Pirate Queen word of mouth

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#1Pirate Queen word of mouth
Posted: 4/20/07 at 6:49pm

Anyone else get a good laugh out of these? The two older patrons seemed to enjoy the show for the most part, but Audrey claims that Les Miz is not hummable and encourages other partrons to go see Wicked instead, though she did try and cover by also suggesting Company or A Chorus Line so already I can’t really put any trust in her opinion.

Phil, seemed to enjoy it also but claims that it’s a more laid back show that you don’t really have to pay much attention to in order to enjoy it. I have yet to see the show so I can’t comment on that opinion.

Then, the Les Miz and Saigon fan totally trashes the show, but he’s a physician so who the hell can trust him?


wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#2re: Pirate Queen word of mouth
Posted: 4/20/07 at 6:50pm

She's just reccomending Company because Raul is so "Yummy". re: Pirate Queen word of mouth

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

Lady Italy Profile Photo
Lady Italy
#2re: Pirate Queen word of mouth
Posted: 4/20/07 at 9:55pm

Well, this does bring opinions from different age groups. They had some very interesting things to say. I liked their comments.

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#3re: Pirate Queen word of mouth
Posted: 4/20/07 at 11:04pm

Lady Italy, I don't want to sound rude, but all of your comments make you seem like an extremely, extremely thinly veiled shill.

Lady Italy Profile Photo
Lady Italy
#4re: Pirate Queen word of mouth
Posted: 4/21/07 at 2:47am

No I'm not a shill...just someone who really really likes this show! I put my comments in for The Pirate Queen whenever I can. Besides, I live too far, from NY, to be any type of shill. I am just part of the demographics that enjoys spectacular Broadway shows and would like to see more of this type production.
