I feel this adaptation isn’t taking itself serious and will be in the style of XANADU, where it’ll have a linear storyline while playfully poking fun of the TV original. Based on the promos, this is definitely not a dramatic adaptation as the series tried to be.
Huss417 said: "Reading some of the responses people have made you wonder why some consider Broadway for the elite.
To me it justcomes across as condescending."
Apparently you didn’t REALLY read thru all of your Broadway Nerd Handbook before signing your contract. The “cast recording” vs “soundtrack” section had to be signed AND initialed. That section was added to the handbook in 1943 after OKLAHOMA! opened on Broadway.
Though her “performing” Roxie is well executed it’s quite clear why they passed on her - too strong and commanding for Roxie. She’s more suited for Velma, if anything. And yes, Toni would be a revelation as Rose in GYPSY - both on stage and on film.
Wick3 said: "Are people buying tickets because of Vanessa Williams or because of the production? I don’t think Vanessa was involved with the show back in it’s Chicago run."
This is an entirely new production. Completely. Including the entire cast, sets, costumes, etc.
I feel this is going to basically be COAL MINER’S DAUGHTER Plus - covering her entire life and continuing further to the later years. I see Sutton being a narrator for Act 1 as a younger actress handles the young Loretta then Sutton taking over completely as Loretta in Act 2. As mentioned, Loretta’s legendary catalogue of songs is being used, similar to THE CHER SHOW. Basically a play with music instead of the jukebox musical concept.
YES! Thanks to the manic oversaturated WICKED press tour, I’ve come around and truly have fallen in love with her and blown away with everything she’s about. She’s owned up to her over-sharing social media ranting and in the future to just keeping things within her personal circle, I’m excited to see her holding court at the Tony Awards.
BorisTomashevsky said: "Does he have the vocal stamina for this? Some of the riffs he was trying in Urinetown kinda failed and Christian is far more demanding. I suppose he’lluse the Klena keys…"
Doesn’t really matter. Based on his now-legendary Broadway performance pattern, he’ll only be in a few performances each week. That voice will be well-rested until he blows it out again a couple of performances later. This is his performance pattern.