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Member Name: JimmyP2
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re: Jujamcyn won't try to close GRINCH show
 Nov 26 2007, 07:16:21 PM
That's good. It seems that after all the turkey this past weekend that "Cooler heads" have prevailed. Between the Grinch and the on going negotiations things are looking up.
re: strage link on playbill.-Strike over?!
 Nov 25 2007, 04:17:15 PM
"That's why I wrote my post the way I did."

If it means anything to you. I got it! and I even chuckled.

re: Books about Broadway...
 Nov 24 2007, 09:35:15 PM
Here's another vote for "Not Since Carrie". It was the first book on Broadway I bought. I think I got it on 44th street in some theater book store.
re: how many Union Jobs are affected by the strike of 355 stage hand jobs ?
 Nov 24 2007, 12:18:37 PM

That averages out to over 2100 people per show. I didn't know it took that many people to make one show happen. No wonder tickets cost so much.

re: To those of you who don't like unions
 Nov 22 2007, 02:43:46 PM
Mr Roxy said:
"The league made a mistake putting in the work rules unilaterly. The union made the bigger one calling the strike during the holiday season & not in stating it would start 1/1/08. They would have made their point by telling people they were not striking now so as not to kill the holiday season. They would have staged major PR points"

But wouldn't waiting till January be like teachers going on strike the day after school lets outs for the summer? Or lifeguards going

re: The Strike May Get Worse
 Nov 22 2007, 01:23:20 PM
If they come to some kind of agreement Sunday night I would hope they can do shows on Tuesday.

re: GRINCH to Re-open Friday!!
 Nov 21 2007, 07:35:18 PM
I know I'm going to sound like a leach.....but....Does anyone know what site to go to for tickets? I can't seem to find anywhere that will let me pick my seats.

I'm only looking for 2 tickets for myself and a friend.

I'm going to get my asbestos undies on now.

re: GRINCH to Re-open Friday!!
 Nov 21 2007, 02:13:46 PM
I don't get this. Aren't they suing to make the stagehands go back to work?

"Paul Libin, the producing director of Jujamcyn Theaters, which owns the St. James Theatre, where ``the Grinch' was playing, said that Jujamcyn would appeal the decision."

I'm not sure how the link thing works I hope this is it.

re: League's Open Letter to Actors & Stage Managers
 Nov 21 2007, 08:23:06 AM
I agree, this is a little creepy. The first thing that came to mind was the old line.

"Come Into My Parlor Said The Spider To The Fly"

re: The Strike May Get Worse
 Nov 20 2007, 09:57:46 PM
I was confused about this part. Does anyone know what they mean in this part?

"We dropped the request that Carpentry Department employees could assist each other, which forces us to hire more people than we need."

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