Big Brother 2019

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#175Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/20/19 at 11:59pm

If Christie goes the energy of the house is going to probably go down. The floaters are surviving pretty well this year. Tommy may have a chance since he gets along with everybody and I give Cliff credit for staying logical throughout the process..

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#176Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/22/19 at 10:07pm

I’m very impressed with Christie’s gameplay this week. I had thought there might be a chance she’d swing the votes her way when I watched live feeds before I cancelled my free trial, but still seemed iffy.

I hope she gets to nominate the second nominee. I suppose Nick will automatically go on the block either way.

I love the idea of Holly getting pranked all week. Lol

#177Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/22/19 at 10:08pm

Julie, oye, that hairdo.  She looks like she has a cat sitting on her head.

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#178Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/23/19 at 3:26am

ArtMan said: "Julie, oye, that hairdo. She looks like she has a cat sitting on her head."


I thought Julie looked like she had stuck her finger in a light socket before going onstage.

Yes, Christie gets two points for not giving up and inventing a Dirty Dick move.


dramamama611 Profile Photo
#179Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/23/19 at 5:53am

I dont think she grts pranked all week. The peank is that she loses 1/2 of her hoh power.

Id like to see Nick get the power.

And Julie looked ridiculous. Was she auditioning for Cats? Was she attacked by a cat? Did a 5 year do her hair?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#180Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/25/19 at 9:09pm

Christie must have really pissed someone off in production.  Even though I can't stand her, that segment on her chewing (although funny and so true) was kind of uncalled for. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#181Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/25/19 at 9:19pm

If the contestants last long enough, they all seem to get an unflattering segment. Tonight it was Jackson (watermelon) and Christie (chewing). Hers was worse of course, but it coulda been worse. Based on watching my one week free trial, she is also prone to burping after/while eating without trying to cover her mouth or say “excuse me.” Of course, I also hate watermelon so I don’t get the obsession. Lol

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#182Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/26/19 at 7:26am

Says a lot about this season that Christie is likely the best player we got. 

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#183Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/26/19 at 9:37am

And Julie looked ridiculous. Was she auditioning for Cats? Was she attacked by a cat? Did a 5 year do her hair?

My husband said, "Why does Julie look like she just stepped out of a car wash?"

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian
Updated On: 8/26/19 at 09:37 AM

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#184Big Brother 2019
Posted: 8/27/19 at 3:15am

When Nick and Bella were living in the HOH room the houseguests all said that they could not stand to go up there because the smell was so bad. So every time I see Nick I think of Pig Pen in the Charlie Brown series. Once someone gets marked with smelling bad it is hard for me to see past it.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#185Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 9:20am

Just caught up on the last few episodes. Kinda glad Nick is gone, he didnt bring much to the show for me. Wasn't a really good player, is creepy on the feeds, brings really nothing of entertainment, so I'm thrilled he's gone. Hoping Jess can go this week and create a pretty fun final 6. So over hypocrite Christie though. She's been entertaining and I'm glad she's lasted this long but really hoping her and Tommy are the next ones to go. Cliff and Nicole final 2 please! 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#186Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 10:12am

Mike Barrett said: "Just caught up on the last few episodes. Kinda glad Nick is gone, he didnt bring much to the show for me. Wasn't a really good player, is creepy on the feeds, brings really nothing of entertainment, so I'm thrilled he's gone. Hoping Jess can go this week and create a pretty fun final 6. So over hypocrite Christie though. She's been entertaining and I'm glad she's lasted this long but really hoping her and Tommy are the next ones to go. Cliff and Nicole final 2 please!"

I actually think Nick’s gameplay was pretty solid   And he appears to have played a pretty good social game (until they figured him out) no matter how creepy he appeared to us  

i agree Jessica should go next. Except for one very strong week, she’s been a floater.

I do hope Cliff makes it to the final two  I’d like to see someone my age win! But he’ll have to start winning comps again as they’ll realize he could beat most of them in jury votes and will start coming for him soon.

I like Nicole but she even admitted Sunday night that she contributes nothing to the team. On those grounds, she doesn’t deserve final two unless Cliff brings her to secure a win for himself.

Christie annoys me, but she has grown on me. She keeps staying alive in the game which I admire. I wouldn’t hate it if she wins.

Tommy has strong social game and is more calculating than I initially thought. I also wouldn’t hate it if he won.

However, there’s no denying the powerhouse that is Jackson/Holly. I don’t necessarily like some of their early house behavior and can’t rally root for them to win, but they would be deserving. 

Updated On: 9/3/19 at 10:12 AM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#187Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 10:31am

Miles2Go2 said: "Mike Barrett said: "Just caught up on the last few episodes. Kinda glad Nick is gone, he didnt bring much to the show for me. Wasn't a really good player, is creepy on the feeds, brings really nothing of entertainment, so I'm thrilled he's gone. Hoping Jess can go this week and create a pretty fun final 6. So over hypocrite Christie though. She's been entertaining and I'm glad she's lasted this long but really hoping her and Tommy are the next ones to go. Cliff and Nicole final 2 please!"

I actually think Nick’s gameplay was pretty solid And he appears to have played a pretty good social game (until they figured him out) no matter how creepy he appeared to us

i agree Jessica should go next. Except for one very strong week, she’s been a floater.

I do hope Cliff makes it to the final two I’d like to see someone my age win! But he’ll have to start winning comps again as they’ll realize he could beat most of them in jury votes and will start coming for him soon.

I like Nicole but she even admitted Sunday night that she contributes nothing to the team. On those grounds, she doesn’t deserve final two unless Cliff brings her to secure a win for himself.

Christie annoys me, but she has grown on me. She keeps staying alive in the game which I admire. I wouldn’t hate it if she wins.

Tommy has strong social game and is more calculating than I initially thought. I also wouldn’t hate it if he won.

However, there’s no denying the powerhouse that is Jackson/Holly. I don’t necessarily like some of their early house behavior and can’t rally root for them to win, but they would be deserving.

I just think that was Nick's flaws tbh, he was too wishy washy with everyone. Once he was exposed he couldn't recover which I think is ultimately a flaw. Christie has been in trouble many times and has been able to recover. I just think it speaks to her social game a bit more than his. He just never really had a clear strategy from what I could see, and even from a viewers perspective I really couldn't tell where he stood. 

I do agree Christie is arguably the best player in this house. If she survives until the final 2, even if she's with Tommy, she deserves to win. Cant deny her passion for the game and trying to win. Absolutely giving it her all. 



Also, a moment of silence for Jessica. Her fall, was just outstanding television. So absurd, so over the top, thats what I come here for lol. 

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#188Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 10:57am

You're also spot on about Holly and Jackson. Holly could easily take this if she grabs another HOH or two. It'd be smart for her and Jackson to just win out at this point if they can. She's got a good social game, shield in Jackson, strategic capabilities, Holly could be our winner this season but we shall see. 

#189Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 1:54pm

I just can't get behind Christie.  She is just a hypocrite.  If she owned her lies, then I would say she played the game the best.  If she really believes she has played an honest game and has not told any lies, then she has more issues going on.  That is why Paul lost his last season, he didn't own up to his deceit and behavior.  If Christie did pull a win, she should be graciously giving Tommy some money.  He has saved her too many times.  Nicole will not win Big Brother, but I really think she will win AFP.  She has been through the ringer in that house and always remained cool and collective when people were screaming and slamming doors in her face.

Updated On: 9/3/19 at 01:54 PM

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#190Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 2:04pm

ArtMan said: "I just can't get behind Christie. She is just a hypocrite. If she owned her lies, then I would say she played the game the best. If she really believes she has played an honest game and has not told any lies, then she has more issues going on. That is why Paul lost his last season, he didn't own up to his deceit and behavior. If Christie dill pull a win, she should be graciously giving Tommy some money. He has saved her too many times. Nicole will not win Big brother, but I really think she will win AFP. She has been through the ringer in that house and always remained cool and collective when people were screaming and slamming doors in her face."

Lol, she blew up on him for having fun while she was on the block. She’s insanely self interested, it’s kinda sad. I don’t disagree here to be honest. God I just hate this entire season. Having a potential final 6 with all pairs left should be exciting but there’s just no one to really get behind for any reasons other than them being an okay person. Hoping survivor is better this fall but the preview does not give me hope. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#191Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 2:13pm

Paul absolutely deserved to win the last season he played. People were butt-hurt he ousted so many of them. Banging pots and pans and being annoying is not what I call good game play.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#192Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 3:50pm

Miles2Go2 said: "Paul absolutely deserved to win the last season he played. People were butt-hurt he ousted so many of them. Banging pots and pans and being annoying is not what I call good game play. "

No, it’s not good gameplay. Josh himself may have not been deserving, but you have to look at their opponent.  Perosnally, I think Paul has poor jury management. If you can’t own your game, you’re not worthy of 500K. Just own it!!! He couldn’t do that. Paul was pretty fake towards the end and it rubbed the jury the wrong way. In a game where you need said jury to vote for you, that’s poor gameplay. He did that twice in a row. Idk, Paul is definitely good but I think he’s overrated and nowhere near the class of Vanessa, Derrick, Tyler, Dan, Janelle, or Dr Will. Just my opinion. Don’t care for his bully tactics either. All this being said though, it’d be interesting to see Paul on some sort of all stars with some of the people I mentioned above, I’d be interested in seeing how he does. 

SmoothLover Profile Photo
#193Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 4:48pm

I have kind of changed my tune in thinking that Tommy may be the one to beat given that everyone likes him. I guess it will depend on HOH comps and how random they are. On a side note there was some talk of how Jackson was well endowed.

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#194Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/3/19 at 11:25pm

Mike Barrett said: "Miles2Go2 said: "Paul absolutely deserved to win the last season he played. People were butt-hurt he ousted so many of them. Banging pots and pans and being annoying is not what I call good game play. "

No, it’s not good gameplay. Josh himself may have not been deserving, but you have to look at their opponent.Perosnally, I thinkPaul has poor jury management. If you can’t own your game, you’re not worthy of 500K. Just own it!!! He couldn’t do that. Paul was pretty fake towards the end and it rubbed the jury the wrong way. In a game where you need said jury to vote for you, that’s poor gameplay. He did that twice in a row. Idk, Paul is definitely good but I think he’s overrated and nowhere near the class of Vanessa, Derrick, Tyler, Dan, Janelle, or Dr Will. Just my opinion. Don’t care for his bully tactics either. All this being said though, it’d be interesting to see Paul on some sort of all stars with some of the people I mentioned above, I’d be interested in seeing how he does.

I agree Paul got too impressed with his own gameplay (especially in the diary room) and he had poor jury management (that’s the one and only way Josh was better than him).  I still say he deserved to win. He ran that house.  I never considered him a bully. I would have a beer with him. I would NOT have a beer with Jsckson or Jack. 

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#195Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/4/19 at 9:16am

Miles2Go2 said: "Mike Barrett said: "Miles2Go2 said: "Paul absolutely deserved to win the last season he played. People were butt-hurt he ousted so many of them. Banging pots and pans and being annoying is not what I call good game play. "

No, it’s not good gameplay. Josh himself may have not been deserving, but you have to look at their opponent.Perosnally, I thinkPaul has poor jury management. If you can’t own your game, you’re not worthy of 500K. Just own it!!! He couldn’t do that. Paul was pretty fake towards the end and it rubbed the jury the wrong way. In a game where you need said jury to vote for you, that’s poor gameplay. He did that twice in a row. Idk, Paul is definitely good but I think he’s overrated and nowhere near the class of Vanessa, Derrick, Tyler, Dan, Janelle, or Dr Will. Just my opinion. Don’t care for his bully tactics either. All this being said though, it’d be interesting to see Paul on some sort of all stars with some of the people I mentioned above, I’d be interested in seeing how he does.

I agree Paul got too impressed with his own gameplay (especially in the diary room) and he had poor jury management (that’s the one and only way Josh was better than him). I still say he deserved to win. He ran that house.I never considered him a bully. I would have a beer with him. I would NOT have a beer with Jsckson or Jack.

Paul isn't jack or Jackson don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure how closely you followed the live feeds that season. To my best memory, Paul would tell his other alliance members to alienate people who were on the outs, make fun of them, call Cody out for his PTSD or something along those lines, It was distasteful and quite frankly bullying at some points. His other alliance members acted the same. Obviously wasn't really covered on the show. I think jury management is arguably the biggest factor when it comes to winning on these shows, and he utterly failed at that. Gotta just own your game for people to respect it. Id have a beer with Cliff though. 

I will say, Paul getting a girl with a broken leg to win a sprinting competition was incredible though. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#196Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/4/19 at 9:49am

I didn’t watch the live feeds then. That definitely could have changed my view of Paul. I have little sympathy for Cody although no one should make fun of soneone’s mental health issues. Cody seemed to run the beautiful people squad who thought they were the elite. I couldn’t stand him. He also as I recall made disrespectful comments about trans people. So if Paul was trying to ostracize the elitists that just seems like giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Mike Barrett  Profile Photo
Mike Barrett
#197Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/4/19 at 10:45am

Miles2Go2 said: "I didn’t watch the live feeds then. That definitely could have changed my view of Paul. I have little sympathy for Cody although no one should make fun of soneone’s mental health issues. Cody seemed to run the beautiful people squad who thought they were the elite. I couldn’t stand him. He also as I recall made disrespectful comments about trans people. So if Paul was trying to ostracize the elitists that just seems like giving them a taste of their own medicine."

Ya it wasn't quite like that. Cody as transphobic but it wasnt really a "Hey lets get back at this awful dude for being terrible" it was more of "Im gonna be awful to this dude" if that makes sense? I think Cody and Paul tbh are not great people. Cody winning America's Favorite Player that season was basically an F U to Paul.


This is a good article showing how they're both terrible. Its more trying to find the lesser of two evils ya know. 

Miles2Go2 Profile Photo
#198Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/4/19 at 10:47pm

I always hate this Veto comp. I hate a messy house. Lol

I know there are two sides to every relationship, but Jackson is an emotionally-distant a-hole! They reconciled without him apologizing for anything. Holly should get as far away from him as she can as soon as she’s out of that house. Remind me: between Jack and Jackson, who has the DUI charge and who has the DV charge?

The house would be smart to get Cliff out. But that’s pretty unlikely. Jackson and Holly’s plan is to let the other pairs take each other out (not sure that’s a super solid plan though). But Jess is mostly a floater as is Nicole. At this point I’d think you would want floaters to stay.

But Holly and and Nicole will likely vote out Jessica. Even if Christie and Tommy vote to evict Cliff, Jackson will break the tie. Of course, he could rethink his plan. I personally think he should. It’s not like Nicole has any real ability to win comps to exact her revenge. Out of jury management, I suppose keeping Cliff is smart, but I also think Cliff would respect a smart game move. Personally, I want Cliff to stay so I hope they evict Jessica only because it could be Jackson's undoing. It really depend on if someone besides Holly wins next HOH. .

#199Big Brother 2019
Posted: 9/5/19 at 8:21am

Jackson has the DV charge.  If you have noticed a change in the edit, for the last month or so, his mother threatened a lawsuit again CBS for their portrayal of her son.  Her claims are Production is forcing her son to say and do the things he does.  There is probably a little truth in this, because other houseguests have stated on the live feeds that production wanted them to say certain things and act a certain way.  Some have flatly refused while others complied.
