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Member Name: broadwaystar2b
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re: Does Where You Sit Matter?
 Aug 4 2007, 11:39:38 AM
Financially, I can't afford to be a seat snob
I'd rather see all the shows I can at a price I can afford than see one or two I may or may not like at a price that puts me in debt
It's not just not worth it

re: Idol: The Musical Replaces Entire Cast Prior to Opening
 Aug 4 2007, 11:33:11 AM
It's certainly unusual. I mean, I've heard of people being replaced during rehearsals, out-of-town and previews, but never of an entire cast let go just prior to opening.
re: BWW TV Exclusive: Saying Au Revoir To Beauty and the Beast
 Jul 27 2007, 11:50:18 PM
Wonderful video
I too got teary

Was also very happy that Johnny T was interviewed!

re: Xanadu/Zanna Don't
 Jul 15 2007, 05:04:40 PM
Zanna Don't is one of my all time favourite shows
It's one of the first cast recordings I pump up whenever I feel blue. It just instantly puts a smile on my face

re: nicest b'way actor
 Jul 12 2007, 01:26:13 AM
re: How much longer do you think SPELLING BEE will last?
 Jul 11 2007, 11:20:18 PM
I'm at Circle in the Square's summer program and we were told by Ted Mann that Bee would probably close in Decemeber

I like the current cast a lot. I think they are much more consistent at embodying the kids rather than "acting" like kids than even certain members of the original cast were

The sincerity and heart of the show are still there. The show will most likely become very popular regionally, in colleges and high schools. What ever happens, it's had a wonderful run and su

re: John Tartagia
 Apr 2 2007, 05:37:46 PM
Tartaglia: tar-TAG-lee-uh
re: Behind the Scenes: Getting Green with Wicked Leading Lady Julia Murney
 Feb 19 2007, 05:04:05 PM
She seems very sweet
re: Show with Most Injuries to a Cast
 Feb 19 2007, 04:42:04 PM
I think there's a story in Making in on Bway about Rebecca Luker impaling her calf during POTO on one of the spikes during "Stranger Than You Dreamt"

I do know that Gary Beach caught on fire at least once during B&TB

However, if you were somehow able to gather up every cast member, I would definately think Cats probably has the most injuries

re: Cats Don't Dance
 Feb 18 2007, 05:09:36 PM
I LOVED this movie as a kid! The only copy of it I have is a VHS of it that I taped off the Disney Channel way back when

It had some GREAT songs

re: Most Unprofessional Thing You've Done as a performer!
 Feb 18 2007, 05:07:35 PM
I've laughed when I'm supposed to be "dead" before
That's pretty much the worst thing I've done onstage

re: Ambrose Kemper in Hello, Dolly
 Feb 18 2007, 11:14:28 AM
He's pretty much your typical juvenille lead boy in "Hello, Dolly!"

He's in love with Ermengraude, Vandergelder's niece, and enlists Dolly to help them get together. Typically, he and Ermengraude are cast as dancers as their big standout section is usually in Harmonia Gardens when they're trying to avoid being seen by Vandergelder during a polka.

Changes to INTO THE WOODS for the 2002 Revival
 Feb 16 2007, 10:28:44 PM
There was some slight book change too

After the Wife said "Will only a giant's footstep stop your arguing" the Baker said something along the lines of "I'm the man and you will obey me" to which he leaves her with the baby. Little Red and the Wife then had a brief discussion about why "grown-ups" fight and then the Wife goes out on her own to search for Jack

Also, the Witch's staff deflated instead of breaking in half. She then handed it off to the narrator and the staging made

re: I THINK I SAW... John Tartaglia
 Feb 15 2007, 08:21:44 PM
John sometimes wears his glasses, but I'm not sure whether you saw him or not
re: Broadway on 9/11 and after
 Feb 13 2007, 12:35:56 PM
The erie thing for me that week was that I was just in New York not a month before and even visited the towers and got TKTS tickets from there. I remember we saw the Producers, 42nd Street, The Music Man, Les Miz and Chicago with Jennifer Holliday

Scarier still was that my mother, who's a flight attendent, was supposed to be working that day when she got a phone call from my grandfather to turn on the news

I do remember that "New York, New York" commercial though. I cry every t

re: Little Shop of Horrors: The Cartoon
 Feb 12 2007, 12:28:09 AM
I don't remember this series, but I do remember the Killer Tomatoes cartoon

If it was anything like that, it must have been awesomely bad

edit: Wow, just watched that opening myself...I'm speechless...

re: 'Nebraska Urologists Throw a Potty Party to Celebrate 'Urinetown-The Mu
 Feb 11 2007, 05:58:17 PM
re: The Line: Casting Choices (within the show)
 Feb 10 2007, 10:49:14 AM
Mercades, I guess that answer would make sense for most of the dancers, but what about Richie who comes out and says "There's no security" and "no work anymore?" and "the only chorus line you can depend on is the one at unemployment" or on the opposite end with Maggie who says "I can't think of anything else I'd do"
re: Official Johnny and the Sprites thread
 Feb 10 2007, 10:34:00 AM
I have a feeling that the Sprites will probably become Disney characters at MGM within the next year or so
re: Beauty and the Beast Audition Help
 Feb 9 2007, 11:34:21 AM
Something funny and upbeat from the more traditional cannon
That character is all about being a comic foil to Gaston
Best of luck!

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