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re: A Chorus Line 4/27
 May 1 2008, 07:59:16 AM
What news of ACL opening West end?????

re: Elaine Paige In Gypsy
 May 1 2008, 07:26:38 AM
Hi- what info have you regarding ACL opening London?

re: Elaine Paige In Gypsy
 May 1 2008, 06:58:17 AM
Well!- if her acting was even half a teeny bit sincere I might agree but alas it isn't, end of story!!!
 Apr 21 2008, 08:14:18 AM
which beatle is sherie dreaming about?
re: London To Broadway Transfer
 Dec 6 2007, 05:05:14 PM
The National Theatre productions of Anything Goes, Oklahoma and My Fair Lady))Simply the Best!
re: Chorus Line
 Dec 3 2007, 12:41:15 PM
It is coming-- prob 2009 when some of thse damn juke box shows have had their day!
A Chorus Line-review
 Nov 12 2007, 08:35:38 AM
To those of you who couldn't find it, here once again is my review of ACL I saw back i April;
Having just returned to the UK having made the 7,000 mile round trip to see ACL all I can say it was more than worth it.
What I witnessed (On 3 consequtive nights) was a Master Class in Musical Theatre and this current revival cast is as good as it gets.Such complete perfect ensemble work is rare, this cast as in the original is a joy to behold and a privelidge to see. Anyone contemplating to

re: A Chorus Line
 Jul 23 2007, 06:14:00 AM
errrr umm well- ok I'm on your side))
A Chorus Line
 Jul 23 2007, 06:00:32 AM
Congrats to A Chorus Line--- tonights the 1st anniversary of opening night in San Fransisco ))
re: A Chorus Line
 Jul 2 2007, 07:16:43 AM
I actually saw it at Drury Lane exactly 50 times, knew the Box Office manager so had no trouble getting a ticket, I also flew to Broadway to see it in 1980 also recently in April this year saw it 3 consequtive night ( flew over just to se it)This current cast is as before absolutely dedicated and terrific. also took in The Pirate Queen which the less said the better.
re: A Chorus Line
 Jul 2 2007, 07:02:01 AM
I remember it all too well special miss Langton who was very naughty doin 'Nothin'. Indeed the audience did stand and roar for a very long time I was absolutely numb afterwards. I don't think they intend to sell it like you say the Producer is a very serious guy charged preserving it, is true to the original. Having read the book 'What they did for love'(Highly reccomended) a very emotional read by the way, there was loads of trouble back stage, I thnk this cast is certainly more prepared than t
re: A Chorus Line
 Jul 2 2007, 06:22:28 AM
your right- after the six month run of the American cast and six moinths after the London cast houses became very thin as you say less than half full, mind you is a massive theatre to fill. I went to the opening night of the Americans and the first night and very last night of the show itself and it was packed to the rafters even the aisles were packed. Prob with people like myself who were ardent supporters of the show.
It is coming here I know that to be fact but as previousley stated the

re: A Chorus Line
 Jul 1 2007, 01:54:01 PM
42nd is St great show but alas cannot see it returning for 10 years or so because of the drivel currently hogging up theatres and the waiting list for god forsaken shows to come in. Seems as you say people just want to make a quick killing and fill their walletts without any consideration to the quality of show content.You have to blame the theatre owners for allowing at least 6-8 shows in town which are utter tripe!When there is such an amazing amount of decent back catalogue. The National it a
re: A Chorus Line
 Jul 1 2007, 11:59:32 AM
Cheers Ryan. it def wont go into Drury Lane as this proved to be a barn of a place last time and way too big. I agree with you about Jersey Boys, I have tried but cannot imagine it lasting beyond a few weeks months at the most. So am hoping it goes in there unless Mamma Mia finally makes an exit from Prince of Wales. Yes I like 42nd St. great Broadway stuff in the old tradition, lots of singing and dancing etc. I really hope we have seen the last of compilation shows about third rate pop groups.
re: A Chorus Line
 Jul 1 2007, 04:50:14 AM
I am afraid you are wrong again, the Schoenfeld has axactly a pros opening of 40'. Please dont argue. Of the 4 theatres and it is only 4 in London that could house it. ie the Prince of Wales, Prince Edward Drury Lane and the Paladium. There is not a chance of the possible 2 (which might become available in the next 2 years) that could house it to be altered. the line consistes of 17 dancers each requiring 2 feet. Work it out for yourself.and requires a considerable depth for the routines.The re
re: A Chorus Line
 Jun 30 2007, 11:24:29 AM
Oh how wrong you can be, ACL needs a 40' proscenium opening and there are only 4 in the entire west end that could house it. I am in constant touch with the B/Way producers and know this to be fact. Most of the W Ends theatres are 25-34 feet so way too small! I have researched every single one of our theatres.
re: Stepping Out
 Jun 29 2007, 04:11:44 AM
it had a great run in West End )
re: Revivals They Should Do
 Jun 26 2007, 05:12:07 PM
Too many revivals are blocking up the theatres, what we need is new imaginative shows and not revivals or compilations shows, shows with real muscle and a comprehendable tale to tell, where indeed are todays talent? Revivals are an easy way to make a quick buck or so they hope!
re: ACL stage door?
 Jun 26 2007, 05:06:09 PM
send me your email and I will send you a photo of it)
re: A Chorus Line
 Jun 22 2007, 02:40:41 PM
I also took in The Pitate Queen' for my sins)) was expecting something a bit better quality as far as the story line was concerned, found the music very uninspiring, very dissapointing from the creators of Les Miz. What indeed is the other show you mention in your message, Regards, ...Robert
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