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A Chorus Line - Signature Theatre Nov 7
2019, 10:14:19 AM
I saw it Saturday, and it was good, but certainly not great. I LOVE this theater and we travel about 3 times a year to see shows there. They are often uneven, like with this production, but never bad and often great.
This is definitely worth seeing, imo, even if the cast is very uneven. I didn't mind the new choreo, as it is definitely a pared down version of Bennett's...Bennett light! Especially for the finale, I don't see how they couldn't re-stage it as the stage is
THE PROM Previews Nov 2
2018, 07:47:15 PM
Saw this last night. Such a surprisingly charming show! The only problem I had was the oddly dated choreography, orchestrations and prom outfits. The story it’s based on is from 2010, so why did it feel like 1985? I found the book funny and quick witted, performed by a top notch cast, led by Brooks and Beth! Caitlin is a terrific foil for the shenanigans the wacky showfolk who blow in to “help”, and she has such a lovely voice!! I actually got a few tears during the final ant
CAROUSEL (2018) Previews Mar 22
2018, 04:25:24 PM
Don't ask for opinions if you're going to require an agreeable response, especially on BWW!!
Yes, that Agnes DeMille was a real hack...she only changed musical theater forever.
I like vanilla AND chocolate, thanks!
CAROUSEL (2018) Previews Mar 22
2018, 10:50:34 AM
It's difficult to live up to De Mille and MacMillan, and Peck did not. The choreography was well danced and not even close to one of the big problems with the production, but save for Blow High, Blow Low, it didn't inspire either.
I left out, out of courtesy, what a terrible actor the Louise was. The other dancing actor, Jigger, was only slightly better, but both did dance beautifully.
CAROUSEL (2018) Previews Mar 21
2018, 10:28:54 AM
Hi all. Long time no read around here...but saw this last week and am confused by what has been posted by most.
This is indeed a big mess. The only good acting on the stage is from Colin and Gemignani, imo. Mendez is a fun Carrie and gets all of the laughs, which were sorely needed. Mueller is a fine Julie, but only gets to act with Mendez. She and Mendez actually have chemistry, but she gets nothing back from Henry.
I loved Mr. Henry in Violet and especially in Porg
Famous ensemble members Sep 8
2017, 11:09:23 AM
Eddie Korbich was never nominated for a Tony. He should've been for his Toby in Sweeney Todd, however.
He was nominated for a Drama Desk for The Drowsy Chaperone.
What is happening lately? Mar 13
2017, 10:40:13 AM
Hey, Matt! You're Top Model recaps are exactly what I miss about BWW! Humor! And I thought of you when Cirie was cast on this season of Survivor! Hope you are well! Mwah!
(and another Mwah to Dottie!)
The only reason to visit BWW anymore is Whizzer's reviews and the review roundups...seeing CFA on Thursday.
What is happening lately? Mar 8
2017, 11:03:02 AM
Hey everyone...I'm not sure many folks remember me, but I still stop into BWW occasionally to read the buzz on a new show, and may even post a review.
I used to love coming to BWW for the lively discussions and often hilarious threads, especially on the OT board...but the fun drained like a sieve when "she who must not be named" began ranting. I hate to give power to someone so vile, but that's the truth. While many reasons also must have contributed, I'm no
HAIRSPRAY LIVE! Viewing Thread Dec 8
2016, 12:08:39 AM
I never got over it. And both her songs are written to end in a high note.
Srsly? How many IMO,s can I type? Disagree? cool. Don't be a cheno douche. Written that way? Okay. It didn't work. IMO!!
HAIRSPRAY LIVE! Viewing Thread Dec 7
2016, 11:31:54 PM
Jumping back to bww with some thoughts.
jhud, Harvey and short stole the show, IMO. "Timeless to Me" was the best number by far, but Hudson out sang everyone by SO far...And seemed so comfy in her skin! Much better than her perf in "TCP"! Much better acted. Maddiie seemed winded when she was dancing, but was fine and a nice singer. Grande was funny, but surprisingly not powerful vocally, made me miss Kerry. Better than Bynes tho. Very nice work by Cameron and S
Censorship on the BWW Boards May 16
2016, 11:10:11 AM
I'm not surprised you don't get it, HA8.
Censorship on the BWW Boards May 16
2016, 10:52:54 AM
I stumbled back in here to take another look at others' views on American Psycho after seeing it myself, and found this mess!
I haven't posted in several weeks and my production at work has gotten me two promotions! 
As one of the expats of this board, which, since I am posting, makes no sense, it seems to me that y'all need to calm the eff down!
I left for many reasons:
Trolls were left to run rampant and calling them out became a crime.
Fun threads were few and far between.
So many of my favorites already left and/or we are friends on Facebook.
Benign posts were being deleted and alarming ones were able to stay.
Whiners were winning and noone could take an effing joke.
NOW someone is trying to shame PAL JOEY?! PJ?!! One of the smartest, funniest and sweetest posters ever on these boards? I guarantee if PJ had anything bad to say about a show, the boards or another poster, it was deserved and probably funny.
I don't know if I'll hang out here again...I sure do miss some of you and DO like to give my opinions of shows, films, television, usually trying to be informative and crack a joke. If that meant saying something stunk or someone was miscast, etc., it was my opinion and noone needed to heed it or agree with it.
And I'll only be satisfied if Megan Hilty apologizes to BWW during her Tony acceptance speech...because I don't know who Patti Moron is.
Actors who have stayed with shows Mar 28
2016, 10:40:28 AM
Actually, it's Marlene Danielle. George Lee Andrews was in Phantom for over 20 years.
report abuse links opinion thread Mar 14
2016, 01:35:00 PM
I tried to be clear in my post...although I never said I was leaving, I just can't see how this taints the whole board, at least to me. It's just uncomfortable, at least for now.
report abuse links opinion thread Mar 14
2016, 12:06:49 PM
Hey all, I've read a lot of this thread and want to specifically thank Pal Joey, along with others, for being so thoughtful and eloquent. I'm in agreement with tazzy on this issue. I don't understand the reason behind Ms. Murin's blog post and especially don't understand why so many of her colleagues are so moved as to stand up for her misguided and offensive writings. I have never seen this woman on stage, so I can't say if it is sad or not that I don't care if I
Remembering WAIT A MINIM! on its 50th Anniversary Mar 8
2016, 11:00:44 AM
Bluegogo used to have "The Gumboot Dance" video, from Ed Sullivan, I believe. Since taken down.
American Psycho Preview Video Feb 19
2016, 11:46:03 AM
Exactly, Scarywarhol. It was just a lame excuse to put down Americans. It does look too "on the nose" somehow. And that choreography was terrible. Srsly? Thriller? I was very excited for this one, but those clips dampened my enthusiasm. Maybe it isn't representative of the show as a whole. Here's hoping.
The Robber Bridegroom (Previews) Feb 12
2016, 01:35:34 PM
I wasn't sure, but a quick search revealed it was Bostwick.
The Robber Bridegroom (Previews) Feb 12
2016, 11:07:48 AM
You're welcome.
The Robber Bridegroom (Previews) Feb 12
2016, 10:18:22 AM
It actually played twice on Broadway, in 1976 with Patti LuPone as Rosamund and Kevin Kline as Lockhart. He replaced Raul Julia who did the workshop. It closed and reopened in 1977 with Bostwick and Rhonda Coullet as Rosamund (so different from LuPone, but I love her on the recording.) It was nominated for two Tony awards in 1976, Best Book and Supp. Actress for LuPone. In 1977 it was only nominated for Best Actor, which Bostwick won. Even stranger, it was nominated for a bunch of
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