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HELP ME!!!! song and dance
 Jan 23 2007, 10:28:34 PM
I just competed in District Thespians competition. I had no idea what I was doing.
I need help finding a song for next year!!! I'm a soprano with a good range. The song needs to be able to be acted out. (dance if possible) All the songs that won critic's choice were funny and had a dance in them.

Broadway Review
 Nov 13 2006, 09:22:55 PM
Every year at my highschool, we do a broadway review. I need help to find a song to sing. I want something that will wow everyone because I want to show what I'm made of because I'm only a freshman. I'm a soprano and I have sort of an operetic voice. I don't have one of those belty voices though I sing Hairspray pretty well. I need suggestions please!!!


re: If you could play ONE role on Broadway...
 Nov 2 2006, 05:54:48 PM
Tracy in Hairspray... it's about the only part that I look like.
I'm singing at Ruth Eckerd Hall... AND I'M SICK!!!!
 Nov 2 2006, 05:52:12 PM
I'm singing at Ruth Eckerd Hall in Florida and I'm sick. This is a HUGE opportunity for me because Ruth Eckerd Hall is very widely known. I need some suggestions of things I could do to sound better because I can't give up the chance to sing.


re: SPLT Auditions for 'My Way' A tribute to Frank Sinatra
 Oct 24 2006, 05:25:41 PM
Thanks for the suggestions, but I'm a female. They also said that we shouldn't try to imposersonate Frank Sinatra, so I think that meant don't sing any of his songs.

SPLT Auditions for "My Way" A tribute to Frank Sinatra
 Oct 23 2006, 08:57:38 PM
I'm thinking of auditioning for this musical. I need some audition tips from anyone who lives in St. Ptersburg, FLorida and can help me. (OR ANYONE ELSE!!!) I need a ballad and a up-tempo song (16 bars each).

Has anyone seen RENT on tour?
 Oct 10 2006, 05:41:49 PM
I saw it in Tampa, Florida and I thought that the woman who played the part of Mimi sounded like she had never had lessons in her life!!! What did you think?
re: Is there a non-musical play called Urinetown?
 Oct 10 2006, 05:40:06 PM
It is a musical because I was going to audition for it, but I went to a camp at Flroida State University instead. And, I'm in a singing group at my highschool and we are singing Run, Freedom, Run from Unrinetown at districts.

re: Who is the next Elphaba standby?
 Oct 10 2006, 05:37:51 PM
Are you talking about Wicked playing on Broadway? Because I saw it this summer, and the woman who played Elpheba was NOT great!

HELP ME!!! I need a duet!
 Oct 9 2006, 08:41:06 PM
So, I'm singing in a musical competition and I'm doing a duet with my guy friend. I need a Male/Female duet for young singers. (I'm 15) He's doesn't really know many musicals, and I usually sing solo. The main show he knows is The Phantom of the Opera, but I don't want to do anything from that because it's on broadway and I think that a lot of people are going to be singing that music.

How did you get your career started?
 Oct 8 2006, 03:24:09 PM
I'm 15 years old and I want to know how to get started. I've been in a few shows, but I mostly sing classical music with my voice coach. She also coaches me with broadway music, but I can't sing a lot of the songs that I want to sing because they are too "shouty" for my voice. I love to sing broadway music and I've played roles such as Nacy in OLIVER! and the Evil Stepmother in Cinderella. I also perform with my voice coach and her husband around Florida doing solos in their concerts. I'm a "big
re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
 Oct 8 2006, 03:11:44 PM
Cheez-its are gross. I pray a little. I go crazy with the cast and we usually sing some random, stupid song.

re: Your Top 5 dream roles
 Oct 8 2006, 12:54:02 PM
Tracy In Hairspray
Eva in Evita
Joanne in RENT
Christine in Phantom of the Opera
anyone in Sweeney Todd

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