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Member Name: DownstageRight2
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re: Spring Awakening cast ?
 Nov 23 2007, 09:06:11 PM
john IS leaving but his leave may be pushed back from its original december date due to all of the missed strike performances. hope that helps a little.
let's hope it does!
 Nov 23 2007, 09:02:37 PM
next week please?
i am starting to fear for my job and i miss my theatre.
not to mention that no one in my world will be receiving any holiday presents as long as i am subsisting on unemployment checks.
enough is enough.
the producers need to bend and stop trying to break the union.
back to work now!

 Nov 10 2007, 04:58:18 PM
Amen justaguy! These people who are bashing unions have obviously never been a member of one. Back when i waited tables in a hotel in the city i was in local 6. we had 3 health centers one in brooklyn, one in midtown and one in harlem with their own dental offices and pharmacies. it was like having your own private hospital just for members. no hmos, no forms, no hassels, no co-pays, no fees, and all thanks to the power of the ny hotel workers union. does your non-union job provide that level of
re: Who is REALLY affected by the strike? Oh, those POOR tourists!
 Nov 10 2007, 04:29:02 PM
The stagehands have never, repeat, NEVER in their 120 plus year history felt the need to strike until now. Do you honestly think that they would have made that decision lightly?
 Nov 10 2007, 04:24:16 PM
Broadway is a billion dollar industry and has never been more profitable than now. If you were hired to work for 20 days wouldn't you expect to be paid for the entire 20 day period even if the producers decided at some point that they don't need you for 3 of those days? And when exactly would that decision be made? How much notice would you need to find another job when you previously thought that you were secure? If an actor comes into rehearsal for two hours they aren't paid for two hours, the
 Nov 10 2007, 03:00:29 AM
let me help u out here folks. this is not hearsay. it is the information i left work with this evening.
the strike is real and happening.
the meeting at 9am is just to hand out placards and picketing locations. leaving the theatre tonight we got the official word from the business agents for the hair, wardrobe, and then finally the word from the stagehands union that the strike was on. we still have to report to work of course but were told to remove anything valuable or necessary from o

re: Lock-out could come any time
 Nov 8 2007, 08:10:48 PM
don't worry. it won't last long. there is no way the city will allow it to go on for more than a week tops.
re: Lock-out could come any time
 Nov 8 2007, 08:02:11 PM
the union is going on strike tomorrow afternoon.
theatres should be locked tomorrow night

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