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Member Name: phantomofrent
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re: Great Unkown Musical
 Jun 24 2004, 11:48:38 AM
I agree. I found "Frankenstein" by pure accident and bought it just to see what the music was like. OMG. It is so good. It has not been performed anywhere, they made the soundtrack to try to get people to back their show, but when it does become a is going to be AMAZING.
re: Jason Robert Brown
 Jun 24 2004, 11:35:46 AM
Oh crap. How could I forget "Last Five Years?" That is an amazing musical. And thanks about the icon. It took me awhile to find it.
re: Thursday on E.T.: 'The Phantom of the Opera' Sneak Peek!(
 Jun 24 2004, 10:18:57 AM
Can't wait. IT seems as if I have been waiting my whole life for this movie to come out.
Avenue Q
 Jun 24 2004, 10:15:47 AM
What is your favorite Avenue Q song and why?

My favorite is "I Wish I Could Go Back To College" because everything that they talk about (Except "**** my TA") is exactly what college is like and it is good to think back.

My girlfriend's favorite is "What do you do with a BA in English?" because she is graduated with a BA in English and can't find anything to do with it. She thinks it is hillarious, as do I.

re: How do we feel about Paige Davis in Chicago?
 Jun 24 2004, 09:49:44 AM
as stated above, Page was in the revival cast of Chicago with Ann Reiking and BeBe Newurth. If you have the cd, she is one of the extras and her picture is in the cd booklet. I think she will be great. Best of luck to her.
Jason Robert Brown
 Jun 24 2004, 02:05:17 AM
Does anyone know if Jason Robert Brown is coming out with a new musical any time soon? I love PARADE and SONGS FOR A NEW WORLD. He is defintely the composer that everyone should keep their eyes on.
re: Information about these upcoming shows
 Jun 24 2004, 01:51:51 AM
Sure. I am a 21 year old male. I am almost finished with College (HALLELUJAH, PRAISE JESUS), hopefully getting married soon to my girlfriend whom I have been dating for over 6 years now, have been an avid musical theatre fan for years, and my dream is to one day grace the broadway stage.

My favorite musicals are in this order:

Phantom of the Opera (the musical that got me interested in

re: Information about these upcoming shows
 Jun 24 2004, 01:44:08 AM
I don't know about SPAMALOT. I mean, it is based on MONTY PYTHON'S SEARCH FOR THE HOLY GRAIL movie which is hillarious, but the musical will not have what really made the movie so great.....the guys of Monty Python. But,we shall see.
Phantom of the Opera movie
 Jun 24 2004, 01:39:31 AM
Hey everyone. I am new here, so I have no clue if this has already been discussed or not, but I was wondering if anyone has heard any news about the "Phantom of the Opera" movie that is coming out in December? The only thing I have really heard, was that they showed a 10 minute clip at the Cannes festival and the crowd went wild because it was so good.
Friend of MINE refers to the 'hit tune' (read catchy and annoying
 Jun 24 2004, 01:31:41 AM
I have not seen the broadway version, but saw the London version it's last week. I thought it was AMAZING. Yes, the dialogue was ho hum, but that is the point. It mirrors a bollywood movie, which is corny. The music is spectacular and the dancing...WOW. My favorite part was the "Shakalaka Baby" sequence. BRILLIANT!!!!
re: Rent Tour
 Jun 24 2004, 01:23:44 AM
Definetly go see it. It is my favorite musical (tied with "Phantom of the Opera") and I saw it on tour earlier this year. It is amazing. My girlfriend, who does not like musicals all that much, loved it....and that is saying a lot.
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