Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

JudasIscariot Profile Photo
#0Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/12/05 at 4:05am

Hey, I actually have a few questions. When did Chitty come out, was it nominated for any Tonys? Is it a revival? I love Raul, how is he in this show? Is it worth the money? Will there be a cast recording? Thanks!

kec Profile Photo
#1re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/12/05 at 5:43am

IT's not a revival, it's a new show that transferred from London. There is a London cast recording, which I understand is being sold in the theatre. No word, as far as I know, if there will be a Broadway cast recording. Chitty opened in New York in April 2005 and was nominated for five Tonys, but didn't win any. I haven't seen the NY show, so I cant' tell you about Raoul. Hope this helps a bit re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

#2re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/12/05 at 6:56am

I was told, by the father of one of the cast members, that there will not be a U.S. cast recording of Chitty. He said the London version is selling well. Raul is fantastic in the show, but you wouldn't expect less, would you? My daughter made me go to the show (she wanted tickets for her birthday) and, to be honest, I didn't think I would like it. But, it is delightfully refreshing and fun. I think it's a must show for anyone with children (even teenagers). We met many of the cast after the show, including Raul, and found they are some of the nicest people we've ever met. This was a great experience for both me and my daughter.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#3re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/12/05 at 7:37am

The movie came out in something like 1968, if that's what your asking. The show here was eligible for a Best Musical nod, but it didn't get one. Because many of the songs were originally written for the movie so many years ago, it was NOT eligible for Best Score. It did get five nods: Leading Actress (Erin Dilly), Featured Actor (Marc Kudisch), Featured Actress (Jan Maxwell), Set Design and... damn it, I can't remember the fifth one.... I think it was for lighting. It didn't win any, though.

Anyway, I don't think I'd say Chitty's worth dropping $100 on, but it's definitely worth the $25 for student rush, especially because you'll get nearly perfect seats. If they did anything right, it was with the casting; Marc (be advised that Marc will be gone from September 24-November 27, doing See What I Wanna See at the Public) and Jan are HYSTERICAL and Kevin Cahoon is brilliant. Erin's cute and sings beautifully, though it's a hard part to get much depth to. Raúl is.... Raúl. Nobody's going to tell you it's the best work he's ever done, but he's still working his butt off, and it shows. And how happy he looks up there is totally contagious. He's overcome the issue of being possibly a bit miscast, and has found his niche with the part; every time I see him, he gets better and better, and never, ever fails to impress me. He's funny, adorable, charming and sings as beautifully as ever. He's also quite the dancer, which is worth the $25 alone. If you're lucky enough to meet him, though it's become very unlikely, he's very, very sweet. He's one of the loveliest people I've ever met.

That said, the show isn't high art or life-changing theatre, but it's just a fun time, and the special affects are some of the best you'll ever see. I say go see it, especially if you're a fan of Raúl's. If nothing else, you'll probably get some laughs at the fact that he dresses up like a ragdoll. I thought I'd hate the show the first time I saw it, and did so honestly only to see him; I've since seen it more times than I care to admit right now, because I've fallen for it as a giddy sort of guilty pleasure. Go check it out, it's fun. And honestly, why not feel like a kid again for a few hours? re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 07:37 AM

#4re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/12/05 at 9:50pm

Honestly, I adore this show. It's probably not a show you would want to see over and over, but I think it's something everyone should see once. It will make you feel like a kid again, and you will most likely leave the theatre humming the title song. Wether you want to or not.

"What a mystery this world. One day you love them and the next day you want to kill them a thousand times over." The Masked Bandit in THE FALL

broadwaystar2b Profile Photo
#5re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/12/05 at 10:10pm

I have to repeat what everyone else has been saying
I went in fully expecting to loathe it but it turned out to be charming and adorable and it really did make me feel like a kid again
And this is coming from a cynical going-off-to-college teenager mind you

focusingonmoviesmatt Profile Photo
#6re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/12/05 at 10:14pm

Dont spend 100 dollars seeing this shoew. The student rush seats are great. the seats i got were row n center orchestra. the lady next to me was bad that she paid 100 and i paid only 25. raul is good but i liked marc kudish and jan maxwell alot.

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#7re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:44am

I love this show! It's just so much FUN. It's the only show I saw twice this summer, which is saying a lot. I didn't love it the MOST, but I did see it twice. Anyway, Raul is fantastic. I had NO previous exposure to him at all, and I came away completely, utterly head-over-heels in love with him. re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang The rest of the cast is great, especially Jan and Marc. Jan is brilliantly hysterical.
I just wish Raul came out more often, then I would really be happy. re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang If you go, have fun, and definitely do the student tix! Totally worth it.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#8re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:48am

I don't even KNOW why I'm able to sit through it over and over. It makes me pratically giddy, but I'm a little kid at heart.

Raúl looooooove. yaaaaay.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#9re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:48am

I agree with all the above, especially em. I love this show. It makes you feel like a kid again, and is a blast. The cast is really strong, especially Marc, Jan, Kevin, and Raul. I'd recommend you try to see it, try the rush tickets though.

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#10re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:52am

Em, did I read somewhere that you are planning on seeing it again? re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Dude, (did I just say dude?) it makes me totally giddy too. I bounce around and clap and grin (well, you know this, but anyway). I feel like I'm five again, and I love that.

Woah, it's wierd being in a different time zone. The bww clock says it's 12:50, but I'm in Seattle, where it's only 9:50. Crazy.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#11re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:54am

You did. This weekend. Once more before school starts, then I have to take a break. I promise!

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#12re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:55am

And how many times more have you seen it than I now em? re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#13re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:56am

As of now, I've seen it six times.

Yes, I know. It's highly embarassing.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#14re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:57am

Are you going to stagedoor this time?

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#15re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 12:58am

Probably; I need to say goodbye to someone I know in the cast - she's leaving the show next weekend.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#16re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 1:01am

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, she is? That's sad. re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang She's a sweetie (if we're talking about the same person). I'm assuming it was just a summer thing, then.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#17re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 1:01am

Yep, I guess so. re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

A work of art is an invitation to love.

ElphieDefiesGravity Profile Photo
#18re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 1:04am

But it must have been an amazing experience. How cool would it be to be ON BROADWAY for the summer?!
I wish I was talented.

"Blow out the candles, Robert, and make a wish. Want something. Want something."

Wishes come true, not free.

#19re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 2:37am

I haven't had the energy since I got back from New York (after a month stay, I was at Stagedoor Manor for three weeks) to write up reviews, but I will say this:

I was in the city for a week, and ended up seeing Chitty three times. And Mr. Esparza is a walking acting lesson.... Like, honestly, he is one of the most amazing performers I've ever seen.

And Jan Maxwell, Kevin Cahoon, and Marc Kudisch STEAL the show.

*sigh* I have to write a cohesive review. Eventually.

OH, and I saw the show from the front row, all three times...

The hundred dollars is worth it for the facial expressions. And for Raul honking his car horn at you. (And generally playing the show to me, but I think that's because I was the one face grinning idiotically in a sea of stoicism.)

"Well, obviously Company is about the Kennedy family. Bobby is played by Raul, and JFK is played by Harvey Fierstein." -vfd88

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#20re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 2:39am

I look forward to reading the full review when it comes.

If I were an actor at all, I'd probably think the same. Not that there's not a ton we non-actors can learn from him, as well.

I want him to honk the car horn at me. Did you snag front row on rush, or did you pay $100 every time?!

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 02:39 AM

#21re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:15pm

SH*tty SH*tty Dung DUng

is what I called this show.

if you could get past the 10 convenience gift shops..(including tshirt stands inside the theatre aisles...the ushers selling candy and popcorn in the aisles...YES>.it IS a circus...and $100 to listen to little kids scream throughout the entire performance...and of course the OVER THE TOP sets....which completely takes away from the point of Broadway and Theatre...then go enjoy Sh*tty Sh*tty...

otherwise...once again..London gives us yet another HUGE swooping Spectacle event that is better off at Disneyworld...NOT the Broadway NY Stage.

Those Brits were never good at musical theatre...they just dang aren't.

And Raul Esparza????
Swallowed by the sets and the 20 dogs that run across satge...a waste of talent and time...


luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#22re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:25pm

There's so much crazy jumble in that post that it's not even half worth it to try to find or make reason.

Perhaps, then, quickly - as I feel I'd be expected to respond, though I doubt someone to post something so rash would take much to heart:

There are all different kinds of theatre. And nobody's going to try to pass CCBB off as high art and life-changing theatre, but it's certainly far from being as "destructive" as shows that don't even use original, theatrical scores. I'd say a score that's partially taken from a film has a better place on the Broadway stage than one from the career of a rock artist, that wasn't ever intended to be used to tell a story.

The "why pay $100?!?" argument, and using it to say a show is bad is stupid; there are too many ways around paying that much money, that using the tactic kills the point of what you say.

If a set does its job - which CCBB's set does do, even if it is lavish and often extranneously so, then it doesn't take away from the point of theatre. Isn't the point of set design to take the audience to that place? To create at atmosphere? For a show like CCBB, to do that, they have to be the way they are; it's a fantasy, and the sets go to show such. Yes, they're over the top, but I wouldn't call them useless by any measure. And I think they're quite a feat of design, as well - they're enormous and pretty damned complex.

I'm not going to address the slams you made to British theatrical culture because they're unfounded and bitter; but it is funny that you seem to be a fan of Taboo, and you're slandering Brits. Ironic indeed.

And Raúl Esparza? Perhaps slightly miscast, as he isn't the first person I'd assume to put up to the task, yes. But he could do anything he wanted, and do it beautifully. Over the months so far, he's done nothing but grow into the role and get better and better - the first time I saw the show, I would've agreed that he was eaten alive by the huge sets and large ensemble numbers. And even if this is very, very far from the best thing he's done or the best thing he will do - or from that with the most cultural/political integrity and drive, it would take an actor is his ability to make the part anything more than dull. One of my first comments on his performance was that had the part been given to a mediocre actor, it would have been a trainwreck, and that it says something for the part when an actor like Esparza can work as hard as he does, and only take it so far. But because of what he's able to do with such a thin part, I'd not say he's wasted. And to be completely honest, it's probably a nice and well-deserved break from performances where you deal with death and pain eight times a week. Like it or not, this is the sort of show that's going to bring younger generations into the theatre; and if he can be responsible for that, then he isn't wasting his time.

There's a lot more I could say, but why bother? There's my case, I guess.

A work of art is an invitation to love.
Updated On: 8/15/05 at 04:25 PM

WickedGeek28 Profile Photo
#23re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:37pm

Saw the show, and found it enjoyable.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."
To Kill A Mockingbird

#24re: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Posted: 8/15/05 at 4:41pm

Wow, taboo, honestly. I know em said most of this, but I will restate it. Chitty isn't supposed to be some life changing piece. It's pure fun. It's a great show to put you in a happy mood and to make you feel like a kid again. I'm sorry if you didn't enjoy it, but different people have different tastes. there's no need for you to try to bash a show that some of us really enjoy. The sets? I found some of them a bit massive, but they're supposed to create this other world of Vulgaria and the Potts' family home (the home of an eccentric inventor). I found them to do their job well. As for Raúl, I believe Em basically covered it. He's a phenomenal actor and this proves it. As she said, in the hands of a mediocre actor, it could have been disasterous, Raul does the most he can with the part, and does a fine job. Again, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, but perhaps find a better way to phrase your thoughts because the way you stated it, you come across as a very bitter person who went in with a horrible attitude, not letting any of the show amuse you, which I find sad.
