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Besides dress rehearsals, what do actors do to warm up before a perfomance?

Besides dress rehearsals, what do actors do to warm up before a perfomance?

#0Besides dress rehearsals, what do actors do to warm up before a perfomance?
Posted: 10/8/06 at 1:35pm

I was just wondering, besides dress rehearsals, do actors have any other rituals that they do before a performance?

Phantom2 Profile Photo
#1re: Besides dress rehearsals, what do actors do to warm up before a perfomance?
Posted: 10/8/06 at 1:45pm

They sit around and eat Cheez-its!

"I'm learning to dig deep down inside and find the truth within myself and put that out. I think what we identify with in popular music more than anything else is when someone just shares a truth that we can relate to. That's what I'm searching for in my music." - Ron Bohmer

"I broke the boundaries. It wasn't cool to be in plays- especially if you were in sports & I was in both." - Ashton Kutcher

#3re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 3:00pm

You people are too funny (laughing) re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa

Updated On: 10/8/06 at 03:00 PM

#4re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 3:11pm

Cheez-its are gross. I pray a little. I go crazy with the cast and we usually sing some random, stupid song.

starvingartist. Profile Photo
#5re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 3:20pm

I listen to my ipod, pray, drink hot tea, get pumped with the cast and then focus.

ILoveMyDictionary Profile Photo
#6re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 3:50pm

I warm up my voice then find my center and I'll go over my characters backstory that I created. Then I do the electric slide. No joke.

#7re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 4:12pm

Most actors I know put on gravity boota and hang in doorways until showtime.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

musicaltheater1 Profile Photo
#8re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 4:15pm

- Warm up the vocal chords.
- Listen to music (IPOD, etc.).
- Practice the lines.
- Stretch/warm up exercises (for dancing).
- Make-up/costume.

"I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#9re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 5:21pm

i would say a lot of time...just make up costuming...and then there is the long ass mic checks...and just staying relaxed and calm. usually a meeting before the show to go over notes...not huge thing sto stress out. sometimes if things need to be changed they may come in earlier and fix that.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

#10re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 5:36pm

go over my lines in my head, tell myself to not look into the audience, and mostly PRAY

at SWEENEY TODD, they would sing how Michael's head is like a ping-pong ball to warm-up...


kyle. Profile Photo
#11re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 5:43pm

If you have to practice lines before a show, I feel sorry for that audience!

HOUFlip04 Profile Photo
#12re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 6:34pm

kyle - That statement was uncalled for. I know many 'professional' actors who practice their lines before a show. Even before they go on for their scene.

It's not uncommon for this pre-show practice. Especially, if you are working a day job and have to get in the right mindset for the scene. It also keeps from 'going up' on your lines as sometimes does happen. The brain is complex thing.

This is Harvard, not a stripper bar...

TomMonster Profile Photo
#13re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 6:39pm

Drink heavily...

"It's not so much do what you like, as it is that you like what you do." SS

"Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana." GMarx

RainbowHigh2 Profile Photo
#14re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 6:40pm

"Most actors I know put on gravity boota and hang in doorways until showtime."

I know this would have happened WAY WAY after he had become a major movie star, but didn't Marlon Brando try gravity boots to help with his obesity and practical smothered himself to death?

#15re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 6:44pm

yeah kyle, when some say "practice their lines", its not like they are just learning their lines before that performance (in most cases), but just going over them in your head
a lot of times i feel pressure in front of my audience, and it just helps if i review what im supposed to say so i dont go out and make a fool of myself



theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#16re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 6:45pm

yeah i agree that it is uncalled for. especially if things are changed. but nerves can add to stress and looking over a script does not mean you are a bad actor at all. I know many people that look at a script right before they go on just to make sure they nail all the things.

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

Becoz_i_knew_you21 Profile Photo
#17re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 6:46pm

Shows are always done better drunk re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa

kyle. Profile Photo
#18re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 6:57pm

I was kidding around my peeps!

#19re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 7:38pm

Did you call me a "peep"?

Did you actually call me a "peep"?

I hate those damned things that everyone puts in Easter baskets.

Don't ever call me a "peep"!

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#20re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 7:44pm

My favorite thing is to take the time to relax while doing my make-up and hair. I'm usually first in the dressing room, so I have some peace and quiet, and I center myself and watch the transformation into character. By the time I'm done, the rest of the ladies in the cast have arrived, and it's time to blast the techno!!!!!!!

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

singtopher Profile Photo
#21re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 7:57pm

I like to go over some lines because it helps me focus on the show. It gets me in the groove of my character.

I do warm ups, both vocal and physical. I've never understood actors who do extensive "warm-ups" I worked with an actor who insisted on doing an hour of vocals prior to a show. The point is to warm up, not get a work out. End of Rant.

"If this is going to be a Christian nation that doesn't help the poor, either we have to pretend that Jesus was just as selfish as we are, or we've got to acknowledge that He commanded us to love the poor and serve the needy without condition and then admit that we just don't want to do it." -Stephen Colbert

AlmostFamous Profile Photo
#22re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 8:01pm

I know that my friend does some vocal warmups, some yoga and she prays and spends time getting into character.

flaemmchen Profile Photo
#23re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 8:30pm

A long warm up can also tire you out before you've even started the show. If I'm in a musical, I do a 15 minute vocal warm up, max, because once I'm out there singing, I'm going to get warmed up more.

"Peace! The charm's wound up." --Macbeth

#24re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 9:09pm

I don't like to warm up. I believe that it's a waste of time and energy. I do it anyway, however.

kyle. Profile Photo
#25re: Besides dress rehearsals,what do actors do to warm up before a performa
Posted: 10/8/06 at 9:17pm

I've been watching too much Fat Actress! Kristie Alley throws around "my peeps" like it's her JOB on that show!
