
Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame! - Page 2

Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!

AnthVoice2010 Profile Photo
#25Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/8/11 at 9:43am

I agree...

If you can't get a Jewish girl - get an Italian girl...

Lady Gag is the biggest music act in 25 years...She won't be coming here for a really long time.

"There's no damn business like show business - you have to smile to keep from throwing up." - Billie Holiday

BrodyFosse123 Profile Photo
#26Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/8/11 at 11:25am

If you can't get a Jewish girl - get an Italian girl...

Heck... Anne Bancroft made a successfully film career later in life playing the quintessential Jewish mother and Valerie Harper made an iconic Rhoda Morgenstern on both THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW and RHODA and both actresses were/are Roman Catholic Italian women.

SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#27Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/8/11 at 11:44am

I think Donna would be perfect for Mame. She's the right age, she could sing the heck out of it, she is very classy but can be very eccentric too (you've seen her Ruth and her Cora). I can't think of anyone better for a Mame revival--LuPone could pull it off as Mame but she not quite classy enough. She'd be perfect for Vera though, as would Beth Leavel. And Patti probably wouldn't be a supporting role with DOnna as the star (similar to the Follies talk about her as Carlotta with Bernadette).

This would probably give Donna her 3rd Tony (since I don't think People in the Picture will do that unless they pull a David Hyde Pierce on us, LOL).

EDIT: Donna could also DANCE it very well, and Mame needs to really cut a rug in It's Today and Thats How Young I Feel. Updated On: 6/8/11 at 11:44 AM

#28Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/8/11 at 12:19pm

Donna has the class, but not the warmth. Look at the roles she's played:
Cora - Anyone Can Whistle
Lotte Lenya - LoveMusik
Fosca - Passion
Phyllis - Follies
Anna - King and I
Drood/Alice Nutting - Drood

None of those really radiates the warmth that Mame does. None of those roles have the people around the character drawing towards them. She *might* be able to pull it out, but I think at this point in her life, that's not terribly likely.

Her Ruth Sherwood wasn't (to my memory, I could be wrong and will gladly admit if I am) very well received, and even if it was, she wasn't there enough for a "warmth gauge" to be made.

She did (according to Wiki at least) play Audrey in Little Shop, but that was almost 30 years ago now.

She's also 53. Mame starts the show when Patrick is 10, and shouldn't be younger than 28-30, and then has to transcend to at least 48. I can buy Donna Murphy in her late 30s, but not her early 30s.

I like Donna Murphy very much (aside from her attendance problems which go back from before Wonderful Town), but I really think she is much better suited for Vera.


SondheimFan5 Profile Photo
#29Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/8/11 at 12:38pm

She was a cover for Audrey, she went on once! (SHe mentioned that in a Tangled interview last year)

#30Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/9/11 at 1:44am

Gaga didn't play Adelaide--she has said that she still has bad dreams about the fact that she failed the audition and just got a chorus role--and she still dreams of the part.

#31Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/9/11 at 2:24am

I also don't really understand everyone's assumption she can act. And is regards to her being mentioned for FUNNY GIRL, that she's a comedienne. In fact, I've yet to see her sense of humour at all...

Katia2 Profile Photo
#32Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/9/11 at 5:25am

After Fosca and Anna people were plenty skeptical about Ruth but blammo, she did her thing. Her Ruth Sherwood I remember as being very well received, just looked back at a few of the reviews for the Wonderful Town revival a month or so ago I think so hopefully preference isn't distorting things too much.
There are also quite a few parts in People in the Picture where she has to be warm, and even though the show sucks there's not any doubt that she plays Bubbie amazingly.

#33Angela Lansbury wants Gaga on Broadway as Mame!
Posted: 6/9/11 at 7:52pm

i love them both.

if you haven't seen the angela lansbury workout video this is worth a watch, haha
a side of angela lansbury i didn't need to see
