NY Daily News Gossip Column

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#0NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/18/04 at 4:13pm

The Daily News picked up (a part) of our efforts. Also should be on the cover of the Downtown Express/Villager this week.
A Show of Distaste

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#1re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/18/04 at 5:15pm

Well the Villager article is already up on line.
So here you go.

J.J. Profile Photo
#2re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/18/04 at 5:30pm

Congrats! Glad to see word is getting around.

"Mutate or perish."

NYSinger1 Profile Photo
#3re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/18/04 at 6:02pm

UGh. I wish it would work, but I think we all know that actors will be strongholded into comming to work on Sept 1st......

We just need to be out there protesting...

#4re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/18/04 at 7:27pm

I think it's not such a great idea, anyway. You want to protest, protest for real. Taking a day off work is kind of a wimpy way to do it.

Shut It Down Profile Photo
Shut It Down
#5re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/18/04 at 9:52pm

Well, you can't protest sittin' at your desk. One of the things I like about the idea is it is your day. Protest if that is how you feel is the best outlet. Volunteer for a candidate or register voters. Or hang out with your kids.

If you think these guys are doing a great job, I'd argue otherwise and ask you to look at the facts, but, hey knock yourself out trying to get them elected.

#6re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/19/04 at 2:22am

Yahoo! I love liberal chorus boys and girls fighting the man by refusing to dance the can can.

lc1965 Profile Photo
#7re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/19/04 at 9:54am

i have such mixed feelings on this issue. on the one hand, i think they have a right to go w/ their hearts & on the other i think it's unprofessional to call in sick because you don't like the audience. besides, if they'd MET some of the usual audience members & known what jerks some of them are they'd NEVER go on! re: NY Daily News Gossip Column

Murder By Music at Dillons 9/9, 16, 23, 30 www.murderbymusic.com

SamIAm Profile Photo
#8re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/20/04 at 12:58pm

better to take your 'dark' day and hold a protest in the city with signs -- then you get to SAY something as opposed to just not being there. The republications won't care a wit about seeing standbys and understudies, as long as the show is good and you do not accomplish your goal.

Additionally, you will most certainly be FINED.

"Life is a lesson in humility"

lovettespies Profile Photo
#9re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/20/04 at 2:52pm

I think it's a great idea. It doesn't matter what you do, a protest is a protest. I just wonder how much of an effect it will have on the politicians. A few actors leaving a show won't change their minds. But I would hate to perform for people who were trying to destroy my rights.

Keep the peace, take care of each other, and may you find your promised land. -TJST

#10re: NY Daily News Gossip Column
Posted: 8/20/04 at 3:44pm

I'm a gay man and a professional actor and I personally think that such a protest is one of the stupidest ideas I've heard of in a long time. Since WHEN does an actor pick and choose who he or she performs for?? If you're not gonna perform for Republicans, how 'bout neo-Nazis (when they happen to be in the audience), or homophobes from Iowa, or your ex-boyfriend? Should we screen EVERY AUDIENCE in advance to find out if they agree with our politics before performing for them? ABSOLUTELY NOT. After all, the THEATER is a chance to express ideas and possibly even MOVE people who disagree with us. Also- do you REALLY think that an understudy-ridden performance or even canceled performance of BOMBAY DREAMS is going change some Republican's mind about a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage? That's about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. And aren't you punishing the audience members who ARE supportive of gay people? AND.... you're hurting YOURSELF by losing money that you could have earned for that performance.

Here's the WORST part.... you're FOOLING yourself into thinking you've made a difference and distracting yourself from the actions that can REALLY make a difference.... first and foremost VOTING!!!!

If you want to be heard, if you want to make a difference, SCREW the protests, SKIP the parades, and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!! There are too many people that get excited about such demonstrations but then fail to VOTE!!!

If you want to make a difference for Democrats and for homosexuals..... VOTE and ENCOURAGE everyone you know (including gay actors on Broadway) to VOTE and don't waste your time trying to sabotage a performance of 42ND STREET.
