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Member Name: miss pennywise
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Hamilton - How Many Tonys Will It Bag
 Oct 18 2015, 11:01:20 PM

I predict that HAMILTON will get NO Tonys and Jan Maxwell will get ALL of them.

On 20th Century last night 7/14
 Jul 20 2015, 06:18:45 PM

BTW, We were sitting next to David Rockwell. And Phyllis Newman was there too.

On 20th Century last night 7/14
 Jul 20 2015, 06:17:13 PM

I was at the last performance yesterday in the 4th row, center orchestra. I can't speak for the rest of the audience, but all of the people around me were on their feet when the first of the ensemble came out for their curtain call. Everyone around me LOVED it! The folks in front of me compared it favorably to the original. They actually said they preferred this revival (which they saw with Madeline Kahn.)  Did anyone mention Kristin's "extra slap" to which Peter Gallagher asked, "What w

 Apr 21 2015, 10:34:59 PM

If you already have tickets for this show, you'll be lucky if it closes before the date printed on your tickets. Be careful about wanting to see something because the reviews say it's awful and you want a "good laugh." I did that once and was bored out of my mind. Reviews of truly bad shows tend to be more entertaining than the objects of their ridicule!

Jonathan Crombie RIP
 Apr 18 2015, 11:36:33 PM

Crushing. So sad, so young. 

 Apr 18 2015, 11:35:11 PM

ON THE TOWN. No contest. I saw AAIP. But I saw OTT THREE times. It's glorious on every level.

THE KING & I Reviews
 Apr 16 2015, 11:26:57 PM

I'm so happy for the entire cast! This is an unforgettable production on so many levels. And I agree with everyone who says Ruthie Ann Miles is out-of-this-world brilliant!


THE KING & I Reviews
 Apr 16 2015, 08:48:23 PM

A perfect night of theater.  From beginning to end, it is glorious. Better than I even expected. Three hours speed by. I never wanted it to end. 

The Visit Previews * Spoiler Alert*
 Apr 8 2015, 12:20:17 AM

I am so bummed that I missed so many of you (roscoe!!!) on Saturday night! I was there, too! 

The King and I
 Apr 4 2015, 03:21:03 AM

I saw this incredible, miraculous production Friday night and am still recovering from the aftershock. I, too, have difficulty understanding someone: anyone who complains about Ken Watanabe's intelligibility or anything else he or ANYONE in this production does! I feel like I just saw a show I have never seen before...even though I saw a Yul Brunner production and the last West End production with Elaine Paige. Sher is a genius. He makes everything he directs look and refresh and origina

The Visit Previews
 Mar 27 2015, 02:31:09 AM
I saw th Signature VA production three times back in 2008. I LOVED it. I found it edgy, dark, and weird...just my kind of thing! Keep in mind that my current favorite Broadway show is ON THE TOWN and you'll understand that my taste is eclectic. I love risky, unusual shows as well as feel-good dance-hjeavy musical comedies. In other words, if it offers me something fresh and unique—and is well done—I'm happy. I don't expect everyone to share my enthusiasm, but I would like to think people are ex
 Mar 15 2015, 11:58:51 PM
VintageSnarker, regarding your comment "And then there's a really long, indulgent Gene Kelly ballet at the end."...

I understand that some people feel this way, but I happen to think the last 20 minutes of the film are genius. Those who love the film as I do are sure to agree.

Personally, I am looking forward to seeing this show (on April 4, BTW). While I adore the movie and count it among my very favorite films, I have always found fault with some of the storyline and felt i

On The Twentieth Century Previews
 Feb 14 2015, 12:00:18 AM
CPR, I respect your reviews. I always have.

The friend I mentioned earlier who loved it tonight also loved the original. We'll see. I'm going on April 5.

On The Twentieth Century Previews
 Feb 13 2015, 11:28:31 PM
My friend ended his comments with "I haven't been this happy in the theater in a long time!" I'll post more when Act II is over, I'm sure.
On The Twentieth Century Previews
 Feb 13 2015, 11:18:38 PM
My friend (who is VERY discerning and a sophisticated theater-goer of many years) is LOVING it! Raves for Chenoweth, Gallagher and Karl! He says he can't stop laughing. I can't wait to see this!

HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
 Feb 13 2015, 10:11:23 PM
Of course the humor in ON THE TOWN is outdated. It's SUPPOSED to be! It's a revival of a show originally produced in the '40s. But the beauty of Rando's ON THE TOWN is not in its comedy, but in its execution. It's a dance show, and it brilliantly succeeds at being one.
HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
 Feb 13 2015, 09:41:40 PM
I am not actually comparing this show to The Wedding SInger (which I liked more than most people, BTW!). I am simply saying that it's "okay" not "great," which is how Brantley made it sound.

Anyway...maybe tourists don't think of Danza as a "draw"; they're not interested in "Vegas," which is why they're vacationing in NYC; they didn't like the movie; or they never heard of the movie. Who knows? All I can say is I didn't think much of it myself. But then again, I LOVED "On The Town" to p

HONEYMOON IN VEGAS struggling on Broadway
 Feb 13 2015, 09:09:07 PM
I, for one, expected a lot more because of Brantley's Papermill review. I was grossly disappointed. I thought David Josefsberg saved this show. When he was on stage, I was happy. That's it. Perhaps people are pissed that Brantley made this sound like the greatest musical since West Side Story when it's really only on par with The Wedding Singer. Everyone is tired of Brantley's posturing as though he has the power to close a show or keep it running indefinitely. Just desserts? I dunno. Just a theory. But it's how I feel!
Rant about the 2014 TONY NOMINATIONS here
 Apr 29 2014, 09:07:46 AM
Nice for Andy Karl.
The production of DOLLY I wish I had seen this summer
 Aug 30 2013, 04:03:25 PM

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