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Member Name: ColorTheHours048
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'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 25 2024, 10:57:21 AM

At this point, I really don’t see a transfer to Broadway in the cards. The only house they could theoretically transfer to is Circle in the Square, and I doubt they want to wait until R+J closes to do so. Any momentum they’ve built will likely be dissipated by January/February, and as Kad noted, it already feels like interest is waning. It reminds me of Oratorio for Living Things a couple seasons ago: rave reviews, excellent word-of-mouth, rumblings of a transfer, needs a uni

Ragtime at City Center
 Jul 24 2024, 12:15:50 PM

Jonathan Cohen said: "Did I miss something obvious? Taub being castseems like a backdoor announcement of Suffs closing. Unless she's just taking a couple of weeks off."

Actors take time off from their currently running shows to appear in an Encores concert all the time. She’s in a particularly good spot to do it, since she already has a standby and understudies. Joy Woods will also, theoretically, be taking time off if The Notebook is still running.

Ragtime at City Center
 Jul 24 2024, 12:04:47 PM

Great casting all around.

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 23 2024, 10:36:43 PM

Glad my husband called today. There were apparently some folks who filled out the emailed form over the weekend who fell through the cracks. We were able to be rescheduled for 8/10, and (gratefully) we were upgraded a bit.

It sounds like the possibility of an extension is still up in the air. They weren’t able to promise that there would be available dates past the 11th, so we had to refund one of our seats.

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 22 2024, 03:42:06 PM

Really kind of bummed about how they’ve handled the weekend cancellations. Obviously, it’s out of their hands; but my husband filled out the form they sent right away, and not only have we not heard back with a response, they haven’t answered calls to their box office or admin offices. Our friends who were seeing it with us are only here through the end of the week and are willing to swap out one of the shows they already booked to see Cats instead, but now I&

Welch’s GATSBY to premiere in 2024 ART
 Jul 20 2024, 06:00:04 PM

Broadway Flash said: "We need more patriotic musicals like SUFFS and BACK TO THE FUTURE"


'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 20 2024, 03:02:50 PM

Wow, I’m bummed.

'CATS: The Jellicle Ball' at PAC reviews
 Jul 19 2024, 09:54:15 PM

Finally seeing this tomorrow night. I can’t wait! Grabbing dinner at The Dead Rabbit beforehand as well, which I’ve also been looking forward to checking out for a while.

Also, the weather in the city is bearable for the first time in weeks. Bless.

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Jul 18 2024, 01:21:01 PM

My guess is that she’ll mostly perform Tuesdays, but there’s likely enough exceptions to that rule that the producers are just saying “certain performances.” They’ll definitely announce her dates in advance once they solidify the schedule.

SUNSET BLVD to transfer to Broadway
 Jul 18 2024, 01:11:50 PM

Mandy Gonzalez will be the Norma alternate.

Carolee Carmello to lead KIMBERLY AKIMBO National Tour
 Jul 17 2024, 01:22:32 PM

Exciting! This is perfect casting. I’m glad we’re in an age when big names like Carolee, Betty Buckley, and Stephanie J. Block go on tour because the material and opportunity is too good to pass up simply because it’s not at “home.”

I also hope we see some of (if not all) the Broadway understudies stepping up as main cast. I thought Emily Koch, Jim Hogan, and Betsy Morgan were all excellent.

THE QUEEN OF VERSAILLES musical will have pre-Bway tryout this summer in Boston
 Jul 17 2024, 09:40:00 AM

If I recall correctly, weren’t early previews of Wicked in SF over 3 hours? Listening to demos and cut songs of his over the years since Wicked’s debut has proven he’s more than willing to make drastic changes.

10th anniversary of Heathers
 Jul 16 2024, 02:00:06 PM

Broadway Flash finally makes a thread worth discussing, and almost immediately proves why we just need to stop responding to them entirely - valid conversation points or not.

Heathers: The Musical is a lot of things. “Gorgeous” or a “masterpiece,” it is not. And for all the Sondheim shows you derided so far in this thread, you think Here We Are is full of bangers? Get your head examined.

10th anniversary of Heathers
 Jul 16 2024, 07:42:51 AM

I love Heathers - the movie and the musical, pretty equally - and feel like much of the disdain for the show came from the poor production quality of the original NWS run. I’ve still yet to see any other production, but the bones are there for a biting, funny, poignant evening.

That being said, it’s a tough sell - the original couldn’t even sell out a smallish Off-Broadway house - and I doubt we’ll ever see it on Broadway.

Shorts in the theater
 Jul 11 2024, 11:33:12 AM

Only the most insufferable individuals police other people’s choice of outfit at the theater.

City Center’s MATTRESS transferring to Broadway this summer
 Jul 8 2024, 03:22:57 PM


NYT: New York Moves to Clean Up Times Square After a Spate of Crimes
 Jul 6 2024, 01:14:39 PM

Thank you for saying it more politely than I could, TheatreFan. I’m hearing a lot of talking points from “well-meaning Liberals” that sound awfully similar to the “crazy Right-wingers” they claim to not be at all like. Fear-mongering propaganda affects more than just Fox News loyalists.

Life and Trust (from the Sleep No More producers)
 Jul 6 2024, 07:56:30 AM

Blaxx, no offense, but you seem to be having some reading comprehension problems in this thread. I know it’s expensively produced, and acknowledged that in my post. In the first sentence, even.

I meant it’s cheap in that it’s an easy ripoff. They copied Sleep No More’s aesthetic nearly wholesale, from the moment you enter. Sorry for not elaborating on my singular word choice.

STEREOPHONIC Opening Night Critics’ Reviews
 Jul 5 2024, 09:24:26 AM

Looks like the cast is finally taking some well-earned time off. Tom Pecinka and Juliana Canfield have also had understudies on in the last week. Would love to see other actors’ interpretations.

Life and Trust (from the Sleep No More producers)
 Jul 4 2024, 10:12:30 PM

A cheap - though clearly very expensively produced - imitation of Sleep No More in nearly every way: from the dimly lit, pseudo maze of an entry; to the clunky Venetian masks; to the horrendous audience behavior. I didn’t stay until the finale, so I can’t give my take on the show as a whole, but I was bored enough and had been bodychecked enough that I decided it wasn’t worth the further disappointment.

My biggest complaint is that the space is oppressively h

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