Theater Talk with Riedel & Haskins Jun 4
2016, 01:47:23 PM
I find it unusual that they're airing the predictions the day before/of the Tonys. They've never done that as far as I've been watching them.
Broadway in August! (Please help) Jul 14
2015, 02:41:22 AM
So I know a billion threads have been posted like this before where people are asking which show they should see when they go to NYC.
This isn't my first time in the city, and I already have tickets to Aladdin and The King and I. I would like to see one more show while I'm there. Something new and refreshing and exciting, since I'm already going to see two "traditional" Broadway shows (for lack of a better term).
I guess I regretted it back in 2013 when I was in the city
Theater Talk: 2015 Ultimate Broadway Critics Panel Jun 21
2015, 05:17:22 AM
I always like watching these. Finally some intelligent critics talk enough to shut Michael Riedel up for 30 minutes.
Lindsay Lohan wants to play Sally Bowles in CABARET Dec 23
2014, 12:54:12 PM
She's got the talent to play a part like Sally. If only she showed up to work on time. Does anyone know how good her attendance has been for Speed the Plow?
HUNCHBACK La Jolla Previews Dec 4
2014, 11:31:23 PM
"Guess we could already have a shoo-in for Best Leading Actor in a Musical in 2016! (Sorry to be that person!)" That's if they even let it transfer to Broadway.
Hunchback of Notre dame Casting Guesses Apr 12
2014, 07:17:10 PM
Page is confirmed for the workshop but that doesn't always mean he'll play the part in the full production
'Acceptable' Musicals? Jan 23
2014, 11:02:36 AM
Underrated Elphaba's Dec 26
2013, 01:16:25 AM
Dee Roscioli.
Macbeth Cancels first Preview Nov 27
2013, 11:18:18 PM
*runs away and spits*
What Are Your Favorite 'Family Friendly' Musicals? Nov 21
2013, 09:11:23 AM
spring awakening
Who Do You want to see in Chicago (Who hasn't done it yet)? Nov 19
2013, 12:36:20 PM
I think Lady Gaga just put in her personal bid to play Velma over the weekend on SNL....
Spider man closing.... enough said Nov 18
2013, 09:58:50 PM's official. Doubt it'll work in Vegas, either.
One Word Flops Nov 18
2013, 09:56:03 PM
Hunchback is coming!!! Nov 17
2013, 10:41:23 PM
Ooo I take back what I said about Stokes being Frollo. Terrence Mann is a way better choice.
Hunchback is coming!!! Nov 17
2013, 01:13:18 PM
Dream cast: Quasimodo: Jeremy Jordan Esmeralda: Mandy Gonzalez Claude Frollo: Brian Stokes Mitchell Captain guy (Can't remember his name lol): Zachary Levi Clopin: Christian Borle
Hunchback is coming!!! Nov 17
2013, 07:11:55 AM
Mandy Gonzalez for Esmeralda pls
Newsies or Matilda Nov 16
2013, 10:04:43 AM
Don't attempt the Newsies lotto, the seats suck and around holiday season it'll be packed. In my humble opinion I liked Matilda better, but judging by the shows you said you loved you'd probably like Newsies better.
BIG FISH to Close on Broadway December 2y 9, 2013 Nov 12
2013, 11:25:11 AM
Hmmm...perhaps Norbert Leo butz could replace Cumming in the Cabaret revival once he's done? Idk. Any other ideas for NLB in a revival?
BIG FISH to Close on Broadway December 2y 9, 2013 Nov 11
2013, 06:36:07 AM
Shame. It'd be nice to see Steggert and Baldwin in something that truly showcases their amazing talents. Giving a great performance in a flop musical is something they are, sadly, both familiar with.
Characters You Feel Sorry for in Shows Nov 10
2013, 07:20:53 AM
Elder Cunningham in BOM at the beginning....Price is so mean to him! lol