NYC Trip: Show Suggestions? Apr 8
2011, 03:57:53 PM
My friend saw Sister Act the other day and still won't stop singing the songs if that tells you anything.
What is the best production(s) you have ever seen at a reginal theater? Mar 28
2011, 12:37:43 AM
The recent production of Arsenic and Old Lace at Dallas Theatre Center was easily the best production I have ever seen! How Betty Buckely and Tovah Feldshuh became their characters on that stage still astounds me! True perfection.
Priscilla Queen of the Desert - WTF?! Mar 19
2011, 03:35:49 PM
Haha. Someone never pulled into sarcasm station.
Bailey Hanks in a Christian Singing Trio? Nov 15
2010, 02:38:20 AM
Though that was definitely Bailey, the Gay Donald Trump impersonator stole the show with that dancing!
Spring Awakening Tour Nov 11
2010, 09:27:03 AM
I saw the show last night in Fort Worth, TX. Overall it was a great show! The theatre seemed pretty near sold out which is surprising for this area. The only big difference I noticed set wise was the lack of the moving platform, which at times I did miss but overall was not really needed, and the steps that expanded over the orchestra pit from the equity tour. There were some sound issues, but it was mainly just the sound people trying to balance out everyone. Cast wise, they were v
Spring Awakening Tour Nov 7
2010, 11:37:12 AM
I'm seeing this production on November 10th in Fort Worth, TX. Is there any word on the sound issues being ironed out? Also, do they frequently use the full set or is there the standard list of cut set pieces depending on how long the stop is?
Wicked - The First-Ever Original Production Sep 5
2010, 08:01:23 PM
On page 34 of the program, there is a certain someone present that is not seen in the original staging.
DREAMGIRLS Nat'l Tour Music EP (No Real Cast Album?) Aug 12
2010, 10:04:05 PM
I actually really enjoy One Night Only. Unfortunately, that is the only song recorded that I liked. :/
Superman in Dallas Reviews? Jun 24
2010, 01:03:56 AM
I was really hoping a review might be posted before I see the show July 14th. :/
Another Recommendation Thread Jun 10
2010, 10:49:22 PM
La Cage gets my vote!
What shows had the most costumes for you? Mar 16
2010, 01:45:37 AM
Last Christmas I play three roles (Mr. Gimble, Macy's Elf, Chorus) in Miracle on 34th Street. I had my ensemble costume, my court room costume, my Mr. Gimble outside costume, my Mr. Gimble inside costume, my elf costume (which was skin tight and not delivered until the day of our final dress rehersal), and my finale costume. Mind you, I changed in and out of the costumes depending on the scene. So though it was only six costumes, I was constantly running offstage and having things ripped off a
Wildhorn's Bonnie and Clyde declares they're 'Broadway bound'... Mar 9
2010, 06:45:51 PM
Double Post.
Wildhorn's Bonnie and Clyde declares they're 'Broadway bound'... Mar 9
2010, 06:45:46 PM
Why can't they bring The Count of Monte Cristo to broadway instead of this thing?! I adore that score!
Beauty and the Beast Tour Photos Mar 5
2010, 11:09:05 PM
The production shots of the current touring production of Beauty and the Beast have finally been posted. I must say I am surprised by how great the set looks (though, I had low expectations so exceeding them is not difficult). I am, however, disappointed by the clearly false fire for Lumiere. To me, it makes the costume look cheap and cheesy. :/
Help Me Weigh Options!; Children's Musical Theatre Feb 22
2010, 09:51:22 PM
I can not rave enough about Back to the 80s. It's on MTI's site and has songs everyone loves! Also, the second everyone heard my school was doing a show containing their favorite 80s hits, we sold out all 4 shows. Nearly every song is available as an instrumental version somehwere. Highly recommended!
South Pacific National Tour, Tampa 1/14/10 Jan 16
2010, 02:24:16 AM
I saw the show December 22nd in Dallas and I agree it was very well done! I went into an orchestralgasm when the overture started. Truely stunning!
Musicals for high school production (large cast) Jan 11
2010, 07:50:47 PM
Back to the 80's (MTI) is a wonderful show for high schoolers! It has songs everybody knows, brings in a crowd, and is just fun! My school has done a multitude of shows and this was BY FAR the most enjoyable show I have ever been apart of. Oh! We sold out all 4 shows we put on and two of them sold out days before the show opened (300 seat theatre).
'Beauty & The Beast' tour cast announced! Jan 10
2010, 11:53:36 PM
I would rather them have the strings and other difficult to travel with parts prerecorded to go along with the live orchestra members just so I wouldn't have to hear a MIDI version of a pretty memorable score. That would seriously DESTROY this production for me if I hear a fake string section! FYI I'm a cellist so the string section is always a highlight.
'Beauty & The Beast' tour cast announced! Jan 10
2010, 10:26:18 PM
Any word on what kind of orchestra will be used in this production?
Hairspray On Tour Jan 3
2010, 07:51:23 PM
Question regarding the tour: I know people have commented over the use of a prerecorded company for You Can't Stop the Beat in the broadway production, but I was wondering if they do the same for the tour? I saw the show June 2008 in Dallas and thought the company sounded full and vibrant so I would like to know if a recorded track was responsible for it. (FYI, the DID use the tower for Good Morning Baltimore and Without Love when I saw it.)