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Profile for brunettebabe

Member Name: brunettebabe
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Gender: Female

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New SN
 Oct 13 2004, 05:42:29 PM
He's the Sandy to your Annie *stares blankly*

Sandy was Annie's dog. I had one extremely scary paper doll set of Annie and Sandy when I was little...their eyes were completely white. Yeah, a little terrifying for a child of 4.

New SN
 Oct 13 2004, 05:15:05 PM
So I took a break from this thread for a few days and I've come to one conclusion...

Karma is a b*tch!

The day that I started all that unhappiness on here; aside from BB backlash, I woke up in the middle of the nite with really red spots on my stomach.

Chicken pox in your 20's, not a good time. Not a good time at all.

New SN
 Oct 11 2004, 07:27:02 PM
Funny. My comment about inside jokes has now become an inside joke...

I apologize for what was posted. It's been one of those days and I just vented (on the wrong people). I'm sorry, I still love all of you.

I just need to learn to count to 10 next time.

WhatDoINeedWithLove is incredibly sexy!!!
 Oct 11 2004, 07:13:56 PM
Did I say that we cannot post our experiences? Um, no I did not.
I actually enjoy reading about people's experiences. But when the posts get to the point where they're no longer about the actual experiences as much as they are inside jokes between the people that went, people tend to lose interest.

I don't mean to sound harsh or snap at anyone, I was just stating my opinion. And I apologize that you took it so harshly and had to lash out like that.

WhatDoINeedWithLove is incredibly sexy!!!
 Oct 11 2004, 06:39:35 PM
This thread fell off of the first page because it's just full of inside jokes. Between 2day, MoG, and Trisky. No one else gets them, so how can we join in? Oh yeah, we can't.
re: JohnTartaglia's Contract
 Oct 11 2004, 06:37:47 PM
To answer the original question, Johnny will definitely still be with the show in January. He signed on for another year, I believe.
WhatDoINeedWithLove is incredibly sexy!!!
 Oct 10 2004, 10:39:30 PM
So I woke up this morning feeling mighty "blah." I went back to bed for like six hours and woke up feeling even more "blah." All I wanted to do today was go to the corner and get the Times and I couldn't even do that, how sad! I hate being sick! I hate it.

And I want to kill whoever created Alkaseltzer, that is the most disgusting stuff I have ever had in my life!!! My roommates just sat there and enjoyed watching my gag and choke all over the

WhatDoINeedWithLove is incredibly sexy!!!
 Oct 10 2004, 02:41:59 AM
OMG I went out with my usual drinking group and I am not drunk! [did ya get that 2day? I'm not drunk!] This is cause for celebration.

I, personally, enjoy my new change to the subject of these posts. It's ever so true.

Welcome Ga!

Why are my friends so lame

I was asking myself the same thing tonite, except mine was because they were all bailing out on our plans to stay in! What they hey?!?

 Oct 9 2004, 09:43:08 PM
*SINGS* All by myseeeeeeeelf, don't wanna be, all by myseeeelf anymore.

To quote my darling WDIN, "le sigh."

 Oct 9 2004, 07:22:24 PM
I need my WDIN!!! I got my pictures loaded!!! My evening of drunken fun with the open bar pictures!!! Damnit, Ken! Why aren't you here?!?
 Oct 9 2004, 06:13:22 PM did not do that!!!!

Oh. My. God. I so did do that! He got all red in the face, it was adorable! He has the cutest laugh too, awe.

see -- brunette likes 2day more than me.**pouts** LOL.

Um, need I remind you that I chased someone down a flight of stairs (and fell) just for you BG2?! Yeah, I love you just as much. No worries!

 Oct 9 2004, 04:24:06 PM
And I get my own subject...I feel so special!

Speaking of feeling special, FB, I did what you asked me to. I put in a good word for ya with my acquaintance. Yes, so you can write that check for an infinite amount of money to Brunettebabe or you can start being my

And now, off to work, ick.

 Oct 8 2004, 10:14:00 PM
Just wanted to bump this thread up because its getting close to the bottom...
re: Sad BARE news...
 Oct 7 2004, 02:03:07 PM
Michael, John, and Jenna are all free agents now.
 Oct 7 2004, 01:41:21 PM
Life Lesson #1 from Brunettebabe:

If you attend a surprise birthday party for someone and there is an open bar, stay away!

You'll end up telling the birthday boy you think he's gorgeous, the birthday boy's friend that he needs new clothes, and then you'll have gorgeous gay man buy you a cab to get home.

Oh yeah, especially avoid it if you have a 7:30 a.m. lecture on International Marketing Ethics. You'll only end up being crabby and disagreeing with abso

 Oct 7 2004, 01:08:32 AM
i'm still confused, but okay.

We've got a don't ask, don't tell policy going here. 2day was looking out for his FG's drunken safety. :) Hooray for him!

 Oct 7 2004, 12:19:55 AM
I love Thursdays and I love 2day4u because he loves me!!!!! :)
John Love!
 Oct 3 2004, 06:35:22 PM
Ugh! I am so jealous that I didn't get to hang out with 2day while he was in the city! Damn weddings and best friend's birthdays [if I would've had your number... Ha!] All I have to say to you is you better gimme your number and you best be visiting me at work next weekend!!!

I miss my Bare family, I feel like there is so much to be caught up on.

Oh! Last nite I definitely got the inside scoop from two extremely reliable sources on th

re: BARE is off!
 Sep 30 2004, 10:00:15 PM
BARE is off! The heart leaps up.

MusicMan- How is this a cause for your "heart leaping?" Tell me, please. How can a group of extremely talented actors being out of a job make your day any better? Yes, the theater world is a harsh place and things like this do happen often, but why be happy about it?

Those of you who are anti-Bare are making it almost as if the cast is sitting around everyday going, "Hmmm, I wonder how we can drive our fans a little bit more crazy

B.A.R.E.... THIS!
 Sep 30 2004, 09:50:22 PM
mes-AMEN!!! I would totally start another thread. I don't understand how people can be overjoyed at the fact that a group of talented actors could be potentially out of a job. How is the a happy thing?!

It's not like they're sitting around each day going, "Hmmm. How can we make our fans make a little longer, drive them a little bit more crazy?" The actors have no power of it and it seems like those jerks are placing it all on their shoulders!

I apologize family. I am on a rant

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