STEREOPHONIC Original Broadway Cast Recording Thread May 8
2024, 10:52:51 AM
Jordan, I'd also love a PM 
2024, 11:02:46 AM
Anything recently for Hadestown? 🤞
2024, 09:30:27 AM
Is there anything up for Hadestown? A friend wants to go in May. Thanks!
Sondheim's Final Musical HERE WE ARE will premiere at The Shed this fall (No, really!) Jul 19
2023, 09:47:52 AM
binau said: "Log in, there is no need to wait for an email. Once you log in go to the Here We Are page and it should say member presale. If you don't see it try logging out and in. Good luck!"
Thank you!!
Sondheim's Final Musical HERE WE ARE will premiere at The Shed this fall (No, really!) Jul 19
2023, 09:41:25 AM
Sorry if this was asked before, I did a quick search. Did anyone receive a link for the presale or did you just log in to get tickets at the scheduled time? Just want to make sure I'm ready for today at 12pm!
Broadway Discounts Jan 15
2023, 11:54:15 AM
Anything out for Dancin’ yet?
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 5
2022, 11:05:15 AM
I rushed in person this morning, got there at 9:50 and there were probably 10-15 people ahead of me (I didn’t count). It sounded like all rush seats were full view in the balcony and a handful of partial view orchestra seats.
Broadway Discounts Sep 25
2022, 03:43:27 PM
Thought I'd try once more, anyone have a code for Hadestown? Thanks!
Broadway Discounts Sep 16
2022, 03:39:01 PM
Anything for Hadestown? Looking for Oct 5 or 6
Broadway Discounts May 2
2022, 11:38:52 AM
Ah I didn’t realize when I was on 4/15 at 12, I kept trying to put it in as a code. Now I know for next time!
Broadway Discounts May 2
2022, 11:22:33 AM
I doubt it, but does anyone have a code for The Bedwetter? I couldn’t figure out how to make access25 work.
Shaina Taub's SUFFS at the Public to feature Phillipa Soo, Nikki M. James, Jenn Colella, Grace McLean, Taub, and more Mar 30
2022, 06:21:31 PM
Posting here in addition to the Buy / Sell board hoping for traction...
I have a ticket to SUFFS on Sunday April 3rd at 7:30pm ET Row D Seat 5 that I can no longer use because COVID is the worst.
I am hoping to TRADE with someone for a later date - practically any other date (not 4/14 - 16). My ticket was $108 but I'm willing to pay the difference if yours was more. I'm just devastated that I may miss this show.
Please DM if interested!
Spring Awakening Reunion? Nov 16
2021, 09:20:29 AM
Not to add insult to injury, but I waited outside for almost two hours. At one point one guy walked through and mumbled something and then there was a second line - never heard any other information about what it was for. I should have asked someone because it turns out I was in the mezzanine line even though I had orchestra tickets. Certainly not the longest or coldest line I’ve waited in to get my Spring Awakening tickets, but definitely the most frustrating.
CLYDE'S Previews Nov 3
2021, 09:06:41 PM
I was there tonight! Still forming my thoughts about the show, the performances were great! I will say of the almost 20 shows I’ve seen this year (NY and DC), this one had the absolute worst mask adherence. I don’t know if I’d feel comfortable at another second stage production. I know it’s not the ushers jobs to keep an eye out, but this was bad.
CSC’s ASSASSINS Revival - Previews Nov 3
2021, 03:44:56 PM
I would suggest sitting higher up, I was in the front row last night (loved it) and missed a scene and a handful of other moments being blocked by other actors onstage.
Spring Awakening Reunion? Nov 1
2021, 12:31:14 PM
I am SO excited!
DANA H. Previews Oct 29
2021, 11:23:06 PM
Ugh I’m in the balcony tomorrow and already don’t have the best eyesight. Wish I had decided to splurge.
Broadway Discounts Oct 27
2021, 10:56:49 AM
Thanks! There was another one that I had seen for a deeper discount that disappeared when they announced closing. I'm going to ask for it at the box office tomorrow or just go for the $39 balcony seats.
Broadway Discounts Oct 26
2021, 10:48:04 PM
Does anyone have the Is This a Room? / Dana H discount that was going around for $49 orch / $39 Mezz through 10/31? Of course that ad that had been everywhere for me is now gone. Thanks!
Which Digital Lotteries Have You Won Since Broadway Has Been Back ? Oct 1
2021, 03:25:14 PM
I've had relatively miserable luck this week, but won for Thoughts of a Colored Man tonight!