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Member Name: theaterlover95
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Are workshops open to the public?
 Sep 14 2009, 10:31:18 PM
Are theatrical workshops open to the public? Can you buy tickets? For example, I'm interested in seeing the workshop of "Elf" being present in November. How would I go about doing that? Thanks!
re: Nudity on Broadway
 Mar 2 2009, 02:01:25 AM
Spring Awakening, Hair
Nudity on Broadway
 Mar 2 2009, 02:01:06 AM
Lets compile a list of all the shows that contain nudity...
re: City of Angels revival
 Mar 2 2009, 01:57:30 AM
City of Angels is a tough show...
I think it's o.k. from a writing standpoint.
From a production standpoint, it really has to be done well to impress.
I saw an amature children's production (teenagers) and it fell flat.

re: 'Oregon high school halts Steve Martin's 'Picasso' play'
 Mar 2 2009, 01:55:50 AM
Also- high school kids, get real! You think they don't all talk to each other using profane words. Every hs kid does... I understand what they're saying about setting "parental standards," if there was actually something wrong with using profanity. Profanity is only offensive because some people in society have decided to say it is.
re: 'Oregon high school halts Steve Martin's 'Picasso' play'
 Mar 2 2009, 01:54:00 AM
Absolutely ridiculous...
School does nothing for kids- it does not give them the chance to be "truly creative" and express themselves. I've always been fascinated by profanity. They're just words, like any other words. They have a meaning behind them... The word f*ck is that of a sexual act. Something completely normal that every human engages in. When used in a profane way, they generate a desired response. By telling an eleven year old these words, what will happen? He may repeat them, li

re: Broadway in the 1600s?
 Mar 2 2009, 01:17:57 AM
Probably... like do you think the caliber of actors was the same?

 Mar 2 2009, 01:14:50 AM

re: West Side Story: Greatest show of all time?
 Mar 2 2009, 01:13:23 AM
dk what you're talking about w the whole legally blonde thing...
but what's wrong with this version of west side?

re: Legally Blonde: Greatest show of all time?
 Mar 2 2009, 01:01:00 AM
I don't get what you guys are talking about...

(a) why are you calling me a joke?

(b) why would you think i get banned? like do you guys really think west side story is that bad?

it's one of the greatest american musicals, if not the greatest

West Side Story: Greatest show of all time?
 Mar 2 2009, 12:50:31 AM
In my opinion... What do you think?
re: What CELEBRITY should do a ONE-MAN SHOW?
 Mar 2 2009, 12:45:41 AM
Andy Dick is...
They're announcing it tomorrow.

Is Jane Fonda good for the Broadway community?
 Mar 2 2009, 12:45:04 AM
A bunch of my friends were at 33 Variations last night, and said they saw a group of gang-bangers and drug dealers, who claimed to be friends with Ms. Fonda? Does anyone know anything on this? We certainly don't want a bunch of sketchy looking people hanging around the theater district...

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