Sam Gold Hamlet

AC126748 Profile Photo
#25Sam Gold Hamlet
Posted: 8/25/17 at 10:15am

I noticed the production recently added a general male understudy, and there were reports that the matinees were canceled because Isaac was struggling with the performance schedule. Has Issac (or any of the other performers) missed a show?

"You travel alone because other people are only there to remind you how much that hook hurts that we all bit down on. Wait for that one day we can bite free and get back out there in space where we belong, sail back over water, over skies, into space, the hook finally out of our mouths and we wander back out there in space spawning to other planets never to return hurrah to earth and we'll look back and can't even see these lives here anymore. Only the taste of blood to remind us we ever existed. The earth is small. We're gone. We're dead. We're safe." -John Guare, Landscape of the Body

#26Sam Gold Hamlet
Posted: 8/25/17 at 12:13pm

Has anyone tried the full-price cancellation line for this? (Or heard of anyone getting a ticket this way?)

JBroadway Profile Photo
#27Sam Gold Hamlet
Posted: 8/25/17 at 12:22pm

anniebakerfan said: "Has anyone tried the full-price cancellation line for this? (Or heard of anyone getting a ticket this way?)"


As a matter of fact, I did it yesterday. Here's a full report:

I got to the theatre at about 12:30pm, and there were already 3 people in front of me (one of whom was getting 2 tickets, so I was ticket #5). The first person got there around 9:30 or something. The 2nd person got there at like 10:45 I think (I can't remember exactly, but something in that range). The box office opened at 2pm, and by then there were roughly 8-10 people in line. Luckily, there were already 2 tickets available via cancellation, so the first person in line got tickets right away, while the rest of us got put on the list. They tell you to come back at a half hour to curtain. When you do, they give you a buzzer with a number, (like you'd see at a fast food restaurant), and you can wait anywhere in the lobby. If a ticket becomes available for you, the buzzer will go off and you go up to the box office to purchase it. My buzzer went off at about 5 minutes to curtain, and I know the 2 people behind me were also able to get in. So there were at least 7 cancellations yesterday total. 


#28Sam Gold Hamlet
Posted: 8/25/17 at 12:37pm

Thanks for the details! Hope you liked the show

Andy51 Profile Photo
#29Sam Gold Hamlet
Posted: 8/25/17 at 2:00pm

This is a brilliant production and a performance for the ages by Isaac.  Gold and Isaac have been thinking about the play and about doing it together since their days together at Julliard fifteen years ago, and it shows.  After seeing Gold's direction of The Glass Menagerie -- which I considered a failure -- I was prepared to be disappointed.  When he misses, he can miss pretty badly.  But, in my view, he hit it out of the park with three out of four productions this season: Othello, DH2, and Hamlet.    

Updated On: 8/25/17 at 02:00 PM
