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Member Name: ko74612
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'Promises, Promises' reviews -
 Apr 11 2010, 04:45:14 AM
It would be so much easier to take the opinions in this thread seriously if the people who were crying foul at the woefully mis-cast Kristin Chenoweth, weren't also suggesting Amy Adams and Scarlet Johanson as better choices for the role. Please. Mis-cast or not, Ms. Chenoweth has a phenomenal pedigree. Be thankful that you have even had the privilege of seeing her perform.
re: random Kristin Chenoweth question
 Jul 29 2008, 03:33:48 AM
I can not speak for Debra Monk's preformance as I'm completely unfamiliar with it. But I do understand that Ms. Chenoweth stole the show per-usual.

I think the snub might have been more of a commentary on the quality of the show as a whole rather than Chenoweth's indiviual preformance. If I recall the first time around with Barbara Cook the show wasn't reviewed well.

Did the revival get any noms at all?

re: Legally Blonde Sheet Music
 Jul 25 2008, 03:04:53 AM
"why wouldn't I want to do it for an audition"

I'm going to link you to this:

read it.
now, google overdone audition songs

Generally though, you should avoid popular music.
ie: any "new" show (yes, legally blonde is still new)

you should also stay away from any "signature songs"
ie: a song that you associate with a certain performer, "Over the Rainbow" is Judy Garland's

hope this helps! :)

re: The Search for Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 23 2008, 01:50:53 AM
Well... I bring this up because I disagree with some of the literary scrutiny in previous posts.

A musical book is not just dialogue but rather "the sum of all the content".

Musicals are a natuarlly impressionistc artform and they cannot be approached with the dramatic weight of a play. Deep characters and dense dialogue don't flow well and do not leave room for the song, dance and spectacle that characterizes the musical.

The smart liberettist approaches with a

re: The Search for Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 23 2008, 01:34:30 AM
Hello all. :)

read the previous posts. interesting discussion about the LB book and its percieved "flaws". It actually reminds me of a similar conversation regarding the "flaws" in the Wicked book.

So I'm asking... do you actually believe there are "flaws" in the book? or are you just doing a side by side comparison of the musical book and the movie and refering to any differences as "flaws"?

enlighten me? :)

re: So long to the 2 best shows of the year thus far
 Jul 23 2008, 01:12:43 AM
Legally Blonde!

oh wait... what?
that doesn't count!?


re: All I Ever Needed to Know, I Learned on Legally Blonde: The Search for
 Jul 22 2008, 07:43:08 PM
If you smoke but then you quit, you deserve a prize, even if you're not the most talented.

right Emma?

re: Winner of 'Search for Elle Woods' Contract
 Jul 22 2008, 01:21:50 AM
It strikes me as funny that someone would want to be seen as an "Elle Woods" or "Glinda".

I guess some people don't mind being typcast?

re: USA Today jumps the gun and posts BLONDE winner's article
 Jul 22 2008, 01:05:23 AM
SporkGoddess: You are right, Bailey won and the Autumn fans are unhappy. Had Autumn won the Bailey fans would have been unhappy. Its bound to happen. They are both talented just "differently".

B3TA07: I absolutely agree. Bailey has been working with some of the best and I'm sure she's nothing less than prepared for tommorow night.

Foggymorning: Thanks for the support. :) I think SporkGoddess was reacting to my multiple posts where I was more or less berating Bailey. Eh. I

re: USA Today jumps the gun and posts BLONDE winner's article
 Jul 22 2008, 12:32:53 AM

I really want to play Elphaba someday so I whenever I'm going out I wear a cape and carry a broom with me.

It helps because I know how Elphaba feels when people stare at her.

re: USA Today jumps the gun and posts BLONDE winner's article
 Jul 22 2008, 12:01:25 AM
you're right, but give me tonight to act like a child and it'll stop tomorrow I swear. :)

I will say that my opinion is based off of what was shown on the show. Not exactly the best showcase of abilities. Jerry Mitchell has been working with Ms. Hanks for several months and she's been studying voice with Joan Lader. Obviously there was potential and if anyone can harness it'll be these two.

re: USA Today jumps the gun and posts BLONDE winner's article
 Jul 21 2008, 11:29:51 PM
This article is irritating. Bailey Hanks is foolish if she thinks she was choosen for any reason other than the fact that she looks just like Laura Bell Bundy. They weren't looking for orginality, it was typecast from the start. Enter: The American Idol Syndrome.

She says her "2nd dream role" is Glinda, because she's blonde bubbly and short and she can relate. Oh sweet jesus.

Any actor worth their salt will tell you that they work hard to embody their character and in no w

re: The Search for Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 21 2008, 11:08:41 PM
voice lessons for Bailey. Boo. Autumn should have won.

eta: Legally Blonde has proved in the past that they don't appreciate quality vocalists. (or scores.) It was silly to think it would be any different now. I'm a little bitter.

re: The Search for Elle Woods: The Spoiler thread
 Jul 21 2008, 10:49:58 PM
its offical.
The winner is... Ashely Tisdale.

I mean, wait what?

If they appreciate good vocals they will choose Autumn.

 Jul 21 2008, 05:05:56 PM
Sutton Foster, Laura Bell Bundy, Christian Borle

elphaba, glinda, fiyero.


 Jul 20 2008, 06:42:16 PM
In all seriousness:

Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel both have pay or play contracts. I'm just saying. It's fiscally responsible on Universal's part.

re: Who has the perfect, pure voice?
 Jul 20 2008, 04:09:01 AM
dare I say Kristin Chenoweth? :)

To be honest I'm not entirely sure why she hasn't already been mentioned. In terms of technique and sound I'd say she's one of the best, and her uniqueness shouldn't be discounted either.

re: Your Worst Musical Ideas
 Jul 19 2008, 03:31:55 PM
Wicked 2.0: A Black Light Revolution.

The audience is encouraged to wear white t-shirts and Elphaba glows in the dark.

re: How you know Wicked has entered the popular culture....
 Jul 18 2008, 07:34:32 PM
lol. I agree with getting kids into theater.

I think though, rather than targeting shows towards that age group we should just turn them into little elitist theater mongers. Then we could get rid of high school musical and camp rock all together and keep the elitism alive knowing that there are children that will continue it. lol

re: Kelli O'Hara & Cheyenne in Red Eye of Love?
 Jul 18 2008, 07:27:12 PM
MarkK: Sorry to thread jack, but Is that a picture of Clay Aiken? if so. what is "he" wearing?

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