
LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!- Page 2

LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!

best12bars Profile Photo
#25LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 4:31pm

Very cool! A new song for Jean. I like the way Hugh is getting "scraggly" for this. But if he shaves his head for the prison stuff, it sounds like he's going to go through many looks in this film, which is only appropriate, considering.

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Bluelark Profile Photo
#26LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 5:18pm

If it's a new song for Valjean and no other character, my first thought was of the unwritten "night thoughts" in which Valjean was supposed to express his fears about giving up Cosette to Marius. That song idea was dropped when Schönberg wrote "Bring Him Home" to go in that spot instead. But seeing as they'd never touch "Bring Him Home", I guess it's unlikely that they'd add a new song that close to it in the show.

tazber Profile Photo
#27LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 5:23pm

I'm glad it's not just a song to go over the credits. I mean, what a waste when there are so many places to add a proper song within the narrative.

....but the world goes 'round

#28LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 5:50pm

Oops - I posted the same news/photo on the lead thread (Which Character Deserves etc), before proceeding to this thread.

Screenwriter William Nicholson has written on his website that they want to enhance the characters further, so maybe this possible solo will delve more into Valjean's early life?

I also thought it more worthwhile to integrate any new song into the storyline.

#29LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 6:22pm

I really hope that this song expands on Valjean's relationship with Cosette, otherwise I think that it should have gone to another character. Compared to Cosette or Marius, Valjean is extremely well-developed, and I'd rather hear more about those two than another one from him. This is coming from someone who likes Valjean a lot, and has no love for Cosette and only marginal love for Marius.

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#30LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 7:05pm

Well, it could still be an end credits song sung by Hugh.

Or, it could be a song put right after Valjean intercepts the letter from Marius and before he goes off to the barricade, detailing his feelings about Cosette growing up and whether he should just let Marius get killed and keep Cosette with him, or go and save Marius for Cosette's sake even if it means he's going to end up alone. I could see that, and it's something that really needs explaining.

#31LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 7:13pm

I really doubt it's going to be an end-credits song. And I don't think he'll go bald, how do they give him hair for the rest of the movie then? I think it may be similar to the twitter photo, close-cropped maybe and look scraggly with clothing, beard, etc.

miss pennywise Profile Photo
miss pennywise
#32LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!
Posted: 2/7/12 at 8:46pm

I love that photo of Hugh Jackman. Tell me WHO is cuter than that guy? LES MISERABLES now in rehearsals!

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