Broadway During RNC Convention

#0Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 2:30am

Will those of you in the NY area be attending any shows in the theatre district that week or will you be keeping your distance to avoid crowds, security, etc? Just curious as to how the shows may fair with all that commotion happening. Broadway During RNC Convention

I've heard of some of the shows the RNC DIDN'T recommend, which ones DID they recommend? Are the conventioneers expected to stay in the convention Monday-Thursday or will they be going to shows those evenings?

#1re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 9:01am

I plan on taking the opportunity to do a lot of raffles during RNC week. I was in Boston for the DNC and lemme tell ya, EVERYONE stayed clear of Boston. The roads they said were gonna have 3 hour delays had no one on them. People freaked and stayed in. I also doubt delegates will be in the lottery line. So, that's what I'm planning to do. Maybe I just should have kept that to myself though... re: Broadway During RNC Convention

#2re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 9:31am

Shows "APPROVED" for veiwing by narrow-minded, uptight consevative Republicans:

42nd Street
Phantom of the Opera
Bombay Dreams
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Fiddler on the Roof
Wonderful Town

In other words, shows with no obvious politics and no obvious homosexuals.

TheGaIsSilent Profile Photo
#3re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 9:47am

IIRC, Wicked was never on the list. Too many allusions to government conspiracy. Plus, it's sold out.

JOHN LITHGOW I just realized, your last name is Butz! Both "Norbert" AND "Butz" are in your name! You must have gotten picked on a lot as a child!

mominator Profile Photo
#4re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 9:50am

"I can't harbor a fugitive! I am an unelected official!" No politics there

"All I ask of you is one thing: please don't be cynical. I hate cynicism -- it's my least favorite quality and it doesn't lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen." Conan O'Brien

#5re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 10:59am

Guys, it's not a matter of approval and disapproval. It's a matter of what shows they could buy giant blocks of discounted tickets for. I'm sure offensiveness went into the decision-making process, but the shows not on the list aren't "disapproved" of. Delegates can go see them if they want; they'll just have to buy tickets on their own.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#6re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:02am

Could someone PLEASE explain too me. Why the convention is approving what shows too see? I'm really confused. someone help me out here? Why is it up the RNC too say what shows we can see during the convention? I am so confused, please explain.

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#7re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:02am

Not only APPROVED, but free tickets have been given to the delegates. Because when the Republicans don't support the Arts, they REALLY don't support the Arts.
Sept. 1st Declared Citywide Holiday

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#8re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:14am

I support the arts and I'm voting Republican. Don't make sweeping generalizations, please.

#9re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:15am

HELLOOOO? Anyone listening? It's not an "approved" list. It's just a list of shows that were willing and able to give big chunks of tickets to delegates. Save your anti-Republican outrage for things they actually did wrong.

ljay889 Profile Photo
#10re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:19am

lol, I'm everything but anti-republican.. I was just curious, coz some of you made it sound like they were approving certain shows, that we could see.

I'm a 100% Bush supporter!!!!! Even thought I can't vote yet, I love Bush.

#11re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:23am

Then no offense, but I'm glad you can't vote yet. :)

#12re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 11:45am

amn to that plum. I hate the cheney presidency

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#13re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:03pm


BlueWizard Profile Photo
#14re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:46pm

Plum took the words right out of my mouth....or, um, fingertips. re: Broadway During RNC Convention

If you can't vote yet, aren't you too young to be that narrow-minded? (LOL, kidding).

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."
Updated On: 8/6/04 at 12:46 PM

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#15re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:49pm

It's too bad Thoroughly Modern Millie closed, yet it is on that list.

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
Updated On: 8/6/04 at 12:49 PM

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#16re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:52pm

I wish you wouldn't make personal attacks on someone who has a different opinion than your own.

#17re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:54pm

Aw, some of you guys make me sad.

Should I stop seeing theater because I'm a Republican?!

"Because when the Republicans don't support the Arts, they REALLY don't support the Arts."

And maybe you better make that a little more specific, like to the government, because a local community show almost closed because of the lack of funding from the government, and I helped a great deal in a fundraising project that was able to keep the show going.

But I guess that's not support. Right?

#18re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:56pm

I wasn't attacking- at no point did I insult ljay personally, or say anything about him/her personally. The fact that I'm glad ljay can't vote for Bush has nothing to do with him/her as a person. It has everything to do with his/her political opinions. And I didn't even attack those much. You want to see some nice one-sided attacking, go watch Fox News. Updated On: 8/6/04 at 12:56 PM

#19re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:58pm

I wasn't talking about you, Plum.

But oh God, here comes the Fox News thing...again.

thirdrowcenter Profile Photo
#20re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 12:59pm

CNN is fair and balanced?

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#21re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 1:01pm

Isn't the whole point of America that everyone has their own opinion and is entitled to it? EVEN Republicans?? I'm not Republican, but I think it's extremely hypocritical how many non-Republicans are constantly bashing ALL Republicans as one lumped-together personage. And I don't care if they do the opposite on Fox News. If you don't like it when Fox News (or anyone else) does it, then why are you doing it?

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson

#22re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 1:33pm

At what point did I lump together all Republicans? Read all my posts in this thread- I started out defending that party against accusations of "disapproving" certain shows. Not everything Republican is evil, and not all evil things are Republican. I think that's fairly obvious.

And thirdrowcenter...fair and balanced? *snicker* I'll never think of that phrase quite the same way again.

Rathnait62 Profile Photo
#23re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 1:36pm

I didn't use any names. I'm talking in general here. It's very common on this board. I wasn't referring to you specifically, Plum.

Have I ever shown you my Shattered Dreams box? It's in my Disappointment Closet. - Marge Simpson
Updated On: 8/6/04 at 01:36 PM

#24re: Broadway During RNC Convention
Posted: 8/6/04 at 1:46pm

Sorry for misunderstanding you. I'm a tad cranky this morning; I didn't sleep much.

Except it's afternoon, isn't it? Oy.
