
Survivor Philippines cast and season information.- Page 4

Survivor Philippines cast and season information.

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#75Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/29/12 at 2:53pm

I could be wrong, but I thought Lisa still had all of her money when Abi bid.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#76Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/29/12 at 2:54pm

No, Lisa got that big ol' sammich she wanted.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#77Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/29/12 at 2:58pm

I don't know that they should have anticipated Abi doing that. If anything, I always think the trick in auctions is to buy something before you get stuck with the surprise that turns out to be crappy. I was expecting one of of those hidden things to be bugs or something.

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#78Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/29/12 at 3:03pm

Yes, but her sandwich was after Abi, wasn't it? I thought the sandwich and bone meat came after Abi's purchase.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#79Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/29/12 at 3:22pm

Lisa bought her sandwich before Abi bought her clue.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#80Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/29/12 at 9:34pm

I don't think anyone banked on Abi winning the challenge if her advantage would have been to be placed two steps in front of the mat at the finish line because she has either sucked or not participated in every challenge. She won because she wasn't exhausted and has tiny fingers. She got lucky, plain and simple. I do think it was odd that the alliance of four never even considered getting rid of the skinny blonde kid as an option. He's been doing really well at challenges, gets along with everyone, and has been flying under the radar. Penner screwed himself by not jumping on that alliance, but I think they made a mistake by going with Malcolm who could easily walk away with the whole thing. Not to mention he and Denise are too strong together. Malcolm, Denise and skinny blonde kid seem like the likeliest for the finale unless someone decides to string along Abi to dilute the votes (which would probably backfire on them anyway).

I really love Lisa in this game. Even more than I expected. But she has GOT to toughen it up to get to the finale. So far, she's been playing the best strategic game. I was hoping for a Lisa/Skupin/Penner finale. Now, I'd be lucky to see one of them in it. Survivor Philippines cast and season information.

Abi is just a self-centered bitchface. She's incapable of listening to anyone or anything that doesn't represent her preconceptions or ideas. If anyone tries to have a conversation with her, she shuts them down the second they don't agree with whatever nonsense flies out of her idiot-hole. Jeff's question about cultural differences was just bait knowing Abi would gobble up any lame excuse as defense. Her tears were about not getting her way. Nothing more. When she watches the episodes, she'll blame the editing. She has the self-awareness of a baboon on bath salts.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#81Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/29/12 at 9:44pm

Before last nights episode I totally thought Lisa was playing a very strategic game, as well. But I think last night showed she's just getting VERY lucky. She was going back and forth between alliances and in any other season with any other player, that person would have a huge target on their back. But she got very lucky that Abi was in her other alliance so nobody questiones her wavering back and forth. Don't get me wrong, nothing would make me happier than seeing Lisa take the grand prize but from here on out in order to do that, she's going to have to start really being strategic and take some real risks making sure the stronger players don't get rid of the "nice Christian lady".

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#82Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/30/12 at 7:31am

I heard a radio interview with Penner last night and he said that Abi's edit is totally on the spot. He said that Carter's (skinny kid, MM)isn't very accurate, that he's actually playing a lot harder than it appears to us.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#83Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/30/12 at 7:50am

And it makes sense, because they all seem to really like Carter, and support him.

I know I sound like some conspiracy nut, but, I really wonder if challenges aren't somehow structured to give certain people an advantage to keep the story moving forward in a way that suits the producers/Jeff. That challenge seemed perfect for Abi, once they knew that she had the edge after having bought the clue. (I know - it's unlikely, but, I sometimes just wonder).
I don't for a moment doubt that Jeff is fed information so he can direct and lead Tribal Council to suit the outcome he desires. When it feels manipulated to me, I feel frustrated.

Was really sorry to see Penner voted off.

I hope that something comes up about that nonsense Abi was spouting about the 'second message' in her Advantage Clue.

Good season.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."
Updated On: 11/30/12 at 07:50 AM

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#84Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/30/12 at 8:17am

I've always thought challenges were set up in ways to give certain players advantages, so I dint think you're a conspiracy nut at all with that.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#85Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/30/12 at 8:26am

Would so love a behind-the-scenes look into the production of this show.

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#86Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/30/12 at 8:31am

Or any "reality" show.

Have you ever looked at an application for one of these shows? The ones ice seen ask a ton of weird questions like "What scares you" or "what foods do you absolutely hate" and I think - You have to be an IDIOT to answer those honestly! What food do I hate? Um....chocolate. What am I scared of? Puppy dogs.

NYadgal Profile Photo
#87Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/30/12 at 8:50am

I have seen the Survivor application... and you're right. I would never answer honestly!

"Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a lot of world to see. . ."

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#88Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 11/30/12 at 8:54am

I have filled out the Survivor, Big Brother and The Amazing Race applications. Lie, embellish, fib ... you have to do it all. A friend is the casting director for all three shows and she is always looking for very specific people. The actual applications/videos from the masses get very little, if any, consideration. She was a pageant girl and there is ALWAYS a pageant girl on all three shows.

Updated On: 12/6/12 at 08:54 AM

#89Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 12:31pm

Once again Abi lives to see another day. It would be nice to see her get voted off but I have a feeling that people might want to take her to the final tribal council since she will get no votes from the jury.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#90Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 1:12pm

Taking her to the end and voting Malcolm off ASAP would be the smartest way for any remaining player to win.

doodlenyc Profile Photo
#91Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 2:20pm

And Lisa knows it.

I always figured that the show manipulated the contestants, even the challenges, but it's become much worse. A few seasons ago, Jeff's leading questions at tribal became so obvious and contestants are SO EAGER to answer them. I just dont get it! Why would you reveal so much at tribal council?

"Carson has combined his passion for helping children with his love for one of Cincinnati's favorite past times - cornhole - to create a unique and exciting event perfect for a corporate outing, entertaining clients or family fun."

"In Oz, the verb is douchifizzation." PRS

Phyllis Rogers Stone
#92Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 2:52pm

I know I sound like some conspiracy nut, but, I really wonder if challenges aren't somehow structured to give certain people an advantage to keep the story moving forward in a way that suits the producers/Jeff.

No, I think that's totally legit. And, like doodle said, Jeff leads tribal councils to get people to come to certain conclusions, even if those conclusions aren't right and never would have been come to if he hadn't guided the conversation.

SonofMammaMiaSam Profile Photo
#93Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 2:53pm

Tribal Council actually goes on for 4 hours or more. I think Jeff just wears them down to get info. out of them.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#94Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 3:00pm

I wish Showtime would broadcast the entire tribal council the way they do Big Brother After Dark.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#95Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 3:18pm

Taking her to the end and voting Malcolm off ASAP would be the smartest way for any remaining player to win.

I don't know about that. Especially with a 3-person finale.

Lisa already revealed her strategy to the entire jury, so if she and Abi make it to the end, the jury could vote for the third person if they play the jury right and distance themselves from Abi. The wise thing would have been to focus on Malcolm, Carter (I finally learned his name!) and Denise as the biggest threats and dismiss Abi as not being a threat rather than admitting to keeping her because she’d be easy to beat. Lisa put a big target on her back by revealing that she’d rather take Abi to the end than any of the others, including those in her alliance. Skupin, Denise and Malcolm could simply decide to get rid of Lisa and Abi next, though Skupin probably wouldn’t have a shot at winning if that happens.

If Skupin sticks with Lisa and Abi and Malcolm/Denise does not win immunity, he could be the swing vote that not only changes the game, but open the door wide to winning the whole thing if Malcolm/Denise doesn’t win final immunity.

But at this point, unless something MAJOR happens, I really couldn’t see Lisa or Abi wining the game. Though Lisa and Malcolm will probably be a tight race for fan favorite.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#96Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 3:22pm

It's weird but I think at this point Lisa could say she wants to skull fvck Denise with Malcolm's dlck and set Carter on fire just to watch him burn, and she'd still be safe. I don't know why but even though she tells everyone exactly what she's thinking and what her next move will be, she's still never seen as a threat. I think it's kind of amazing.

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#97Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/6/12 at 3:24pm

Oh, and Lisa's brother is super cute!

Jordan Catalano Profile Photo
Jordan Catalano
#98Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/9/12 at 10:58am

So I met this guy at a party yesterday who (without giving away too much) would be very reliable in this sort of information, and he informed me that next season is going to be another All-Star season featuring...


Malcolm. So if that's true it looks like Lisa and Skupin are going to put their plan into effect.

#99Survivor Philippines cast and season information.
Posted: 12/13/12 at 12:33am

Even if Abi was easy to beat I was SO GLAD that she went home. It will be interesting to see what happens on Sunday night's finale. It's been a very enjoyable season.
