Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

#25re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:43pm

Hey. not bitter at all. but brit theatre is truly disenfranchised and never quite as good as american theatre. It happens over and over again...its the spectacle that drives people in...never the work. It's a fast buck...and it always seems to be the case with their kind of theatre. If Sh*tty Sh*tty was less concerned about selling you the toys, lollipops and model cars...wait let's see (family of 4=$400 plus the tshirts, toys and lazer-beam light...oh yeah and don't forget the GIANT tub of popcorn which teaches all our audiences what NOT to do in a theatre house..losing all theatre ettiquette altogether)....instead of focusing on creating a story up there on that stage that can give something juicy for actors to work might work out better.

It is not about expecting high-art....

But time has proven with so many other shows "mamma mia, phantom, mary poopins....and the horrible retelling of "Batboy" recently......that they are into fluffing things out...with dry or no humor at all..and never about the warmth of storytelling the way we do in America. I cringe at the arrival of Billy Elliot..I hope it proves me wrong.

I am optimistic about it...But there are other things to spend your time and money on...than Sh*tty Sh*tty.....

there just is.

I just don't need to see 20 dogs running on stage so everyone can say///'OOOOhhh lookkk how cute!!!!"

I think it's all a cheap stunt. one trick pony show.

and that's what this entire show felt's like the producers and directors sat there to say..

"ok, many cheap tricks can we put out there so people can oooh and ahhhh for 2 hours"....
NOT for the NY Broadway Theatre.
I felt the same thing for Lion King.
A puppet show...that's all.

It's a fine flashy show....if you're at Disney world...
and that's where it belongs......

sorry. it's just an opinion.

#26re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:48pm

Thank you for at least supporting your opinion with other examples. Though I still diagree with you, mostly. I agree that the food in the theatre shouldnh't be allowed, but that's their decision for their reasons. It's a family show, and their making obvious attempts to appeal to families; the time changes, the overall atmosphere, the food, the souveniers.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#27re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:50pm

I hardly know enough about British theatre to accurately discuss that, but it's quite silly to make such a blanket statement that ALL British theatre is one thing. I've only been to the West End once, but I doubt it is. Like New York theatre, it appeared quite varied and diversified, though maybe in a different, unfamiliar way. We often dislike that to which we are unaccustomed.

I suppose if you'd dig up the political undertones that hide underneath the story, you'd see that it isn't TRULY all about the tricks, and even if it is mostly so - let it be. It's got some value, even if you have to dig a little bit deeper for it than you might have to do with Sondheim.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 04:50 PM

NYC_or_Bust Profile Photo
#28re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 6:42pm

Chitty was a life changing experience for me...It wasn't a show that I had to really think deeply about because of the plot, but watching the actors, the LAVISH sets, amazing orchestrations, and generally the whole package....I was fully reassured that THIS (musical theatre) is what i want to do with my life..So thank you Chitty!

Anyhow another thing that I've been thinking about reading this post involving Brit. how sad AMERICAN Musical theatre is...I mean that's the thing, broadway has really stolen a lot of credit from the brits....When all the tourists from all over the world come to broadway to see shows like Phantom, CATS, etc...we stand back very cocky and in a very "Gaston manner" and act like "yeah, well that's our good ol' Brodaway"

I adore the black band holding on the Phantom's mask. ~ Jenna2

sanda Profile Photo
#29re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 6:52pm

The show is very lame. If you do not have another choice, say lose the lottery of DRS or Q or Bee or something and still want see a show, then you can try it with student rush. I don't think the show will last long and see that car for $26.5 is not too bad.
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 06:52 PM

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#30re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 6:55pm

Sanda, you're going to get the Emcee death stare again! re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

That's sweet, NYC.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 06:55 PM

sanda Profile Photo
#31re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 6:58pm

Oh,Emcee, someday I should meet you on Broadway and you can kill me as much as you like. :)

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#32re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 7:00pm

hehehe. I'm a tiny little thing, I can cause very little harm. re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

You love me!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#33re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 7:12pm

I'm wondering why there is this blanket assumption that everyone can do student rush. Are those of us who have finished our schooling really that much of a minority now? re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#34re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 7:15pm

The truth is that a LOT of people who aren't actually students have *fake* student ID's, so long as phsyically, they can pass for being young enough. And the suggestion sort of goes with an unspoken "if you're able."

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#35re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 7:16pm

Aww. I really enjoyed it. More than I expected to, actually.

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#36re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 7:21pm

I agree about the toys, its not a baseball game. It should ahve people going to the families yelling, "Get you chitty now and tshirts and teddy bears!"

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#37re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 7:22pm

I could see it being far more objectionable if it interfered with the show, no? I've seen the same thing at Mamma Mia!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 07:22 PM

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#38re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 8:11pm

I'd go see it just to see Raul...*sigh* His love.

#39re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 8:53pm

Something that gives this "worthless", "trite", "stupid" show value is the father-children relationship. My dad died when I was little, and I guess that's one of the reasons I love Chitty so much. So I took more away from the show than just some spiffy flying car effects... I think it has a lot of heart, and watching the Potts family onstage is really a joy for me.

And for the car horn performance, I paid fifty dollars for the seat (center front! Whoo!), but for the other performances I paid $100. No more spending for me this year...

"Well, obviously Company is about the Kennedy family. Bobby is played by Raul, and JFK is played by Harvey Fierstein." -vfd88

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#40re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 8:55pm

I want to be honked at! But I *totally* don't have $100 to blow.

Double entendre NOT intended.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#41re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 9:26pm

Oh! How did you get front row for $50? I'd be willing to pay that.

#42re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 11:37pm

Oh, a guy outside the theatre who couldn't use his tickets because his wife had gone into labour (!)... I apologize. I thought it was too good too be true, too.

"Well, obviously Company is about the Kennedy family. Bobby is played by Raul, and JFK is played by Harvey Fierstein." -vfd88
