
Finding Neverland Press Preview- Page 2

Finding Neverland Press Preview

#25Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 2/27/15 at 12:55pm

Yeah it's not like Newsies or Side Show's scores were musically anachronistic....OH WAIT!!!!

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

valeposh Profile Photo
#26Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 2/27/15 at 3:02pm

Matthew has that Gene Kelly-esque feel. I found the preview clips very charming, especially "Believe". I wasn't sure about the man-dog but it looks funny and cute to me. Excited!

"Mr Sondheim, look: I made a hat, where there never was a hat, it's a Latin hat at that!"

#27Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 2/28/15 at 4:27pm

Call me a Jeremy Jordan fanboy - but Morrison does not hold a candle to Jordan's vocal performance. Not. Even. Close. It sounds to me like the lowered the key in Stronger which made that last note less than impressive. I loved this show so much at the ART and am so bummed....

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#28Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 2/28/15 at 4:32pm

Dang that key change. Really not feeling anything from Mathew. He looks really stiff and uncomfortable. I just hope he hits "Neverland" out of the park.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...

#29Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 2/28/15 at 4:46pm

Yeah, as much as I was telling people to get over it when Matthew was announced, those key changes are just making me go, "Aw hell."

And Carl, judging by the clips, I would say they've changed most if not all of the keys to J.M. Barrie's songs.

I sincerely hope this show runs long enough so that Jeremy can, if nothing else, replace Matthew when he leaves.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."
Updated On: 2/28/15 at 04:46 PM

#30Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 2/28/15 at 5:04pm

They are still in rehursals! Matthews vocal performance could increase significantly after performing 8 shows a week for a while. Isn't it too early to completly shun his capabilities?

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#31Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 2/28/15 at 5:20pm

I think that differences in the two actors are just as apparent as most people thought they would be. Morrison has the natural grace of a dancer on stage, and Jordan can effortlessly bring on the vocal pyrotechnics when asked to do so. That either may not measure up to the strengths of the other is not a surprise. Some critics in Boston did not like the fact that Jordan played Barrie as the repressed soul that he was in the first act. They would have preferred that the character be more whimsical like Johnny Depp in the movie. Perhaps Morrison has been given the direction to play it up as "Mr. Schue goes to Neverland" because they think that is what the audience wants to see. And who knows, they may be right about that.

To me, the more striking difference is between Michael McGrath and Kelsey Grammer. I thought McGrath was terrific in Cambridge, and although it may be too soon to judge, I don't see Grammer nailing the character like McGrath did. Perhaps he will in time, but McGrath is a very tough act to follow.

And I don't think you will see Jordan returning to this role under any circumstances. He has apparently moved on, and I would expect him to get attached to other projects in the near future.

#32Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 3/1/15 at 8:42am

I agree that, as much as I would LOVE to see Jordan in this role again, he will probably want to steer clear after all that has happened. I actually loved the repressed nature that Jordan used to portray Barrie, because it showed the difference the kids made in his life.

I continue to be in love with Laura Michelle Kelly - I did not feel the connection between her and Morrison but it is still early.

I have heard rumors about being attached to Ever After. Any truth to that?

Updated On: 3/1/15 at 08:42 AM

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#33Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 3/1/15 at 5:10pm

I don't know what Jordan has coming up, but at one time or another, he has been attached to a few projects that are aiming at Broadway in the near future, including Ever After and Bandstand. As I recall, Weinstein said he has Jordan in mind for a TV pilot as well. Of course, all these things take some time to develop, but it appears that he's moving forward and leaving Neverland behind him.

In fairness to Morrison, by the time Jordan and Kelly had completed the A.R.T. run, they had become good enough friends that she accompanied Jordan and his wife on a vacation shortly after. It may take some time for her to build that kind of relationship with Morrison.

#34Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 3/1/15 at 6:59pm

Ha yes I saw their photos on Instagram. They spent months building that rapport and it will take time her to build that with Morrison.

I would die to see Jordan and Laura Osnes star in Bandstand together....

Updated On: 3/1/15 at 06:59 PM

#35Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 3/1/15 at 8:18pm

Also, why would a rocket want to take a trip to Mars? Rockets weren't invented in the early 20th century. Lyric gripe.

#36Finding Neverland Press Preview
Posted: 3/4/15 at 12:00am

I finally watched the clips. I'm hoping everyone was just marking for the sake of the preview. But I did have a question. Is Matthew trying to do a British accent and failing? Is he going in and out of the accent? Or is he not trying to do an accent at all? I legitimately cannot tell.
