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Member Name: galadriel_freak
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re: Entire Broadway company of HAIR to star in London production
 Nov 17 2009, 07:42:57 AM
They may have not been nearly as involved as the US, but the British were involved in the Vietnam war, I seem to remember reading a few times that they sent a small number of people and if fact tried very had to end the war though diplomatic channels if I remember correctly. I don't think the show is specific to that war at all and I think, while they might not embrace the show in the same way it is embraced in NY. It will be embraced in a different way and it's message will be just as powerfu
re: When does Blake Bashoff leave the National Tour Cast?
 Jan 8 2009, 08:17:48 AM
that's in the middle of a run somewhere I think... I doubt he would leave in the middle of playing somewhere.
re: Hamlet 2 DVD Code?
 Jan 2 2009, 07:48:31 PM
mine didn't. But it's easy enough to do with the right program. Sadly there's no gag reel either... I love a good gag reel... ha
re: SA Stage Seating Rules
 Dec 18 2008, 07:06:04 PM
how else are they going to make the one and only set change in the show if they don't have stange hands come out a do it? and they don't insert the track... they just reveal it.
re: SA Jan 18th
 Dec 17 2008, 07:38:17 AM
I had my 'last show' a while back (before i knew it was closing) But going to the last show for me, for me at least, is about saying goodbye with some friends. I've made some great friends because of the show and it'll be a bittersweet moment (even though they can't all be there... haha) (also sad since it'll be my last time in NYC for a loooooong time i think... haha)

but nothing will ever top RENT's last for me... that' was a WHOLE other ball of wax and set of emotions... haha

re: Jon Larson Death
 Dec 15 2008, 01:14:35 PM
I didn't follow NY theater much growing up and I don't remember quite how or why I got the recording for christmas in 96 (I think it was a buzz at my dance studio). I fell in love with the show just with the recording (it took me a few years to finally be able to see it on tour). I didn't know 'the history of RENT', or the buzz it had in NY or Jonathan Larson. So while I will admit, the timing and tragedy of his death have followed the show, I will not agree with the fact that it was a major
re: Best Spring Awakening On stage seats
 Dec 5 2008, 06:19:26 PM
little did i know that chart would get around so much... haha
re: Embarrassed by 'fans'
 Dec 2 2008, 07:45:22 AM
ditto on taye... haha...

i live outside NYC... so I'm able to admit my love for certain shows without fear of being labeled a fangirl. (i'm a bit older then most fangirls... but I'm afraid of being labeled as such often enough)

but when i talk to people who are fans of theater... i'm almost afraid to admit my affection to some shows/actors... amazingly enough... in this part of my life i'm actually sane... haha...

I really want to remind some people that actors are

re: HELP - Why do YOU like musicals so much?
 Nov 18 2008, 07:51:37 PM
Because they're hyper reality. It's the same reason I love science fiction *don't hit me* more then theater (it IS tough call though). It's because you don't break into song in real life (most people), same way I'm not able to travel though time or set flight with aliens.

I live in reality... I go to theater, read books, and watch movies that aren't reality. Fluff musical or dramatic musical... it's another world.

I very much want to break into full blown dance numbers in r

re: spring awakening sold out
 Oct 26 2008, 11:36:04 PM
sleepyguy, telecharge did start already. When the final date was first announced they were only on sale until jan. 3rd. But sure enough, 10am or so Friday the were released until the 18th.

And people attacked... ha

As for the fangirls... I'm bring my mace with me... that or a shiny object... both will be effective... they will NOT ruin it for me... haha

re: Spring Awakening to Close January 18
 Oct 24 2008, 01:19:37 PM
This show is a special one to me... but I'm looking at it this way.

It's not a big surprise to anyone is it... sadly we were expecting it a bit...

let's not morn that it's leaving... but remember and celebrate that it lastest while it did and that we got to experience it...

It sucks for everyone involoved (mostly those actually involoved with the show), but that can't be what people dwell on...

re: Spring Awakening Suicide Scene Question
 Sep 27 2008, 11:29:38 AM
Agreed, this show was one of the influences that helped bring me out of a "funk" that was in because I realized that I didn't want to go there. I think it's actually highly hopeful.
re: What is appropriate attire for the final RENT show?
 Sep 5 2008, 02:48:19 PM
"I was about to say "instead of Chucks, shoes", but I think Chucks would be fine. It's 'Rent', not 'La Boheme'. "

Chucks can be very dressy! haha. I do wear them with my suit to work often. I'm wearing my clean ones sunday night at least. ha.

re: What is appropriate attire for the final RENT show?
 Sep 5 2008, 02:27:47 PM
i'm going with the equivalent of chucks and a suit... (I'm a dork) haha... I do do 'formal'...
re: Matt Morrison and Lea Michele to star in new FOX show GLEE
 Sep 5 2008, 01:42:01 PM
blackpool is a british mini series that inspired Viva Laughlin. it has David Tennant and Sarah Parish, two people i love. I highly recommend it to everyone... It's fantastic.
re: Matt Morrison and Lea Michele to star in new FOX show GLEE
 Sep 5 2008, 01:14:04 PM
Someday Lea will play someone her own age... I never believed her as a teenage in SA either...

I for one, liked Viva Laughlin... but enjoyed Blackpool much, much more...

I Can't Believe This is... Goodbye
 Sep 4 2008, 07:42:40 AM
I was going to post somewhere else, but it seems like anytime anyone mentioned RENT people pretty much brought their claws out...

but I'm not going to lie that, no matter what else comes along, RENT will always be my favorite. Not because it's the best show out there or anything, but because it brought me (a non theater person growing up) into theater and spoke to me as a young, shy teen when it came out. People can hate the show, the fans (some of which I agree are very scary) all t

Spare ITH ticket - 2nd row
 Aug 28 2008, 10:29:45 AM
a lurker comes out of the dark... HA... my first post here and I come bearing a bit of a present to someone...

I have a spare In The Heights ticket for sept 6th, eve show, orch, row A. I got the ticket for a friend and she can't use it anymore so I'm hoping someone will help me out... It's a great seat so I'm hoping it won't be that hard. haha... I'm asking for what I paid (full price) but I'm ignoring taxes and the like. PM me if you have any questions or are interested. Thanks!

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