
Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?

Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?

theactorsociety Profile Photo
#1Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 12:12am

I'm just not a huge fan of his voice. I, however, ahve only heard recordings, never seen him live, but I hear ravings from so many about how wonderful he is, and I don't see how it could come across.
Updated On: 8/14/07 at 12:12 AM

#2re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 12:14am

He sings like a goat.

DRSisLove Profile Photo
#2re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 12:17am

I thought it acting was fine, and singing was horrid in COMPANY.
Nothing special.

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#3re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 12:26am

I adore his "Arbiter's Song," but really the only person who'd probably **** that song up would be like George Lucas


#4re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 12:59am

He sings like a goat.

Original. Really. Between those cracks about him and Julia Murney, people just think they're so funny. Why not add something constructive to the conversation?

"This table, he is over one hundred years old. If I could, I would take an old gramophone needle and run it along the surface of the wood. To hear the music of the voices. All that was said." - Doug Wright, I Am My Own Wife

jpbran Profile Photo
#5re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:02am

Ok. I LOVE him, and enjoy his voice and passion soooo much.

But I will admit that I find his voice kinda goat-y too. Just a smidge.

Betty Buckley and Bernadette Peters too, actually.

BroadwayGirl107 Profile Photo
#6re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:14am

I absolutely love his voice. It's unique and incredibly expressive. I'd take it over a "perfect" voice any day.

#7re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:17am

Like a goat?

Where do you people come up with these things?

Topic? I always have been more impressed with his singing than his acting.

And what Rascati said. Updated On: 8/14/07 at 01:17 AM

#8re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:22am

He has a unique and distinct voice. He's not a bad singer.

InfiniteTheaterFrenzy Profile Photo
#9re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:27am

I think his voice is excellent. I am going to go listen to "Why" from Tick Tick Boom and "Petrified" from Taboo, right now. Beautiful.

[title of show] on Broadway. it's time. believe.

#10re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:30am

He can't sing. I have a fast, wide vibrato and you need to work to control it. He isn't working at that.

I think that Julia Murney's is more controlled than his.

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#11re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:49am

Spork-do you know anythng about classical training?

If that is the sound that his voice makes naturally, no matter how fast or wide the vibrato, it is the healthiest way, and his natural sound and to control it would be long term damaging.

The healthiest way to produce a sound is to move air through the chords and not control them at all, and unless Raul is controlling his sound to MAKE that vibrato his voice is as it should be.
(note: obviously, all singers need an amount of control for things like belt, character voices, etc...but you should never control your vibrato unless by control you mean not putting on a fake vibrato.)
Personally, I think he has a great voice. It's unique and in a world of people who can sing unique is great. and I adored him in Company, his performance was mesmorizing.

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#12re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:56am

Truly, I think we could discuss this to death - in fact, it already has been in the past.

Interesting point bringing up Julia Murney, another one of my favorite performers (note: my avatar gives away my favorite male performer...) who seems to either be ADORED for her voice or DESPISED, which is seemingly the exact situation for Raul.

Personally, as I said above, it could be fought about and fought about until the cows (and goats, hehehe) come home, and we would get nowhere.

They're both acquired tastes. I like Ernest Hemingway as an author, my mother does not. I love Raul Esparza and Julia Murney's singing voices, you may not. I do not think it says anything against you or the performer's talent level themselves... its just personal opinions.

What we think isnt exactly going to change the fact that they're succesful leading actors on Broadway and well, we, erm... well, most of us here, aren't...

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

AnnaK<3LMIP Profile Photo
#13re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 1:58am

While I agree with Stephanie about the classical training theory (since I think it's just the best. Sorry), and I feel like he's got it under control..that's really just the way his voice is..it sounds like it's coming from his nose sometimes. I don't take a particular liking to it. I certainly don't think it's horrible, but he is a great actor and I have heard better singers for sure.

But I do like him.

I mean, Denzel Washington? Gun to my head..of course.

#14re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 2:07am

and I don't see how it could come across.

Wow. Unless you've seen him on stage, you shouldn't say anything about him.

I think he has a unique voice. It added to his acting in Company, I thought.

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy

StephanietheStar Profile Photo
#15re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 2:13am

nevermind, i'm dumb :) lol

and all that I could do because of you was talk of love...
Updated On: 8/14/07 at 02:13 AM

#16re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 2:22am

He said he couldn't see how Raul Esparza could come across as wonderful. If he was talking about the quality voice, then sure, you can comment about it based off of the cast recording, but he was talking about Raul, not his voice..

Please read next time. re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?

"Hey, you! You're the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber!" -Family Guy
Updated On: 8/14/07 at 02:22 AM

#17re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 2:31am

I admire his distinctiveness. Plus that it can be tuneful and, um, character...ful. You want goofy vibratos, we have Michael Crawford for that.

On an unrelated note, MovieGuy1031, I think I was waiting outside the "Company" stage door with you once. I recall your hat.

"Your lyrics lack subtlety! You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"

MovieGuy1031 Profile Photo
#18re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 2:56am

Really now?! Hahaha I love that hat - I saw the show twice (and stagedoored both times) on June 27th, and the usher that seated me said "Wow, back again for more, I see!". I knew it was the hat the recognized!

Anyhow, BDrisch, if it was the 27th you were there, then it was indeed me!

"The nice thing about the rain is that it always stops... eventually."

- Eeyore

jmponstage Profile Photo
#19re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 2:58am

Raul's is quite possibly my favorite male voice in theatre right now and has been for the past four years or so. Is it perfect, no, and that is why it is so refreshing. It is a real voice. It doesn't sound so STERILIZED. I am all about classical training, however, so often people let it absolutely sterilize their voice and end up sounding like everyone else. Raul uses every bit of his voice to make a given song work. He keeps getting better too. The other awesome thing about Raul is his ability to float from style to style . Listen to him on TTB or Rocky Horror Show and then listen to him sing some Sondheim. Brilliant. Although I have to admit my favorite moment from him on a cast recording is probably his screaming version of Time Warp. To be honest, I think most voice students can take a lesson from Raul - interpertation comes first. He uses what he has and makes it beautiful.

My Oh My Profile Photo
My Oh My
#20re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 3:32am

His voice does tend to sound odd from time to time, but I like it for the most part.

Like others have said, it's distinctive and unique. Saying he can't sing is way harsh.

Recreation of original John Cameron orchestration to "On My Own" by yours truly. Click player below to hear.

#21re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 8:16am

While I'd agree that the Tony performance was a bit goaty, I like his voice. I play "Marry Me a Little" and "Being Alive" to death. And if we're talking vibrato, get the original cast album and listen to Dean Jones' version of "Being Alive." Now that's a vibrato you can drive a truck through.

best12bars Profile Photo
#22re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 8:32am

I don't care for his singing voice at all... and I agree the "goat" analogy pretty much sums it up. It's a fair opinion, too... so to those of you who are saying "back off," I say to you: BACK OFF. Deal with it. It's an opinion, and a valid one.

He has a "bleating" vibrato that sabotages every note he hits, not to mention some serious pitch problems. I used to think Jack Cassidy's rapid-fire vibrato was unpleasant, but it was nothing compared to Raul.

I have never seen him in a non-singing role, so I can't tell whether he could hold his own as an "actor only." But it's very likely the only way I'd be able to sit through one of his performances without wincing.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#23re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 8:53am

I think he's an actor who happens to have a great voice. I don't think he was every trained vocally, which really is incredible given the level of his performances. In my opinion, he is able to be expressive and fully integrate his singing into his characterizations. It's not like having an actor who all of a sudden breaks into song and performs in a vacuum.

I agree with what some have said - that even if he were to get classical training at this point, his voice is what it is. They would only teach him to sharpen his skills, but it wouldn't somehow transform his voice into something else.

The morning star always gets wonderful bright the minute before it has to go --doesn't it?

bjh2114 Profile Photo
#24re: Does Any One Else Think Esparza is an actor only?
Posted: 8/14/07 at 9:20am

He has terrible vocal technique, and I totally agree that he sounds like a goat. Stephanie, there are ways to control the vibrato without doing damage to the voice. As it is now, he is doing damage anyway. When he sings you can see the veins popping out of his neck. He puts so much strain on his vocal cords (NOT 'chords'). Every time I watch him sing I am scared he is going to burst a vein and start spitting blood.
