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re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
 Aug 18 2004, 09:52:50 PM
Well, you can't protest sittin' at your desk. One of the things I like about the idea is it is your day. Protest if that is how you feel is the best outlet. Volunteer for a candidate or register voters. Or hang out with your kids.

If you think these guys are doing a great job, I'd argue otherwise and ask you to look at the facts, but, hey knock yourself out trying to get them elected.

re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
 Aug 18 2004, 05:15:28 PM
Well the Villager article is already up on line.
NY Daily News Gossip Column
 Aug 18 2004, 04:13:39 PM
The Daily News picked up (a part) of our efforts. Also should be on the cover of the Downtown Express/Villager this week.
re: Broadway During RNC Convention
 Aug 6 2004, 11:02:04 AM
Not only APPROVED, but free tickets have been given to the delegates. Because when the Republicans don't support the Arts, they REALLY don't support the Arts.
re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 30 2004, 11:43:34 AM
Its a good idea and we should definitely patronize those establishments that hang (or don't depending on your bent) the No-W sign. It is a perfect free market solution to ensure the success of progressive entrepreneurs. Plus AdGirl won't have to wait on line anywhere
re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 05:49:42 PM
What's a "pleasure move"? I like the sound of it anyway. I think the window treatment idea is a great one. Like all of these ideas, execution is the killer.
re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 12:52:34 PM
I haven't really thought much about my expectations, but that nobody gets hurt.
re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 11:59:09 AM

That is a great idea, one I would welcome. However, I've got my hands full with this, a full-time job on Wall St. and a family. Obviously, Broadway is not the focus of our efforts. We are working for a broader effort, more of a general strike (although I prefer the idea of a massive senior skip-day). Would love to see some organized response from Actor's Equity regarding the administrations disregard for working families in NYC and for the arts.

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 11:49:52 AM
I would prefer they just sit out the show.

But someone suggested that the casts had a chance to have the Republicans "listen" why not use that and some sort of statement, silent or otherwise, was my thought.

A No-W button for example, like a red ribbon, pink ribbon. I don't see any difference between "I support the fight against HIV/AIDs" and "I support the fight for a higher standard of leadership".

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 11:30:52 AM
Your probably right. A strong opinion is a dangerous thing. We should probably just smile and let things happen as they may. Seemed to work for the French in WWII.
re: Shows you missed - but you love the cast recording!
 Jul 28 2004, 11:23:05 AM
Songs for a New World
Closer Than Ever

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 10:58:37 AM
But to your point, what if a cast member didn't agree with the mission of the particular charity.

I don't think my use of Repug says anything about rational discourse. It clearly lets you know where I stand regarding the rhetoric and policies of their party, but it shouldn't tell you anything about my willingness or ability to discuss any myriad topics in a rational way.

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 10:43:56 AM
Hmm. I can't imagine feeling like speaking my mind being inappropriate anywhere--one of those things I like about my country. It might be socially awkward to me or others, but not inappropriate.

Would not expect them to break character mid-act and scream "Cheney-Off Bush!" Actors proseltyze at curtain call all the time for BC/EFA. Doesn't seem inappropriate. Wouldn't even need to be a speech. Signs, t-shirts could also be effective

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 28 2004, 09:25:32 AM
The cynical side of me says that the particular Repugs in town that week are unlikely to "listen" to anything anyone has to say. They are the diehards and fanatics. In fact their votes (depending on what state they are from) are unlikely to count anymore than mine (NY) is. A handful of voters in a handful of states (OH,MO,PA,FL) will likely determine this election.

That said, I stated before that I would hope that anyone performing that week would make some sort of statement from the

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 26 2004, 02:25:01 PM
I think all we are doing IS trying to fight with our last breath... There are many ways of doing that. And this is one way that is nonviolent and nonconfrontational.

I am not about bashing anyone. I, too, have a multitude of opinions among my friends and family. However, I have no problem trying to speak truth to power in a civil way. The only end to my civility is any attempt to explain to me how who I am means that I somehow deserve fewer rights than someone else. Then you've mo

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 26 2004, 12:29:01 PM
I stand corrected it is not RNCNotWelcome that has called for an action in the theater district it came via Indymedia

LG, I respect your sense of priorities even if I think that there are few, on either side of the fence, that could have done a more disappointing job of prosecuting this war (not even discussing the lies getting us into the debacle). Our soldiers are being ill-outfitted and underfunded in the field and then completely mistreated when they return as veterans with benefits cut and lack of medical coverage. It is truly saddening. As someone that didn't go AWOL, John Kerry will, I believe, have a mite more respect for the men and women who lay their lives on the line for our country.

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 26 2004, 11:35:23 AM
I guess I don't really view this as a "F&^* you" approach. I think what RNCNotWelcome has planned for the 29th is much more in your face.

As I said before, I think the casts do have a great opportunity during their performances that week to make a statement during their curtain calls. Would love to see it happen

re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 26 2004, 10:08:35 AM
I was suggesting that being a LC Republican requires a certain level of self-hatred, especially if supportive of THIS Republican administration.
re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 25 2004, 09:35:58 PM
If you are a LC Republican, you have more than enough hate in your life. Seriously, I don't see where anyone has been talking about hating anyone else in this whole discussion.
re: september 1st broadway walk out?
 Jul 25 2004, 07:39:03 PM
I don't hate Republicans. I do think that the policies of this administration are bad for New York, America and the world. And I do hate that they think its o.k. to try codify discrimination, rendering me a second-class citizen.
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