
"Songs For A New World" Boston Concert - thoughts???

"Songs For A New World" Boston Concert - thoughts???

ScubaSteve Profile Photo
#0"Songs For A New World" Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 1:14am

Anyone here go see that? It was PHENOMENAL!!! And I shook the man's hand afterwards! Sure, I was a blubbering, stumbling mess, but I still shook his hand. I'll have to try that again when I'm not totally awestruck. But seriously, I thought it was great, a few issues with lighting, but all of the voices were great. One in particular (I think his name was Andrew Giordano, can't remember) reminded me of Brooks Ashmanskas from the original recording, he just had a very rich voice, and he did "The World Was Dancing". Ten of the songs were with a 35 piece orchestra and sounded great, and JRB himself sang a great rendition of "She Cries", and did "Moving Too Fast" for the encore.

And, on a sidenote: not only does Lauren Kennedy have (in my humble opinion) a better voice than Sherie Rene Scott, she is an extremely nice person! She actually remembered my name for more than three seconds. Jason was also great afterwards, hilarious the whole time through, though he did seem a bit tired by the end (i was one of the last people in line, I didn't want to feel rushed by a huge bunch of people behind me). But, overall, a stunning show, and I'm interested to hear what other people thought of it.

#1re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 1:27am

I was there...in the FIRST ROW!!! I still can't believe I scored that.

I am STILL on cloud 9 from the performance. It was really just amazing to be there. I really enjoyed hearing JRB do She Cries. Loved seeing my favourites (Steam Train, King of the World). And were you squealing with me when JRB did the opening 2 chords of "Moving Too Fast"?!? I just about fell out of my chair.

I really enjoyed hearing the larger orchestrations on some of those songs. I don't claim to be fully appreciative of music theory or composition, but even I heard how much richer some harmonies were with the extra texture. There were bits I'd never heard before.

All in all, it was just thrilling to know you're hearing music EXACTLY as it was meant to be played with the composer directing/playing along. I enjoyed his stories; he's kind of a quirky guy. he he. He seems utterly amused that his little show has found a following in musical theatre nuts like us.

Yeah...and the spot-op should be drawn and quartered. grr.

did you buy his new CD? or Lauren's? I'd be curious how they are.

#2re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 6:53am

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]
Updated On: 10/25/05 at 06:53 AM

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#3re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 9:00am

I was going to post last night, but I was lazy and tired.

What a show. I ended up getting a ticket in orch row M dead center for $25 because they just gave me a 50% discount at the box office, so I was pumped I was able to sit close.

The Boston performers were all sufficient, some of them better than others. Personally, I loved seeing the few college girls up there. They definately held their own.

I don't know who was running the lights or sound, but they could have used a more detailed cue sheet or something. Between the mics being on way too loud, and the spotlight missing the person singing half the time, I was annoyed.

I also had no idea Jason was so funny. When he took time to speak about the history of "Songs for a New World" he was sarcastic, and witty, but helarious. I was expecting him to be super-serious.

Lauren Kennedy was very good. She looks about 18, how old is she anyway? It was my first experience seeing her live, but I'm not ready to say she's better than Sherie. Though, I could be biased...Sherie is one of my favorite performers ever.

"Movin Too Fast" for the encore was definately a treat. I've always wanted to see him play that song live...and now I have.

After the show Jason and Lauren were both very nice. I had heard some JRB horror stories, but last night he was incredibly kind, and seemed to genuinely enjoy meeting people.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

Phantess Profile Photo
#4re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:13am

I was on cloud 9 for hours. I bought Lauren's CD and my friend bought Jason's I have yet to hear his. I LOVE Lauren Kennedy, and Man can that woman belt. And they were all SO nice. You would think a producer like Jason would be all snobbish, but he was so nice, funny and down to earth.

I thought the crowd was great. So many fun BU kids.

The orchestra was amazing. I love the full orchestra versions of Christmas Lullaby, Suburbia Santa..., Flagmaker. JRB totally is king of the piano. I have never seen anyone play like that, his hands were moving so fast it was as if they weren't moving at all.

I also think that the tech could have be done better by an amature. Follow the person using the spot light. And I think the sound system was a little weird too.

And OMG the encore piece was just...icing on the cake. I was having a coronary it was so wonderful!

Good Times.

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#5re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:16am

I agree about the piano playing. The man plays the piano with his whole body.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

#6re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:51am

Truthfully, I found the concert at Symphony Space in May to be far superior.

Is that the cream of the crop in Boston's talent pool? I mean, they're not bad, they're just not... wonderful. To think that's the best of the best is kind of discouraging.

Lauren blew the roof off, though. She has a beautiful voice. Of course, so does SRS. Why must someone be better? They're both uniquely talented and own it.

So, yes, Jason and Lauren were a delight. I still preferred the concert in May.

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

ScubaSteve Profile Photo
#7re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 3:31pm

There was a concert in May? Does Jason come to Boston often? Because I'm just starting in college here, and that would rule my world if he made another stop or two while I'm here.

And, you're right, its not always about someone being better, but I enjoyed Lauren's voice much more than Sherie's. That's just me.

Jason was hysterical. I loved the bit when he said "So MTI licensed seven productions of Songs to be performed in the next six months, which was wierd cause the music wasn't written down. So then I did, and afterwards I was like "Why bother", hearing the way its been done for the past ten years." I was dying at that point.

And who was the guy who had that really rich, full voice? I think he did "World Was Dancing". Any help guys?

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#8re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 3:39pm

...there is a reason I'm ALWAYS in NYC to get my theatre fix...

Out of all the "local" performers, I found I enjoyed the college kids best.

Scuba- The Symphony Space concert was the one Jason was talking about last night. It wasn't in Boston, it was in New York.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05
Updated On: 10/26/05 at 03:39 PM

#9re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 3:41pm

I agree on the Boston talent pool. I wasn't blown away by anyone. I particularly enjoyed Brian Robinson. and Jose Delgado. and the one who did the "Just One Step" piece (no program with me, sorry). In terms the college kids, they were great. I couldn't take my eyes off Veronica.

I don't really know Lauren from anything (apparently I'm really behind on this). She is beautiful and looks like she's 24. She can really belt some of those notes! I was rather disappointed she didn't sing another solo. She was the featured performer and came from out of town, I was surprised to only see her once.

ScubaSteve Profile Photo
#10re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 4:35pm

"Scuba- The Symphony Space concert was the one Jason was talking about last night. It wasn't in Boston, it was in New York."

Doh! My mistake *puts on dunce cap* But, still, is there the chance he may be back in Boston in the next few years? I mean, you never really know, but just wondering all the same.

RumTumTugger22 Profile Photo
#11re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 9:49pm

Oh My that was such a great concert. One of the best experiences of my life. Lauren Kennedy was so nice and Jason Robert Brown was as well. He was really quite funny. I enjoyed his Closer than Ever comment, I live for musical theater humor.


#12re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 9:56pm

Hahaha, the follow-spot op needed to just quit from the beginning.

As for the concert, "PHENOMENAL!!!" isn't exactly how I'd describe it. The performers were mostly fine, not necessarily bad, but definitely not the caliber I was expecting. They were good cabaret performers, for the most part, but no one really blew me away or even really impressed me too much.

The one performer, however, who did stand out to me was the guy who sang "Steam Train;" he came off as being a) actually talented and b) significantly more talented than the rest of the performers. I also liked the girl who sang "Christmas Lullaby," not that she was better than Andrea Burns or Nikki Renee Daniels, who sang it at Symphony Space in May, she just had a pretty voice.

JRB and Lauren Kennedy were, obviously, both great.

The full orchestrations sound excellent and the new segment that lead into "Hear My Song," while random, sounded really pretty.

And to answer the question for all the NYer's, the concert in May was better...a lot better. Again, these performers weren't necessarily bad, but none of them was particularly impressive; they were fine, but I wouldn't really say they were good.

Sorry, did I just take it down a little?

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

RumTumTugger22 Profile Photo
#13re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:04pm

MusicnMath, Leigh Barrett sang Just One Step. She's super cool. I did North Shore's Production of Aida:School Edition and she did a Master class and was wicked cool.

The Steam Train singer I thought was incredible. I originally came into that show thinking they better have someone to hit those notes. And he. Oh boy did he get those notes.



#14re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:07pm

The breakdancer?

I think you misspelled "not good enough and therefore not so much entertaing or cool as distracting," but thats just a guess."

And I wish the "Steam Train" guy could have sang "King of the World," too since he was a) better than the guy who did it and b) the guy who did it wasn't good enough.

Andrew, tonight isn't about you! It isn't even about me!!! - [FD]

RumTumTugger22 Profile Photo
#15re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 10:11pm

I thought JRB's rendition of She Cries was one of the best songs of the night. Just because it sounded so cool.


#16re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/25/05 at 11:33pm

I think it goes without saying that LK's "Flying Home" was the highlight of the evening. She blew the roof off. There's no denying that.

I was incredibly disappointed that the german accent was not included in Surabaya Santa, as that is my favorite number ever and hope one day to tear it up when I'm of age. :) It just took away from the cliche irony of the number. The absurd accents are what MAKES that song.

I think the woman who sang it was one of the more talented of the evening, but I hated her interpretation. Thank GOD she lost the "But I'm not even German" line or I would have jumped up on stage and beaten someone silly.

Emily's version in May was far superior, even if she did use the crutch of a black binder. re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

meagan9848 Profile Photo
#17re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 5:26am

Doh! My mistake *puts on dunce cap* But, still, is there the chance he may be back in Boston in the next few years? I mean, you never really know, but just wondering all the same.

You said you just started college here? Trust me, you'll figure out that New York is only $30 away...at least I did. I think I'm there more weekends than I'm here.

Idina: Somehow I got myself to the stage, came out at the end of the show, and I had some kind of closure.
Some guy: You looked great!
Idina: Thanks...I WAS SO HIGH! 8/21/05

Flaunt It
#18re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 8:45am

Lauren & Jason for obvious reasons.

Mary Calanan who knows how to sell it (Even when directed badly)

Brian Robertson's "King of the World"

Jose Delgado's "Steam Train"

"Christmas Lullaby"

Meeting Lauren and Jason afterward

Leigh Barrett - why is this woman cast all the time? She is dull, not that attractive (and her bad outfit did not help), and I hear she was a total diva bitch.

Brendan McNab - HUH.. who forgot their talent? He is Valentine in Speakeasy's Spiderwoman... well I have saved myself a trip!

Kerry Dowling - What a great community theatre singer... ugh... RUINED "Stars and the Moon"

Maryann Zschau - dreadfully dull and untalented

I give everyone involved all the credit in the world for coming together for a great cause. For a show with one day of real rehearsal .. it was fabu (except for Crackhead Bob the spot operator .. the guys are union???).

Jon Kimbell (NSMT's Artistic Director) better put his money where his mouth is and hire some of these people if he thinks they are all so talented. He came off very fake.. and didnt even bother to learn the musical director's name. And the first thing he has to say about the producer is how cute he is? Dirty old man alert!!!!!

But I too am not blown away by the overall pool of Boston talent (With a few exceptions: Andrew, Mary, Jose, Brian). It is sad that these people are cast again and again in the area when I see more talented people at local karaoke bars.

But Bosotn Theatre Politics aside... It was well worht the $50.

#19re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 10:03am

i was so excited to be there, i thought it was a great evening. I agree that maybe some of the people weren't right for this music, but that doesn't mean they're not good. I've seen many of them in other things around town and thought they were excellent. Someone mentioned about the "german thing and the different voices". I happen to know that that was jrb's choice. I was lucky enough to sit in on a session!
way cool...And as for Leigh Barrett-there is no one more supportive. I've coached with her and she's fantastic. She gets cast because she's great.
I loved Flagmaker! those orchestrations were amazing and I loved Christmas Lullaby. I thought Brian Robinson was fierce. The things that ruined it for me were the sound issues and the poor drunk they hired on the spots

#20re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 11:26am

Flaunt It - I completely agree on your list of the "goods".

As far as Not So Hot's go, well, I mostly agree there too - with the exception of Leigh Barrett in Just One Step, which I enjoyed.

Brendan was....just not up to snuff. He was the one I was really most surprised in a "which one of these does not belong" kind of way.

Further agreement on ruining Starts and Moon re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts??? I love love that song...and I so didn't here.

Some of the singers were more charasmatic than others, but the night was about Jason's music. I still say I was on cloud 9 just to be there for the music, and to see him be a part of this.

#21re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 1:51pm

"Someone mentioned about the "german thing and the different voices". I happen to know that that was jrb's choice. I was lucky enough to sit in on a session!"

Well, care to elaborate why he chose to go that route? If there's a valid reason, I'll take it into consideration. You can't just say, "It was because he said so!" And just because it was his decision doesn't mean it necessarily translated well on stage.

"You! You are the worst thing to happen to musical theatre since Andrew Lloyd Webber! And you, well, I just plain don't like you."
~Stewart Gilligan Griffin

#22re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 2:54pm

The song was originally written to be done without an accent. The actress who originally worked on the song was the one who added the accent. That then got record onto the CD, which is why we all know it that way.

#23re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:12pm

All I know is he said he always hated that take. It just was not how he envisioned it and I guess he felt that the fact that he wrote it-was a valid enough reason. It was a concert and he didn't want to just re do what was done before. Live theatre, you take a chance that it will translate and maybe does and maybe it doesn't. With a longer run, you have a luxury of making different decisions-I liked it, just not what we fans are used to hearing.

#24re: 'Songs For A New World' Boston Concert - thoughts???
Posted: 10/26/05 at 3:25pm

I actually *preferred* this version. I deleted the CD track off my computer...but I really enjoyed it live.
