics but they are also (in a good production) verbally reacting because they feel connected to what the actors are singing. It is VERY appropriate in the genre. If you don't like the genre, don't attend the show.

I apologize for the length of this reponse. All of that to say, yes, while Marty does have a gorgeous voice...he DOES fall into the "Idol" style of singing (as you call it) more often then not - making it all about the new riff and throwing his head back to make sure you know he's got that high note. Marty doesn't have to do all of hardly sounds natural on him for the most part.

re: Marty Thomas is Fantastic!
 Jul 2 2007, 12:47:41 PM
Haha. I think Jazzysuite hit the nail on the head. It really all depends on who else you've heard singing. Both Marty and Josh have great voices, however, neither of them sound like big black women. They both have rather thin, light sounds. And although, Marty chooses to sing lots of material that'd sit in the Billy Porter, Jennifer Holiday, Idina Menzel, audition doesn't mean that it's always the most appropriate material for his voice. That being said, his "Love is On the Way" is ve
re: What's going on with the Black Cat???
 May 24 2007, 10:25:18 AM
The production has been postponed until further notice.
re: Will Oprah Spring For A New Cast Recording?
 May 23 2007, 11:03:39 AM
This is crazy. While sure Fantasia might be doing well in the show - if the idea of a new recording were to come up..Jeanette Bayardelle (the Celie on tour now) is CLEARLY the best vocalist. None of the other girls sing the role like'd be a major disservice to put someone who isn't nearly as vocally impressive on a CD.

The things people do for money....ugh.

re: 'HAIR' in Philadelphia- with publicity photos
 May 15 2007, 04:23:05 PM
Congrats Pippin! I didn't know you GOT the show! I remember you saying that you were waiting to audition. Very and Laura will both be fantastic I'm sure! I'll have to reveal my identity to you via text in a few! haha.
re: Congratul;ations Charlotte D'Amboise
 May 15 2007, 04:13:54 PM
you're right Fosse -

thats what I said earlier - clearly ENOUGH TONY voters thought she was TONY worthy for whatever reason...

I just can't help but to think "Who decides who votes for the TONYs?" Because to see ACL and nominate D'Amboise leads me to doubt their credibility!

re: Congratul;ations Charlotte D'Amboise
 May 15 2007, 04:07:13 PM
If you can honestly say that Charlotte D'Amboise deserved a nomination for a TONY (which is supposed to acknowledge excellence and mastery in the craft) for her "attempt" at CASSIE in A Chorus Line, then that makes me wonder about YOUR taste in theatre Zeitoujo...

re: The Official Tony Nominations Thread
 May 15 2007, 04:02:56 PM

You don't see much physical similarities between Davie and Ebersole? I suppose them both being blonde and having similar features doesn't appear believable enough? That's very Christine could defintely be Erin's mother visually. (or maybe I just have bad eyes!haha)

And vocally, they both have very forward sounds. Frankly, it's Davie that has one of the hardest jobs in the show...she has to recreate a period in Edie's life that ISN'T so documented. E

re: Congratul;ations Charlotte D'Amboise
 May 15 2007, 01:31:42 PM
Hahaha Munk, I was replying to a Felcia Finley quote that Muscle used.
re: Congratul;ations Charlotte D'Amboise
 May 15 2007, 01:25:48 PM
Felicia Finley is a wonderful performer and unknown by many - a Ballet trained dancer - who would wipe the floor with Charlotte. Why don't you ask Finley her thoughts of Ms D'Amboise's performance...

or for that matter the rest of the ACL cast...D'Amboise is awful. Point blank. This nom seems more like a "We just wanted to recognize your love to the community and how you're 'always there to fill in'". This nomination had nothing to do with delivery. Her Cassie is dreadful. Awful voice.

re: Grease Audition Song?
 Apr 26 2007, 09:56:36 AM
To be frank, if she knows she right for it - just sing "Hopelessly Devoted To You" since it's not generally a part of the stage version.

*If it's specifically Sandy she wants that's what I say...but if she's open to being considered for other roles then sing a 50s tune - they could then view her in many different ways.

re: Sherie Renee as Ursula Costume Design
 Apr 13 2007, 10:28:58 AM
That's a great sketch. You've definitely got some talent..I'd be interested in seeing your ideas for some other costume pieces as well.

I'm curious...are you interested in costume design or do you just draw as a hobby?

*and Curtain Pull Downer - this IS Sherie Renee we're talking about, she is a thin woman. Sure she's broad shouldered but her body is pretty thin nonetheless....

re: Question about gift giving to a cast member
 Apr 12 2007, 04:37:21 PM
What a nice thing to do...but make sure the reason you're giving this person a gift is clear. That may avoid the whole "creepy" thing a bit. And while I do agree that just waiting outside the backstage door to say hello (especially if the Swing wasn't on) might be enough, if you MUST give them something keep it simple. You don't to be "THAT" person everyone is chit chatting about in the dressing room in an awkward way....there's a way to do everything. :)

*Having swung a show before, I

re: MTV behind the scenes: Fantasia in rehearsal
 Apr 12 2007, 10:02:25 AM
Yes WICKED, we all know that you think she is AMAZING...

*If I had wanted to refer to you directly WICKED, I wouldn't have alluded anything, I would've said your name. Don't count that you've seen the same amount of things as someone you don't friend, you have no idea. I'd love to know about these theatres that have clearly made you the master of the craft - giving you sole judgement over who is great and who isn't on stage based on a CD they recorded for weeks or even months

re: Whitaker, Rashad, McDonald to NOT Star in 'Cat' Revival
 Apr 11 2007, 02:48:57 PM
Sad but soo true Margo...

I didn't want to bring that little incident up...

re: Whitaker, Rashad, McDonald to NOT Star in 'Cat' Revival
 Apr 11 2007, 02:38:42 PM
Unfortunately Ms Guy isn't exactly "Whitley Gilbert" anymore...she's lookin a little more like a Mama. She'd have to really get herself back into shape...

I think at this point, they need to call it day. The producers are clearly looking for people whose names alone will bring in an audience. Maybe they've been chit chatting with the Color Purple producers...

CAT had a good thing going...that cast was worth the ticket price alone - good solid actors. Maybe that was just too muc

re: MTV behind the scenes: Fantasia in rehearsal
 Apr 11 2007, 02:32:36 PM
Exactly. I think someone said it earlier - it's about more than just singing. ESPECIALLY when the show rests on your shoulders! And listening to someone sing a song on a recording is a far cry from asking them to sing a demanding track 8 shows a week...maybe that was why her rehearsal period was a little longer than normal. They might have been trying to help her build stamina and finding a more healthy way of singing as there is no way she'd get through six months, 8 shows a week, cooing and ca
re: Whitaker, Rashad, McDonald to NOT Star in 'Cat' Revival
 Apr 11 2007, 09:25:22 AM
WOW! A regional theatre actress...I think Ms. McDonald's TONY for Raisin and Masterclass, as well as her EMMY nom for WIT would disagree...
re: MTV behind the scenes: Fantasia in rehearsal
 Apr 11 2007, 09:22:49 AM
Think before I speak? Hahahahahahaaha.

Are you kidding me? You should do the same...your age is popping out all over the place. Your comments are clearly not well informed. But to pacify you...hopefully...

*Yes, I have seen Fantasia's "I'm Here". While it may sell records, one song does not a leading lady make.
*Yes, I have seen La Chanze's performance of the role.
*Yes, I have seen Bayardelle's performance of the role.

The truth of the matter is I do enjoy

re: MTV behind the scenes: Fantasia in rehearsal
 Apr 10 2007, 04:29:33 PM
yes it is helping SOME actors keep their jobs - but every actor wasn't born to be in the Ensemble. I am clearly not saying Fantasia is the only instance of "stunt casting"...however, she IS who this thread is about.

And frankly, telling that Bernie Telsey has associates watching Reality TV to find out who can do broadway isn't something anyone with any kind of artistic integrity should be proud of. It's sad when even the Casting Directors have to turn on the television to see who is go

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