NY Trip

Anakela Profile Photo
#25re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/3/06 at 9:48pm

What about Jersey Boys? I've been really wanting to see it! Any questionable content?

(Jersey Boys semi-spoilers): Greencup- fyi: there's quite a bit of language in JB (cursing, and sexual). There's also a 'shooting,' and a death via drug overdose (the o.d. is mostly talked about rather than seen, but the 'shooting' happens center stage, gunshot efx and all).
Telecharge says 'may be inappropriate for ages 12 and under (strong language),' while another site says ages 13 and under, so your sister'll probably be ok with it, but I would say again depending on the kid it could be moreso a boredom factor with the music, rather than the 'questionable content' in the show.

(edit to finish my thought :))

Updated On: 4/3/06 at 09:48 PM

greencup Profile Photo
#26re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/3/06 at 9:53pm

Wow, thanks anakela! What about Sweeney? Too intense?

Anakela Profile Photo
#27re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:12pm

Sweeney is... hard to explain. :)

Seriously, though (Sweeney semi-spoilers):
the violence in Sweeney is...a little abstract, in that it's not as visual, not as in-your-face as someone gets cut, and then the fake blood starts flowing, or anything like that. But, you still 'know' when a person has been killed, and with the use of lights and whistles and such, it does still make it really creepy when someone is killed. So there's intensity, but I would say if your sister's seen shows before, and is mature for her age, she would probably really enjoy Sweeney.

LorelaiGilmore Profile Photo
#28re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/3/06 at 10:15pm

OK, so my little sister's 11, and here are some shows she has enjoyed that might be fun(some are already listed)...

The Light in the Piazza(she didn't like it at first, but has now gotten more interested in it)
Spelling Bee
Spamalot(a bit questionable)
The Producers(both her and my cousin saw it at age 9, they enjoyed it, but quite a few things went way over their heads)
The Lion King(I went a with a few friends, and their parents, to see it, everyone in the group from ages 11-50something enjoyed it)

there are probably more, but these are the ones I can currently think of.

oy with the poodles already!

greencup Profile Photo
#29re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/4/06 at 7:02am

Thanks Lorelai!

Elphaba Profile Photo
#30re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/4/06 at 10:03am

my God, DRS is fine for a 12yr old......you people sound like old spinsters.......just rent the movie first, and watch it with her........

It is ridiculous to set a detective story in New York City. New York City is itself a detective story... AGATHA CHRISTIE, Life magazine, May 14, 1956

Anakela Profile Photo
#31re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/5/06 at 12:48am

So I totally thought of this thread tonight: I saw Avenue Q again tonight, and there were a couple of 9-ish year old little girls in the audience. One of the girls was seeing it for the second time, and they seemed to be really enjoying it. So apparently to some kids Q's not as raunchy for kids as I thought it was.

greencup Profile Photo
#32re: NY Trip
Posted: 4/5/06 at 7:41am

I don't see how, as a parent, you could let your 9 year old sit through a show like Ave. Q! Granted some of the stuff would go over their heads, but kids repeat everything they hear at that young of an age, and I would die if I heard a child saying some of the stuff in that show. I'm not even close to being a parent, but that is just my observation. Ha. Not acceptable
