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Member Name: BertCCRI
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re: Who's seeing Legally Blonde Tour opening night today?
 Sep 28 2008, 01:12:47 AM
Rooboy: nice job on your report. All of your observations are on the money.
Adam Zelasko was out of the show on Saturday night, his roles covered by Jay Garcia, who was not as good as Adam, but, in fairness, has probably had little or no rehearsal as Padamadan and Nikos.
As I'm sure will come as no surprise to anyone who watched the "Search for" program, Lauren is terrific in all the scenes that she is in. She has assorted solo singing lines which she belts with gusto -- though it strai

re: Who's seeing Legally Blonde Tour opening night today?
 Sep 28 2008, 12:57:21 AM
The new lyric in "Omigod You Guys" that replaces the freeway line is Serena singing "Wardrobe crisis to supervise."
re: Who's seeing Legally Blonde Tour opening night today?
 Sep 28 2008, 12:52:06 AM
The pictures in the souvenir program are all from the Broadway production. I presume that there will be a new book for the tour once they have a chance to do a photo call and get a new program printed up. Merchandise sales have been brisk, owing greatly to the number of kids and teens at the performances.
re: Who's seeing Legally Blonde Tour opening night today?
 Sep 28 2008, 12:42:00 AM
Colleen, I'm guessing that her former student is Becklee Andrews. She is extremely talented.

re: Who's seeing Legally Blonde Tour opening night today?
 Sep 27 2008, 10:34:26 AM
Just a couple of comments on Colleen's points:

* I didn't notice the "walk-off" during "Whipped Into Shape" because I was watching Lauren, whom I hadn't noticed in the number at previous performances -- there are considerably more men than women doing the routine. In fact, the one that Brooke reprimands for dogging it is a man, referred to as "Dana." Lauren was doing fine. She also does a nice cartwheel earlier in the show as a Delta Nu.

* Total agreement on D.B. Bonds -

re: Who's seeing Legally Blonde Tour opening night today?
 Sep 27 2008, 01:02:57 AM
Stacey Sargeant was out of the show again on Friday, replaced for the second time by Leslie McDonel as the Store Manager and the Judge (not the DA, as misidentified above). Leslie had a couple of minor line stumbles on Thursday, but was fine on Friday. In answer to an earlier inquiry, the DA is played by Sarah Marie Jenkins.
According to Equity rules, understudies are to have their own costumes for roles that they cover. It's likely that the understudy costumes are still "in process."

re: The Future of Bailey?
 Sep 24 2008, 10:19:36 PM
I enjoyed Bailey's performance in "Legally Blonde" very much, and I hope her career continues successfuly. And Autumn, with her considerable vocal gifts, should find steady employment. But, as I suspected might be the case, the "real" winners of the MTV "Search For" program may well turn out to be Lauren and Rhiannon, who will be gainfuly employed on the "LB" tour for some time to come. They are both doing an excellent job -- I will see them in the show five more times before the tour heads
re: Who's seeing Legally Blonde Tour opening night today?
 Sep 22 2008, 07:22:43 PM
The lack of all the "big" sets used on Broadway does not damage the show itself. In fact, I would maintain that the simpler sets used in the tour demonstrate the strength of the basic material, which works just as well without the spectacle. This production will certainly encourage school and community groups to produce the show in the future because it clearly demonstrates that all that "great big stuff" is not required. What you need that is far more important is a talented, energetic cast
re: What do you think of the 'Elle of a Chat' Video?
 Jul 27 2008, 09:38:51 PM
Having watched similar videos (some also taped on the same day at Sardi's) on other Broadway websites, I give Bailey lots of credit for having already learned how to cope with consecutive rounds of interviews during which she is more or less asked the same questions repeatedly, and yet is able to maintain her charm, energy, and enthusiasm as if she has never heard these questions before. I am reminded of Tommy French's line in "Smile" when he watches from the wings as a novice performer skil
re: ABC Hails Bailey
 Jul 26 2008, 01:40:09 AM
Winston, Celina was in Cats, 42nd Street, Dracula (understudied Lucy) and Tarzan (understudied Jane). Emma was in La Cage Aux Folles (with Paul Canaan), in the ensemble and understudied Anne. Autumn played Beth in the national company of Little Women, and thus got to die nightly, after singing the lovely song "Some Things Are Meant to Be." I saw that production in Boston, and she was very good.

re: Bobby Spencer to join Alice Ripley in Arena's NORMAL
 Jul 26 2008, 12:54:06 AM
I would be more than happy with Morgan Weed, whom I also saw in "Saved," and thought she was terrific. And I enjoyed talking to her after the performance as well.

re: Bobby Spencer to join Alice Ripley in Arena's NORMAL
 Jul 26 2008, 12:45:33 AM
Any chance that Jennifer Damiano might be back in the show? She was excellent at Second Stage.
re: GAME: 3-Word Lyric Trivia
 Sep 3 2006, 12:54:42 AM

"world's first rainbow"

re: Spelling Bee Question- Marcy
 Sep 3 2006, 12:51:30 AM
I've seen Lisa Yuen as both Marcy and Rona, and she does a fine job in each role.
re: GAME: 3-Word Lyric Trivia
 Sep 3 2006, 12:45:54 AM
"Kiss of the Spider Woman"

"childish slender creature"

re: GAME: 3-Word Lyric Trivia
 Sep 2 2006, 12:13:21 AM
"Sweet Charity"

"I'm a dragonfly"

re: Most talented broadway couple?
 Aug 12 2006, 12:28:10 AM
Marin Mazzie and Jason Danieley
re: Rate the musical above you.
 Aug 12 2006, 12:23:07 AM
(I saw Amour last summer at Goodspeed (twice) and loved it.

[Aida gets a 3 from me.]


re: New Eponine Casting
 Aug 9 2006, 12:32:52 AM
Having seen Les Miz about 40 times (I've long since lost count), I'm not compelled to rush to the revival. However, I would definitely go if Celia was playing Eponine, a role for which she is ideal. Heretofore, my favorite Eponine was Dana Lynn Caruso ... but that was 'way back in 1989-90, on the road.
re: For Spelling Bee Fans
 Aug 5 2006, 01:28:35 AM
Thanks for posting this link: what a nice piece! Lisa is wonderful in "Spelling Bee." Not only does she have a lovely voice, she's also very funny, especially with her "factoids" about the contestants.
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