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re: Ensembles you'd LOVE to be in
 Nov 29 2006, 06:31:11 PM
The Secret Garden
(I've done the show twice, playing Archibald and Neville, but the music is so gorgeous, I'd be thrilled to be in the ensemble)
Jesus Christ Superstar
(I've done this show three times, playing Judas twice and Jesus once, but I love the ensemble numbers)

re: N&R Lyrics?
 Sep 21 2005, 12:27:33 AM
I wrote these down a while back, and never could figure out a couple of lines, but here's what I've got (starting with John's part)...

John: I f*cking love this scarf
(no idea what he says here) Union Square
Who's the boy with all the hair?
Is he holding his breath, or has he just been in the sun?
It's five past twelve - I hate the N
On weekends take the one
Then I see you
Out of nowhere

re: What are you currently singing?
 Aug 3 2005, 10:58:47 AM
I'm currently in a production of The Last 5 Years as Jamie. We have 12 more performances. Last week, I started rehearsals to play Jon in tick...tick...BOOM!. And my vocal coach has me working on "My Dogs" from Elegies: A Song Cycle (love that song), "The Streets of Dublin" from A Man of No Importance (also love that song) and "Funiculi Funicula" (hate it, hate it, hate it). All in all, a fun and somewhat exhausting group of songs I am currently singing, especially the
re: Okay, someone puts a gun to your head...
 Jul 25 2005, 10:42:24 AM
to sing: "The God Why-Don't-You-Love-Me? Blues" Follies (close second goes to "Marry Me a Little" Company)

to listen to: "Move On" Sunday in the Park with George or "Johanna" Sweeney Todd (the version in the second act)

re: Have you ever played two completely different parts in the same musical
 Jul 25 2005, 10:18:34 AM
Jesus and Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar
Charlie Brown and Snoopy in You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead

As for shows where I've played more than one role in the same production, there's been Grease (Teen Angel and Vince Fontaine), The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) (if that one counts), and Little Shop of Horrors (Orin and almost all of the minor roles).

re: Ever Played The Same Part Twice
 Jul 24 2005, 12:34:54 PM
Five shows:
Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar (in college first, then a community theatre a few years ago; last year, I played Judas in the show at a different theatre)
the Baker in Into the Woods (both times in community theatres)
George in Sunday in the Park with George (college and a semi-professional theatre)
Che in Evita (community theatres)
and the Padre in Man of La Mancha (college and community theatre)
Recently, I was asked if I'd

re: Take your pick, kiddo - 1924 was a pretty great year!
 Jul 22 2005, 04:13:59 PM
What a great idea! My mother was born in 1949, so I could do "Soliloquy" from Carousel or "You've Got To Be Carefully Taught" from South Pacific. Of course, if we went with the year I was born, 1972, that would give me my choice of tunes from Company, Man of La Mancha, Grease, Promises, Promises, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, Jesus Christ Superstar, 1776, On the Town, and even Two Gentlemen of Verona (
re: In Other Words: Game
 Jun 4 2005, 06:15:39 PM
Hay Fever

perpetual tartan

re: CD's You're Embarrassed You DO Own
 May 24 2005, 12:00:38 PM
it's a's a's SUPERMAN!
South Pacific (the studio recording done with Kiri Te Kanawa and some opera star...)
Bklyn (it was a gift, I swear!)

20 Questions
 May 24 2005, 11:52:31 AM
1. Age: 29 (since 2001)

2. Male or Female: Male

3. Favorite Broadway (or other) musical: Sunday In the Park With George

4. Favorite Broadway (or other) straight play: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead

5. Worst Broadway (or other) Musical: Superman

6. Worst Broadway straight (or other) play: The Dining Room

7. Favorite Musical movie: The Pirate Movie (yeah, you read that right)

8. Worst Musical m

Current Role
 May 24 2005, 01:21:27 AM
My last show was The Secret Garden, where I played Archibald.

Next up is Ralph Devine/ Cousin Jeff in Auntie Mame, which opens this Friday.

After that, I'll be playing Jamie in The Last 5 Years, followed by Horton in Seussical.

Earlier this evening, I auditioned for either Freddie or Anatoly in Chess, but I won't know if I get that or not until sometime next week. If I do, that will come between TL5Y and Seussical.
we're back, and better then ever (like what would u do in that situation)
 Nov 16 2004, 06:29:49 PM
Just thought I'd take a break from the drama that is my life, and say "hello."

Howdy. (cause "hello" is just so over)

Glad to see the thread has found new life.

...I was going through the worse weekend ever

Oh, don't get me started...

Who me sad?
 Oct 22 2004, 02:45:05 PM
The TraceeCrush icon is back!

I left work early, stopped by my mailbox, and what do I find? A package from my dear, sweet, adorable, new bestest friend in the whole wide world! This was just the pick-up I needed. The past 24 hours have been just horrible! Too much drama! Those of you who have read my LJ can probably figure out what (or who, actually) has made it so, what's the word, crap-tastic? Crap-tacular? Anyway, it's sucked. And not in the nice, feel-good kinda way.

Another Michael event?
 Oct 20 2004, 03:08:40 PM

So many places i could go with all of this, I don't even know where to begin...

Prolly better if I just don't say anything at all.

Well, maybe one thing...

Wish said twinks were 10 years older and straight?

10 years older would be good. Straight? Nah. But 10 years older, or even 5, and I'd be hopping on the first plane up to meet me some new playthings.

edit: Oh, my lord, I can't believe I actually put that here. Not gonna erase it

Wedding Vows
 Oct 18 2004, 01:07:49 AM
Goodness, is it correct to assume that your name comes from Falsettos? Just wondering...
Wedding Vows
 Oct 18 2004, 01:05:04 AM
Poor, Jess.
re: Role you want?
 Oct 18 2004, 12:54:53 AM
Marvin in Falsettos
George in Sunday in the Park with George
Anatoly in Chess
Floyd in Floyd Collins
Orin in Little Shop of Horrors

and Effie in the all-male cast of Dreamgirls

Michael Arden for President!!!
 Oct 17 2004, 10:40:37 PM
Hey all! Just got back from seeing a reading of Scott Alan's "Piece" with Trisky and I thought it was brilliant!

Glad you enjoyed it. I love the song "Never Never Land." Just incredible.

As for favorite dream sequences, I haven't seen the show, but I really love "Epiphany." The whole bit about "There's A Bender Among Us" and Claire's memories of Michael's childhood always make me giggle. And the foreshadowing is well-done, as well. Of course, like I said, this is just

Michael Arden for President!!!
 Oct 17 2004, 12:53:52 PM
creeping awfully close to the bottom of the page again...

Anyway, good morning, all. Well, afternoon for some, I guess. Hope you all have a great day.

bare bare bare bare bare

Love it! Love it! Love it! Love it!

Had to do something to make it on-topic.

BWW reviews Big Voice
 Oct 16 2004, 07:09:08 PM
Holy crap! This was on the second page!

bare is the best!

there...gets it back to the first page, and it's on-topic.

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