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Member Name: Mischief
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re: The Little Dog is Not Happy About Chicago's Prudishness
 Feb 7 2008, 02:26:43 PM
This karma payback is long overdue for the megalomaniac puppet master stage director known as Eric Rosen.
re: Last Chance to See Vivino and Co.
 Feb 26 2007, 04:22:39 PM
Who are all those people in the photos then? Why none of Rathnait62 since she is listed as one of the featured actors in the press release?
re: Grey Gardens
 Feb 20 2007, 01:48:17 PM
I only thought it was OK. MAJOR FLAWS.

I didn't like Act 1 and didn't think it worked at all. Didn’t think is was necessary. Seemed just an excuse to make some in jokes about the Kennedys. The contrivance of both the women loosing their men in the same day came across very forced. It was embarrassing having the little girls and the old man appear in numbers in Act 2. The three group chorus numbers in Act 2 flopped on all levels. Cat's Eye View number with adults and kids "p

re: Drowsy Chaperone
 Feb 15 2007, 01:50:35 PM
Saw it last Friday. LOVED IT! It was a joy from start to finish. Sutton didn’t go on. Her standby was fine, nothing special, but perfectly fine.

I thought the concept and execution of the show was marvelous.

My only minor criticism is that I was kind of hoping The Man in Chair’s personal life would get a tad darker as the show gets sillier and takes over his apartment. I really loved the message that silly musicals can (even decades later) be inspiring and life-affirming d

re: Thoughts on 'The Little Dog Laughed?'
 Feb 14 2007, 02:18:24 PM
Saw the matinee last Saturday. Had a friend with connections so I only paid $3.00. This was one of the worst plays I’ve EVER seen. I walked out at intermission. The three other people I was with stuck it out, but wished they had left with me.

First of all the script was TERRIBLE! Just awful. It was dated, trite, totally predictable with absolutely nothing fresh say. This stale piece of recycled trash would have been tired in 1990.

If the whole point of this wretchedly

re: How was Audra Mcdonald as Deena?
 Jan 2 2007, 03:31:33 PM
"It's not opera, Audra, it’s a pop inspired musical. She can hardly keep up with the musical tempos because she's over working each note so much. "

you wanna give us an example?

Pick a track. Any track McDonald sings on. *Dreamgirls* comes to mind.

re: How was Audra Mcdonald as Deena?
 Jan 2 2007, 02:10:30 PM
You can't say McDonald was miscast as Dot unless you saw the production. I thought she was somewhat miscast going into it...

...but really didn't care because I don't like Sonheim and really really don't like *Sunday in the Park*. I just went because I had a friend in the cast and my bf wanted to go and he's a big Sonheim fan...

Any how... I thought McDonald was well cast and played and sung the role beautifully.

You can't say McDonald was miscast as Dot unless you sa

re: How was Audra Mcdonald as Deena?
 Jan 2 2007, 02:00:41 PM
I agree with Margo.

Audra McDonald was GROSSLY miscast as Deena Jones. She over sang the role. It's not opera, Audra, it’s a pop inspired musical. She can hardly keep up with the musical tempos because she's over working each note so much.

The only reason to get the *...In Concert* version is to hear the show in it's entirely.

It's not just McDonald that ruins this recording. Heather Headley's attempts at stealing the limelight by amping up the melisma is

re: Jennifer Hudson's Oscar Acceptance Speech
 Dec 28 2006, 01:18:16 PM
I think she'll thank Chad Lowe.
re: 'Student understudy spikes drink of lead actor'
 Dec 28 2006, 01:14:50 PM
Doesn't surprise me that this happened in the hate state of Texas. Sounds like pretty typical Lone Star behavior to me.

re: DREAMGIRLS gets a rave in the L.A. Times
 Dec 14 2006, 05:18:13 PM
Great review. Thanks for posting the link, Mr. Bennett.
thanks popculture37
 Dec 14 2006, 03:38:50 PM
I have caught Republican party mouthpiece, Patty Heaton on a couple TV talk shows. Ever notice how most of the stories she tells are about alcohol and drinking? She's always a very loud and animated interviewee. Wouldn't be surprised if she didn't tossed back a few before plopping down in the guest chair.
re: Dreamgirls Golden Globes
 Dec 14 2006, 01:33:07 PM
True adaptation is the art of being truthful to the essence from which it is based on. Certainly a film or play cannot include every little gem from the source material.

Still I found it odd that Condo left out one of the funniest and most entertaining scenes from the novel, FATHER OF FRANKENSTEIN where James Whale directs a scene in the film, THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN where it appears the blind old hermit is giving Frankenstein a blow job as an in joke. A colleague of Whale tel

re: Dreamgirls Golden Globes
 Dec 14 2006, 12:30:14 PM
Also, while I didn't think Jamie Foxx was the BEST actor, he certainly deserved a nom more than Depp for his repeat as Capt. Pirate Disney Land.

I didn't see the pirate movie, so I cannot speak to that, but I could not disagree with you more about Foxx deserving a nomination.

IMO he totally phoned in his performance. For me he was the weak link and in no way deserves any special recognition. He's sharing the screen with others who are giving the performances of t

re: Dreamgirls Golden Globes
 Dec 14 2006, 12:05:42 PM
Did you read the novel, FATHER OF FRANKENSTEIN, CapnHook?
re: Dreamgirls Golden Globes
 Dec 14 2006, 11:48:13 AM
Diana Scarwid was very good in the 1980 film, INSIDE MOVES for which she was nominated for an Oscar.

She deserves some kind of an award for her performance in MOMMIE DEAREST. Not sure which one.

re: Dreamgirls Golden Globes
 Dec 14 2006, 11:38:04 AM
No nomination for Pia Zadora? The Globes are dead to me.

Good point, Sueleen! Hard to take any artistic award shows seriously in the first place. How do you evaluate art? It is especially hard to take the Golden Globes seriously after they gave one to Pia Zadora.

New Star Of The Year 1982

McGovern, Elizabeth
Rollins Jr., Howard E.
Turner, Kathleen
Ward, Rachel
Wasson, Craig
Zadora, Pia - WINNER!

re: Dreamgirls Golden Globes
 Dec 14 2006, 11:22:51 AM
I could see justification for Condon not being nominated for best director - despite Dreamgirls being nominated for best picture.

It's a very good film, but there are some clear directorial flaws. The ending for instance I really felt he messed that up. That silly melodramatic tag really pulled the focus away from where it should have been.

I think Condon has a problem with endings. He slapped a stupid sappy ending onto the end of GODS AND MONSTERS that was not in t

re: Dreamgirls Golden Globes
 Dec 14 2006, 09:18:58 AM

re: DREAMGIRLS: Holliday and Ralph Interviews
 Dec 13 2006, 12:02:13 PM
I have family members who are mentally ill. Just because you are mentally ill does not mean you are not responsible for your own actions.

Yes, mental illness deserves compassion understanding and support, but it does not excuse bad or illegal behavior.

If Ms. Holliday is indeed mentally ill and her bad mouthing of Jennifer Hudson and the film of Dreamgirls is in part due to her mental illness, I'm sad that she doesn't have a better support system in place to help her throu

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