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Censorship on the BroadwayWorld Boards

BroadwayConcierge Profile Photo
#1Censorship on the BroadwayWorld Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 5:08pm

A thread that began in response to a double standard that Patti Murin established in a recent tweet—which garnered numerous pages of responses—was just deleted. Not closed from future posting; not with certain posts removed...full-on, straight-up deleted.

Where is the line really being drawn on these boards beyond the protocol that was promulgated after Muringate? If personal interests are being prioritized over users' right to free speech, I will seriously have to question whether I want to be part of this online community going forward.

Updated On: 5/2/16 at 05:08 PM

#2Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 5:13pm

pretty sure we are beating a dead horse. This was voiced to them a couple months ago and they responded by promising they would personally reach out to every deleted OP and explain why they did what they did... Yeah. That lasted for about 3 weeks. Maybe 4. 


Sadly, at the end of the day, they are a private entity. They can delete a post, thread or profile without having to explain their right. It's such bull!!!

gypsy101 Profile Photo
#3Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 5:35pm

I'm mostly sad because I was at work all day and only saw the first page of posts. But I agree that censorship is awful.

"Contentment, it seems, simply happens. It appears accompanied by no bravos and no tears."

KCW Profile Photo
#4Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 6:17pm

Similarly to gypsy, I missed the whole thread which is a shame because I would love to read that. I feel as if something should be done if censorship of controversial issues exists. A boycott of the site for a few days? I am all for making this site a place where things like racism, bigotry, scamming, etc. are prevented, but the creators must be facing similar issues to what the Supreme Court: where to draw the line? If it means deleting posts trying to sell stolen credit cards (that thread still exists), racism, body shaming, or any of the like than I'm all for it. If it means deleting negative opinions, straight out statements of an actors skills, anything regarding Mrs. Murin, discusion of controversial issues or After Eight like posts then I'm all against it. See, I value people like After Eight. Sure, he has eclectic views that many of us don't share. But because of that, I learn more from him than many posters. There would be no point in coming here if it wad just one big Hamilton fangirl board. People like Roxy are valuable. Sure, it would be nice if he were to give Hamilton a bit more of a chance but I found it really intresting to hear his opinions. One of the most popular threads is the controversial opinions thread. So if this continues then I'm all for a boycott or a site switch. I know I don't post much, but I lurk. That's what many do, without them, the site wouldn't exist. If we were to go away, they would have to revise their censorship. What do we do - post like we're in China or post like we're in America?

I appoligise for any spelling mistakes. I may be on my mobile. Clumsy fingers and small little touchscreen keys don't mixx. I try to spellcheck, but I may miss something.

#5Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 6:51pm

And what is wrong with the motto If you can't say something nice don't say it at all? Honestly my metal health is always better when I approach life that way. 

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#6Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 7:14pm

Because relentless false positivity about every topic would be poisonous to any discussion about art?


Ultimately the owners of these boards can do whatever they want. 


What's fascinating is that hot button topics like the thread calling out Patti Murin's laughable hypocrisy are deleted. Casual racism usually isn't. It's not actually about the content of the post, it's about not possibly offending the wrong people. 

Updated On: 5/2/16 at 07:14 PM

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#7Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 7:44pm

Ultimately the owners of these boards can do whatever they want.

They always have and they always will.  Nothing new is happening.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

adamgreer Profile Photo
#8Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 8:22pm

The level of snark was deemed to not be "light."

#9Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 8:26pm

This is nonsense.  I logged on tonight to check the site and revisit the thread from this morning only to find it deleted. 

Who made Patti Murin the final say on these message boards? I'm sorry she exposed herself as a hypocrite and we continue to pay the price. 

It's an absolute JOKE that she is now considered a part of "the team"  when she insulted the majority of members of this message board. 

Shame on you "so called moderators."



GavestonPS Profile Photo
#10Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 8:31pm

Sunny11 said: "And what is wrong with the motto If you can't say something nice don't say it at all? Honestly my metal health is always better when I approach life that way. 



What is wrong with it? Well, for one thing that attitude kept us in Vietnam for over 10 years (and I exaggerate only slightly).

Bottom line: playing nice makes a tea party, not theatrical criticism. At it's best, BWW.COM achieves the latter.

I say this in response to your post. i don't know what was deleted or why and have no opinion on that.

haterobics Profile Photo
#11Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 8:31pm

Can't the mods come up with a safeword to use when the snark is getting a bit too intense for them?! I heard that works in other circles...

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#12Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:34pm

Im really mad there's not an explanation why it was deleted. And as the op I should've gotten at least a pm detailing why it was deleted. In this case it shouldn't have needed to be deleted. 

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#13Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:39pm

Call_me_jorge said: "And as the op I should've gotten at least a pm detailing why it was deleted.  "

Nah, learn to be disappointed now. This is just the beginning.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

DAME Profile Photo
#14Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:48pm

Years ago.. there was a fabulous thread that I will call "Day of the Minnelli's"  For about 3 days this thread was hilariously habitated by everyone that was at the time surfing BWW.  Everyone was posting and being fun, harmonious, and joyful.  The thread went on and on and on.  Not one insult. Not one barb.  No snark.  All in good fun.  Then the moderator at the time (CRAIG) decided that he had enough and he deleted it with no explanation.  Someone used to have a screen grab of this thread.  Maybe they will repost it.  But the day that thread got deleted.. this board became a phony.


#15Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:51pm

LizzieCurry said: "Call_me_jorge said: "And as the op I should've gotten at least a pm detailing why it was deleted.  "

Nah, learn to be disappointed now. This is just the beginning.


Just spit out my water laughing...Thanks for the needed laugh Lizzie

sabrelady Profile Photo
#16Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:51pm

I'm kinda thinking the doomsday clock is ticking faster towards midnight for these boards. WE are not enjoying our time here now and only newbies who (mostly) come and go will remain. Sure the "visits' will continue and the ad venue will drive forward, but I see a lot of pablum in the future, all flavor, good and bad washed out  in favor of positivist   niceness. Or at least Big Bro double speak for same.  Hey! WE HAD TEN PRETTY GOOD YEARS. To paraphrase a great performer  "the boards are just a party and a party isn't meant to last"heart

DAME Profile Photo
#17Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 9:53pm

I think Dollypop had started it.. and he began with Minnelli Deli.. and so on..


Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#18Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 10:04pm

I think we're close to "midnight," too. And it's an antiquated format. But I really have fond feelings for the community of long-term members who post here. I've learned so much. It's a shame that such shallow, poorly thought-out criticism has helped set things in motion. 

Updated On: 5/2/16 at 10:04 PM

Jane2 Profile Photo
#19Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 10:13pm

I feel like this is the goodbye thread. sad


SNAFU Profile Photo
#20Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/2/16 at 10:32pm

"Can't the mods come up with a safeword to use when the snark is getting a bit too intense for them?!Can't the mods come up with a safe word to use when the snark is getting a bit too intense for them?!"


How about,"We're getting' close to going' Patti Murrain on yo azz?"


The boards have become a mere shell of what they once were. Even with the newly added Pulitzer ready articles on shows if you like Reality TV.

Those Blocked: SueStorm. N2N Nate. Good riddence to stupid! Rad-Z, shill begone!

KCW Profile Photo
#21Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/3/16 at 7:12am

This board is becoming like the bad show that gets the standing ovation. My regret is that I showed up too late to the party.


We strike/boycott until change happens

We switch to a different site

We continue on posting here

We all go our different ways and leave this place for the Wicked fangirls 


Either way, if this thread gets deleted I will be much closer to eliminating option 3.

I appoligise for any spelling mistakes. I may be on my mobile. Clumsy fingers and small little touchscreen keys don't mixx. I try to spellcheck, but I may miss something.

#22Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/3/16 at 7:45am

Let me clarify the "Minnelli Deli" night:

Someone had started a thread about Joey Minnelli and it was posed as a question. Something like "Is Joey Minnelli related to Liza Minnelli? I started another thread titled something like "Is Liza Minnelli related to Victor Spinelli?" That began a whole evening of Minnelli madness. People started threads about Milli. Vanilli Minnelli,  Marty Minnelli, and The Minnelli Deli. Before long everyone was starting Minnelli threads and it went on for pages.It was hilarious but it couldn't go on forever because humor like that would go stale. Yes, all those pages were deleted, but it didn't't bother me. It was time to do so.

The same was true of the thread I started about Rosie O'Donnell touring as Mame. It was an April Fools prank and it was deleted the next day. That was right. The prank was over.

"Long live God!" (GODSPELL)
Updated On: 5/3/16 at 07:45 AM

AC126748 Profile Photo
#23Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/3/16 at 8:02am

Apparently, the mere mention of Dame Patti's name in any less than glowing context is verboten now. If she ever does another musical and she ends up with a bad review, would we even be allowed to post it?

And as PalJoey said, we're still waiting on that apology.

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body
Updated On: 5/3/16 at 08:02 AM

devonian.t Profile Photo
#24Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/3/16 at 8:14am

If the time ever comes, I hoe people do what was done over at theatreboard- whatsonstage closed down its forum so the posters made their own site- and it is pretty active!  I think there will always be a demand for a broadway chatboard, so if broadwayworld decides it can do without all that regular traffic, I suggest it will be split seconds before someone else- maybe with less vested interest- fills the gap.

Not meant as a threat, but there's only so much of the heavy-handed censorship people will tolerate.

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#25Censorship on the BWW Boards
Posted: 5/3/16 at 9:06am

Dollypop said: "Let me clarify the "Minnelli Deli" night:

Someone had started a thread about Joey Minnelli and it was posed as a question. Something like "Is Joey Minnelli related to Liza Minnelli? I started another thread titled something like "Is Liza Minnelli related to Victor Spinelli?" That began a whole evening of Minnelli madness. People started threads about Milli. Vanilli Minnelli,  Marty Minnelli, and The Minnelli Deli. Before long everyone was starting Minnelli threads and it went on for pages.It was hilarious but it couldn't go on forever because humor like that would go stale. Yes, all those pages were deleted, but it didn't't bother me. It was time to do so.


Wasn't there also a Vanessa Williams night? I'm thinking that was 2007/2008 based on the apartment I was living in at the time I remember reading that thread.

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt
