re: Cumpsty, Gemginani, Peil and more round out SUNDAY Cast Oct 31
2007, 12:14:59 AM
So we're thinking Morgain Lewis is the Dot cover? Looking at that list I couldn't figure out who would be, and I guess she's the closest in age to being appropriate for the part; but I can't say I'm excited about her as Dot. On the upside, I can't wait to see Jenna Russell. You can't win them all... Other than that... fantastic. Good to see Brynn O'Malley on board, too!
re: GODSPELL returns to Broadway, summer 2008 Oct 18
2007, 10:06:06 PM
How have people been talking about the Papermill production for so long without having mentioned Sara Chase? She sang "Bless the Lord" and she was DYNAMITE. And that's coming from someone whose most played song on iTunes is the Shoshana Bean version by more than a few plays. She needs to get back on a stage yesterday.
re: 'The Year of Magical Thinking' Seating Aug 21
2007, 12:52:57 PM
Has anyone gotten seats for this through TDF? Just wondering what night of the week you saw the show through TDF and where the seats were located. I'm just trying to figure out if I should try TDF or just hope for rush.
re: Who should play George and Dot/Marie in the 2008 Sunday Revival Jul 25
2007, 09:33:51 PM
Sunday... is easily my favorite Sondheim score and show. That being said, I couldn't be happier that we're getting Evans and Russell. First of all, I think they sound FANTASTIC on the new cast recording, which I am absolutely in love with. Also, I was praying it wouldn't be Esparza or Cerveris or Errico or O'Hara (whom I love). I would have been really disappointed to see of them in these great roles I just don't think they're that right for. As for Americans
re: 1776: best recording??? Jun 30
2007, 12:40:07 AM
If you don't pick the Buckley recording, you'll get your Gay card taken away.
re: Who Do YOU Want to Replace Ebersole? Jun 22
2007, 11:23:08 AM
Patti Cohenour.
re: Xanadu First Preview May 24
2007, 03:28:26 AM
Holy sh*t. I think that pretty accurately sums up the genuine feelings of disbelief and awe I felt tonight during Xanadu. To say it was a sh*tshow would be a huge understatement, but maybe also misleading. The show was definitely campy, but maybe unintentionally so, for me anyway. The show itself, when trying too hard to be self-referential and not take itself too seriously (they made jokes about Les Miz playing across the street at one point) fails miserably.
re: Grey Gardens London and National Tour May 17
2007, 12:57:20 AM
Epilepsy is sick, Jessie.
re: Brandi Chavonne Massey is AIDA at ArtPark May 4
2007, 01:13:08 PM
Wow. That's a 7-hour trip I'm definitely making.
re: Anne Pitoniak Has Died Apr 26
2007, 01:12:46 PM
You can see her performance in 'night, Mother at the Lincoln Center Library. It was a fascinating production, especially being so familiar with the text and the revival production, it was interesting to see the performances and just how true everything in the original production was to Norman's text. Also, it ran at the Golden Theatre, which has a much smaller stage than the Royale (now the Jacobs), where it was revived, so even just seeking how that affected the producti
re: Mimi Jimenez - the current 'Seasons of Love' soloist on tour - Get her Apr 12
2007, 12:35:53 AM
My friend saw the tour and could not start talking about the SOLoist. She said it was some of the most bonkers singing she's ever seen. With the creation of this thread and seeing that so many other people apparently feel the same way, I'm kind of hoping they bring this girl in. After Frenchie stinking up the stage for the past 15 years, it would be nice to see someone who a) doesn't keep the SOLo so low and b) is apparently phenomenal.
re: Once On This Island - Was 1981 A Slow Year? Apr 5
2007, 02:33:02 AM
Love the score and the show (which might not be perfect, but it's got quite a bit of heart; and the end is really beautiful). Just wanted to comment on how funny it is that someone said "It's not Ragtime" because the opening of OOTI absolutely is Ragtime. The end of "We Dance" is exactly the same as the end of "Ragtime" and I love it. Anyway, Lillias rocked the Tony performance. She is one crazy b*tch.
re: Brian Charles Rooney - LIVE @ The Zipper Theater - 'Turn Me ON... Turn Apr 5
2007, 01:20:55 AM
Wow. Does anybody have a sweater? It's quite shilly in here. What ever happened to tact?
Congrats to Jayne Paterson (Kevin Kline awards) Mar 27
2007, 07:39:52 PM
Congrats to the perfectly divine Ms. Paterson for her winning the Kevin Kline award for her work in the St. Louis Rep production of Urinetown (not the place, of course... the musical). Can someone please get her back on the boards soon? She is far too talented to not be onstage at all times.
re: people you've seen in different roles in the same show?? Mar 26
2007, 01:31:37 AM
This was just brought up in the Spelling Bee thread where people were talking about how the Broadway cast is moving out and the tour cast (I think?) is coming in... Les Miz fired a bunch of people just before their tenth anniversary on Broadway and re-auditioned everyone. Christeena Michelle Riggs, who was playing Eponine before the overhaul, ended up as Cosette in the new cast. Not quite an issue of a supporting actor covering a lead, but I think it's interestin
re: Sondheim / Bacharach Feb 24
2007, 02:58:36 AM
I'm surprised no one mentioned "Unworthy of Your Love" yet. Brilliant.
re: Best Actor in a Musical tony Feb 18
2007, 12:43:34 AM
I know I'm in the minority, but Esparza didn't really do anything for me. In fact, I probably don't need to qualify that... Esparza didn't really do anything, did he? Lots of standing and watching, though. I thought "Being Alive" was good, but not nearly earth-shattering. So in that respect, if, in lieu of giving out the award for having a nice ass or whatever your cynical reason of the moment might be, we are, for example, giving out the award for delivering one good performance o
re: Changes to INTO THE WOODS for the 2002 Revival Feb 16
2007, 06:15:58 PM
A revival of Into the Woods... what crazy stuff will you guys think up next?
re: Adriane Lenox as Caroline? Feb 8
2007, 03:58:27 AM
Am I the only one who wasn't shocked by his loss? To go even further, I was expecting it. Is everyone forgetting about the other impressive four-person play that was just across the street from Doubt? Virginia Woolf was going to lose Best Actress and Best Featured Actress to its Doubt counterparts, but I was sure it wouldn't go completely unacknowledged. If I had to pick one person from the Doubt brigade to lose their award, it was going to be O'Byrne.
re: Jacques Brel Closing 2/25 Feb 6
2007, 12:46:17 AM
Kill me. I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today. Does anybody know Alanis Morissette's number?