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Constantine Maroulis final performance question.
 Jul 26 2010, 08:46:14 PM
Unless they've changed the lottery/Rush tix policy at the Brooks Atkinson, there is a lottery 2 hours before every perfomance (ie, 8 per week). The show is definitely worth seeing, even with partially obstructed views- the actors are all over the stage so you'll see 98% of the action and hear 100 %. Well worth $25 if you win lottery tic or $37 for a rush tic. You can also try going to the box office at 2 pm on the day of a show and asking for Rush tic.

Bryant Park videos
 Jul 24 2010, 04:45:47 AM
Here's a review from Stage Rush that mentions problems with the sound system yesterday: I know that Constantine was frustrated with it- mic problems/inability to hear backing tracks, etc. and apparently it affected other performances as well.
I'm just happy that the casts are willing to come out before their shows and give free performances in rain, heat,etc. (tornado warnings... whaa??!!)
Not only is it good promo for the shows, but it's great for the public to get a slice of Broadway for free.

Constantine Maroulis to star in Rock of Ages film?
 Jul 3 2010, 01:21:49 AM
Reported by a Fox 'blogger'.. that is. The entire article is full of unsubstantiated conjecture.
Constantine Maroulis final performance question.
 Jun 24 2010, 09:30:19 PM
As of last week, Constantine still didn't know for sure when his last performance will be; his best guess is mid-late August. A lot of his fans have been asking and I'm sure he'll let us know as soon as he can.
Follow him on @constantineM - he's very good at posting info for us as soon as he knows dates, performances, tv appearances, etc.

Photo Coverage: Stars Celebrate ROCK OF AGES Anniversary & Constantine Maroulis Portrait at Tony di Napoli's!
 Apr 11 2010, 08:20:20 PM
One of my favorite Constantine shows is still JCS- loved him as Jesus in his earlier theater days, but his recent portrayal of 'Judas' at the Premier Theater was over-the-top excellent! Haha- cost me a fortune when my friend and I extended our stay on the east coast to see it several times.. but worth every penny.
And then there was Brel-the first time I heard him sing professionally after his AI run: I couldn't believe his voice. just awesome! soooo wish these performances had been archived for the public.

The Wedding Singer was a blast, too, but I agree with the critics who have repeatedly said that his casting in Rock Of Ages is the perfect match up. Constantine and the entire cast is excellent, but I'm a long way from catching up with the many ROA fans who have seen the show well over 50 times.
Can't wait to get back to the east coast again....soon.

re: Constantine Maroulis has IRRESISTIBLE CHARM
 Feb 11 2010, 12:09:38 AM
Sounds like Con's next (and last??) Night At The Rock Show on Feb 24th will be even bigger and better, if that's even possible..the Jan show was terrific!
Official pics here:

and get tix for Feb here: Best $20 eveh!

re: Constantine Maroulis has IRRESISTIBLE CHARM
 Dec 25 2009, 12:39:45 AM
just made it 'home' for Christmas and remembered to vote in the Bdway Star poll - the voting is still open; supposed to end today/tonight.

re: Constantine Maroulis has IRRESISTIBLE CHARM
 Dec 9 2009, 11:06:49 PM
Check out Constantine, James and Kerry with Twisted Sister at the NYSE Tree Lighting ceremony tomorrow (3-6 pm?). Wish I could be in nyc for Christmas...
Anyone going?

re: Constantine Maroulis has IRRESISTIBLE CHARM
 Oct 18 2009, 10:30:39 PM
re: pic of Will in his C teeshirt, I think it was Will's Ask A Star Interview on
re: Constantine Maroulis has IRRESISTIBLE CHARM
 Oct 3 2009, 03:16:26 PM
In case anyone was planning to get tix to A Night At The Rock Show, good luck! I think the remaining three shows are sold out!

RE: doesn't get along with cast members.. I'm sure I can provide 10 positive comments from cast members for every one negative you can find..
Heh- Love Will Swenson's interview- in his C- shirt :)

Who's coming to ROCK at Rock of Ages on Halloween??

re: The Official 'Rock of Ages' LOVE Thread
 Oct 28 2008, 02:55:24 PM
Hmmm- my post R of Ages resolution to spend less time on the internet may need some adjustment...

Withdrawals have set in in spite of our beautiful fall weather in the southwest- but what a great week of music and fun I had in NYC! Hope I can make it back again before too long- the show is so addicting.
Meanwhile, I'm already in line for a cast album..or several!
And Lizzy, how do I find out what the addition is at the beginning of the second act, just in case I don't get bac

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