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Member Name: kellybean2
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re: WBAF's Official GREASE Review Thread
 Aug 20 2007, 11:05:00 AM
"Hopefully Devoted to You"? He really said that?
re: Biggest Voice on Broadway
 Aug 17 2007, 04:42:07 PM
Someone mentioned Anika Noni Rose. I was sitting in the second row when I saw CAROLINE and and oddly, I could hear her "over" her mic at one point in a song. Her unmic-ed voice was not very big, frankly.

The night I saw NEVER GONNA DANCE, Karen Ziemba's mic went out during a song (sorry, can't remember which one) and you practically never would have known it. I was sitting in pretty much the furthest seat away from the stage, lol, and I had no problem hearing her at all. So I'll add

re: Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Musical Headed for Bway?
 Aug 14 2007, 10:28:37 PM
Honestly, that's not the only problem. The show is hugely expensive to mount, and it's not even doing well in Australia. To bring it over here, they'd at least have to have a mega-star or two. And even then. It's just not a viable investment.
re: Priscilla, Queen of the Desert Musical Headed for Bway?
 Aug 14 2007, 07:27:03 PM
The word around the industry here is that it would need so much rewriting for a Broadway audience that it would lose too much of the flavor.

It's likely not going to make it to these shores.

re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
 Aug 14 2007, 12:24:24 PM
I never said any of that. You seemed to be saying that having no training makes you automatically a better song interpreter. As if training is a detriment to a performer. Personally, I think vocal health is important, so a career can last into midlife and beyond. I've said my piece, I'm not going to go back and forth and around and around this.
re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
 Aug 14 2007, 12:11:28 PM
But see, with good training and technique, you're NOT focused on it when you're performing. That's the training/work process that prepares you for the performing. You should be beyond focusing on technique by the time you're onstage. You focus on it in your lessons, in your warmups, to prepare you for not having to think about it in performance. Same with acting and dancing.

re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
 Aug 14 2007, 10:55:30 AM
Why do so many here believe that good training means you can't show true emotion? One does not preclude the other, if the talent is there. It's a lovely, romantic sentiment to believe otherwise, but it's not reality.
re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
 Aug 14 2007, 10:26:15 AM
"I love imperfections, because in the case of many theater actors without standard legit voices, it makes for a much more raw connection with the audience, IMO."

If you can interpret a song, it doesn't matter if you have a "legit" voice or not - it's about connecting with the material. Well-trained voices are just that - well-trained voices. I prefer a well-trained song interpreter to an untrained one who makes me worry for his/her vocal health. I want to enjoy a performance for t

re: Betty Schaefer in Sunset BLVD Movie. Who Should Play Her???
 Aug 12 2007, 08:08:33 PM
Deschanel has been "hot" since Almost Famous. She proved her singing ability in Elf, and is playing Janis Joplin in a new film. She's hardly the new kid on the block. Her IMDB page is a mile long.
re: Congratulations to Hairspray's Candice Marie Woods!
 Aug 12 2007, 05:15:01 PM
It's the same thing. Bette Midler's backup singers ARE Harlettes, simply or not.
re: Congratulations to Hairspray's Candice Marie Woods!
 Aug 12 2007, 04:37:10 PM
How cool for her! I had a friend who turned down the Midler audition because of the two-year commitment. You performers and your commitment/security issues! lol!
re: How Do You Feel About Caroline Thibodeaux?
 Aug 12 2007, 04:31:27 PM
best12bars, she certainly comes off as "weird" and much less likable on the doc. But the Little Edie drawn onstage in the second act comes off as very likable and amusing. She was played for laughs, and she got them every time I saw the show.
re: Betty Schaefer in Sunset BLVD Movie. Who Should Play Her???
 Aug 12 2007, 04:28:18 PM
No, she wasn't, and no, she doesn't.
re: Betty Schaefer in Sunset BLVD Movie. Who Should Play Her???
 Aug 12 2007, 04:14:03 PM
Oh not Ripley. I saw her and she was whiny and annoying. She's also beyond too old now.

That Somebody to Love clip is very impressive. Hathaway could have a recording career if she wanted to.

re: Betty Schaefer in Sunset BLVD Movie. Who Should Play Her???
 Aug 12 2007, 12:46:31 PM
Who cares? If Close has been cast, I won't be going near it anyway.
re: How Do You Feel About Caroline Thibodeaux?
 Aug 12 2007, 11:10:18 AM
But Little Edie is very likable - a good portion of the second act is full of laughs provided by her character. I don't see the comparison.

Caroline is difficult to like on the surface, but it's not difficult to see someone with her life ending up bitter. Her job, dealing with clueless wealthy people for whom she toils very hard on a daily basis for very little money, is where she spends the majority of her time. You'd have to be a special person to say happy and cheerful under those

re: Who has the most 'star power'?
 Aug 11 2007, 06:25:08 PM
Patti LuPone. She owns a stage like no one else.
re: Brooke Shields in 'Wonderful Town' - How bad was she?
 Aug 11 2007, 12:18:30 PM
I love Brooke, but really, the only people who would think Broadway star pay is "lousy" are movie/tv stars who are used to making ridiculous money. That lack of real-world perspective is always astounding to me, though I suppose it shouldn't be.

re: Raul Esparza as Jean Valjean
 Aug 10 2007, 10:28:37 PM
Oh,sorry. There was a time when "on the boards" meant on/about Broadway.
re: Raul Esparza as Jean Valjean
 Aug 10 2007, 10:05:06 PM
luvtheemcee, are you involved with the production?
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