The Inheritance - Previews Oct 15
2019, 09:30:35 AM
Looking for advice about seating. We're planning to come up to see both parts in December. Does anyone have thoughts on if front center mezzanine would be be more or less preferable than side orchestra? Thanks in advance.
Girl From The North Country - Public Theater? Sep 12
2018, 07:28:33 PM
haterobics, I whole heartedly endorse your sticking with your plan to see this show. I saw it in London and I thought it was gorgeous. I'm not sure if Ms Winningham can move me like Shirley Henderson did, but I will welcome the chance to be moved like that again. What she did at the end of the first act, singing the reprise of "Like a Rolling Stone" is why I go to the theater. I was truly speechless
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 7/5/15 Jul 7
2015, 11:24:41 AM
Anyone know if the current Les Miserables recouped? I googled this and did not find any information. Does the fact this this was the touring production that essentially set up on Bway make a difference when it comes to recouping?
The Elephant Man- cancelled performances Jan 23
2015, 08:00:10 PM
Elfuhbah it's not just one show, as I've tried to state. Our show was cancelled for the DGA Awards, just so he can PRESENT an award. It does make a difference for folks who paid $325 to see the show...and for anyone who was looking forward to seeing it.
The Elephant Man- cancelled performances Jan 22
2015, 06:22:21 PM
I could understand canceling the final show on the day of the Academy Awards, but to miss 2 performances just to be a presenter at the Director's Guild Awards? That just seems unnecessary and sends a message that another Hollywood award show matters more to "whoever" than real live theater patrons. I have a friend who said "well that's what happens when you hitch your wagon to the movie stars." We got our tickets for Curious Incident....and I am very much looking forward to seeing it.
The Elephant Man- cancelled performances Jan 21
2015, 07:29:38 PM
One more question since we already got our train tickets, so we're scrambling to find a show. We're thinking of getting "Curious Incident..." as a consolation. Would that be a wise move? Looks like it was well reviewed.
The Elephant Man- cancelled performances Jan 21
2015, 06:44:10 PM
Thanks guys...
The Elephant Man- cancelled performances Jan 21
2015, 06:34:52 PM
Just got an email from telecharge saying the the show I bought premium seats for had been cancelled. According to the email, these shows have been cancelled: Saturday, February 7 at 8pm, Sunday, February 8 at 3pm, and Sunday, February 22 at 3pm. Anyone know why?
Pippin Tour? Jan 3
2015, 08:27:41 PM
I saw the show again in DC today and Lisa Karlin was in as Leading Player. She was absolutely delicious. I had reservations about an u/s going on, but she really was so much better than Sasha, who I saw last Sunday as LP.
Broadway tattoo Nov 23
2014, 04:21:10 PM
I got 24601 on my wrist as my going away present to myself after living in NYC for 7 years.
SIDE SHOW Reviews Nov 23
2014, 04:17:41 PM
Looks like it was not available at the TKTS booth today...which I believe is great for the show and its future.
Little Dancer 10-25-14 Nov 10
2014, 10:10:20 AM
I saw it yesterday too. I enjoyed it. I liked the fact that instead of an 11 o'clock vocal number, we got and 11 o'clock ballet. Overall, i appreciated that this team was actually trying to do something different... almost like a musical and a ballet combined. Loved the ending, and was quite moved.
New Che for Evita Tour? Aug 19
2014, 11:13:26 AM
AGH! That's the best news! Thank you so much, I just got chills. Loved him when he went on as Enjolras.
New Che for Evita Tour? Aug 19
2014, 11:09:49 AM
Anyone know who is going to be playing Che in Evita while Josh Young is doing Amazing Grace in Chicago? I was looking forward to seeing him as Che, but the tour will be in my present city while he is doing Amazing Grace. Thanks in advance.
Ciara Ren?e and Kyle Dean Massey in pippin Jul 9
2014, 12:07:28 PM
I can not say enough good things about Kyle Dean's performance. I saw the show for the 4th time last night (2x with MJT 2x with KDM), and Kyle Dean is really doing some great work. He and Rachel had some wonderful moments and really have great chemistry. There was a scene were he had a case of the giggles and it was adorable, The audience loved it. He also has a lot more animus towards the LP at the end than I saw with the original leads. It always bothers me a bit at the end when the a
Kyle Scatcliffe in Les Mis Jul 9
2014, 11:53:36 AM
I saw Max Quinlan as Enjolras Sunday and LOVED him.
Stars in the Alley May 14
2014, 06:40:00 PM
What time should I get there? How in the world will all those people be able to perform in 90 minutes?
Question about long running shows May 14
2014, 06:33:46 PM
I went to go see ONCE today, and I am curious about who provides the cast with direction about what is working and not working once a show has been up and running for a while. My inspiration to go again was to see Paul Nolan as The Guy, and while I enjoyed the show, I felt that it could have used a shot in the arm, compared to when I saw it at NYTW and with the original cast. Thanks in advance for the insight.
54 Below over books Tony Veiwing Party May 14
2014, 10:16:09 AM
I got the same email. We may end up just watching from time square for a bit.