Too early 2017 Tony performance thread Feb 11
2017, 07:37:55 PM
Great Comet is a tough one! I feel like they might do Prologue/Pierre or Prologue/Dust and Ashes for Mr Groban, but as he is leaving afterwards it makes sense for them to focus on someone else. I really do hope they show off the other actors who get nommed (assuming they do). I'd love for Lucas's 'Petersburg' note to be recorded on video!
Help with a School Project Feb 11
2017, 07:29:01 PM
Thanks so much to everyone who replied, the sources have been immensely helpful.
And if anyone is wondering why I'm not asking my teacher it's because Design and Technology is a very broad course, most people usually make nick-nacky infomercial type of stuff for their major designs, and that's the sort of stuff my professor knows about (and the theory syllabus is rubbish). He doesn't know anything about theatre, and unfortunately where I'm from (Wagga Wagga, Au
Help with a School Project Feb 11
2017, 02:46:15 AM
Sorry for the bump, I just really need help for this.
Help with a School Project Feb 10
2017, 06:42:10 PM
Hi everyone!
I am undertaking a course called 'Design and Technology' and I have to do one major project this year- at the moment, I'm creating a set design for The Great Comet of 1812 (obviously unofficial), but for a touring production. That being said, I need to create a 'financial budget' for a rough estimate at costs. This doesn't need to be extensive, I honestly just need to brush over it.
So, the problem is, I'm not really sure where to look fo
Hamilton in Chicago Jan 12
2017, 01:19:37 AM
I saw the show tonight, overall I found it to be a much more enjoyable experience than with the OBC.
Standouts were Burr, Angelica, Eliza, King George and Jefferson. I preferred all listed to their original counterparts.
Also, I overheard an usher talking to an audience member about Wayne Brady and I heard that he will only be in for 3 months (but to me that seems unusually short so I'm second guessing myself haha).
TKTS For Great Comet Jan 10
2017, 04:19:59 PM
Fair enough, thanks for the help!
TKTS For Great Comet Jan 10
2017, 04:16:02 PM
Fair enough. Sometimes I've been able to ask for (eg) a mezzanine seat over orchestra, is this not usually allowed?
What shows should I see ? Jan 10
2017, 04:14:35 PM
I saw Cats a few nights ago with no prior knowledge other than listening to the cast recording once and hating it. I actually really loved the show, the dancing is awesome! It's light, but it's a fun night out. Definitely keep Comet. I've only seen the Australian Aladdin and it was alright, I'm sure the Broadway leads are much stronger.
TKTS For Great Comet Jan 10
2017, 04:08:17 PM
Just to clarify, I couldn't walk up to the TKTS booth and get rear mezzanine seats for half of the price right? If i recall last time I purchased tickets there was a lady next to me asking for rear mezzanine Waitress seats and it would have cost 180 dollars for the pair. I'm just very confused as to how it works.
Falsettos Closing Performance Jan 10
2017, 01:50:09 PM
Anthony was wonderful at the closing performance! The cold in his voice (especially towards act two) sounded like he had more emotion, and my heart broken at how sad he looked through most of act two. That kid is crazy talented.
Great Comet vs Evan Hansen Jan 10
2017, 01:47:42 PM
I thought Rachel was really really wonderful, but to be honest I just can't get over Amber Gray's rendition of Charming and all the nuances in her performance- including when she isn't the primary focus of the scene. She's who ill be rooting for come Tony tine
Also, does anyone think Josh poses any competition for Lead Actor? I think he should deservedly get a nomination but perhaps not win. And I am really hoping for a nomination (and hopefully win!) for Lucas Ste
TKTS For Great Comet Jan 10
2017, 01:10:44 PM
Forgive me but I'm not actually 100% sure how it works. I'm pretty sure they take half off the standard price of tickets (or at least that's what's been doing since I've been going). The stage seats cost a substantial amount, and if I recall correctly 90 dollars for then is more than 50 percent off. I think if there are front mezz/good orchestra seats avaliable they would be the same price (90). Sorry I couldn't help you more!
TKTS For Great Comet Jan 10
2017, 12:57:48 PM
I think they are always roughly 90 dollars, when I went I got a downstage table seat (considered onstage premium). I'm assuming the price is the same for all others considering they are the most expensive seats.
Great Comet vs Evan Hansen Jan 10
2017, 10:44:11 AM
I probably sound like a total Debbie downer but I really did enjoy the show, just moreso the performances/plot over the score.
What draws you to see a show? Jan 10
2017, 10:42:20 AM
For me its the music (I live in Australia so cast recordings are my only way to experience NY theatre), followed by the cast (eg saw Othello due to the leads), and lastly the word of mouth (eg Dear Evan Hansen).
What are your favourite opening numbers? Jan 10
2017, 10:38:29 AM
Prologue from the Great Comet! It's fun, light, catchy, and genuinely helpful for those who struggle with remembering whos who.
Great Comet vs Evan Hansen Jan 10
2017, 10:34:42 AM
I think regarding DEH'S score, my problems were they really didn't progress the plot other than You Will be Found (and arguably Words Fail). I was also kind of irritated by all the Waving Through a Window reprises, the song itself is outstanding, but at times when they repeated lines from it I just felt as though it was cheesey.
Cats Previews Jan 10
2017, 10:31:59 AM
I was there on Sunday night, and Mamie was out again (anyone know when she's back?). She was the main reason I wanted to see the show, but Jessica Hendy did not disappoint! Her Memory gave me shivers and her voice is really great. I got lottery tickets in the front mezzanine, the view was great. All in all, it was a fun night out!
Great Comet vs Evan Hansen Jan 9
2017, 06:42:23 PM
I was completely blown away by the Great Comet 100%. I could honestly see no way they could possibly improve the production, and I adore the score. The sound design was phenomenal, the performances amazing and we all know how great the theatre looks.
Dear Evan Hansen hit pretty close to home too, but I didn't find it as groundbreaking as Great Comet. Ben Platt is hands down giving the best performance I have ever seen, but other than Evan the characters aren't fleshed
Is the Great Comet really that confusing Jan 7
2017, 11:48:04 PM
I couldn't disagree more! I found the characters all believeable and entertaining, mainly due to the portrayal. When I listened to the cast recording, I was worried at how dumb Natasha sounds, but Denee plays off her naivety and innocence that makes the character, although not relatable, definitely convincing. I find the last few songs in the show really add some heart that elevates this spectacle of a show even further.